Cdx2–GATA haplotypes

Polymorphism: Cdx2–GATA haplotypes

Variant Type: Haplotype
Location: 12q13.11

- Symbol: VDR
- Name: vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor
- Entrez ID: 7421
- Ensembl ID: ENSG00000111424

  • VDR vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor ( 7421 / ENSG00000111424 )

  • Description:

    The Cdx2–GATA haplotype 1 allele is related to increased mortality risk.

    Ethnicity: Dutch
    Age of cases: Mean age 75.7
    Shorter lived allele: GG
    Longer lived allele: GA, AA
    Finding: Positive

    - Number of cases/controls: 923 (initial)
    - p-value: 0.05 [0.05]
    - Significant: Yes

    Study Design
    - Classifications: Longevity-Associated
    - Study type: Candidate Region/Gene
    - Technology: PCR

    21051524: Associations between vitamin D receptor genotypes and mortality in a cohort of older Dutch individuals.

    Choice: Curate_Johnny
    Created: July 1, 2013, 10:06 a.m.
    Updated: Aug. 8, 2014, 1:05 p.m.

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