
  • Species: + -
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    Sod mutation Sod mutant flies display infertility and a reduction in lifespan [2539600]. Fly
    sun mutation sun mutations increases lifespan and resistance to oxidative stress [15133470] Fly
    Akt1 mutation Akt1 homozygotous have a significantly decreased lifespan [11292874]. Heterozygous Akt1 animals form dwarfs [11292874]. Fly
    Atg7 knockout Knockouts of Atg7 are short-lived with a 30% reduction in maximum lifespan and are hypersensitive to nutrient and oxidative stress [18056421; 19550147]. Fly -30
    E(z) mutation Flies heterozygous for the protein null E(z)63 or the catalytically inactive E(z)731 mutation that are progeny of an out-cross to an Oregon-R (O-R) wild-type strain exhibit a substantially greater median lifespan than the O-R control (71% and 76%, respectively). When derived from an out-cross to a longer-lived Canton-S (C-S) wild-type strain, the median lifespan of E(z)63 heterozygous is 33% longer than the C-S control [20018689]. Fly +33 to +76
    puc mutation Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in puc (either pucA241.1 or pucE69) significantly extend median and maximum lifespan and increase resistance to oxidative stress. Heterzyogosity for puc only modestly extends lifespan in animals carrying a hypomorphic allele of the JNK kinase hep [14602080]. puc heterzyogotes do not differ signficantly from wild-type for body size, reproductive activity or developmental timing, but exhibit increased resistance to oxidative stress and starvation [14602080]. Fly
    elav mutation elav mutation significantly decreases the lifespan. Median lifespan in males is 66% lower [20589912]. Fly
    Ablation of median neurosecretary cells Flies with an ablation of median neurosecretary cells (which eliminates Ilp2 expression) exhibit a significant increase in mean and maximum lifespan over that of control flies and an increase to oxidative stress and starvation. The mutants also exhibit increased storage of lipid and carbohydrate, reduced fecundity, and reduced tolerance of heat and cold [15708981]. The median and maximum lifespan of females is increased by 33.5% and 40%, respectively. In males the median and maximum lifespan is increased by 10.5% and 27%, respectively [15708981]. Fly +10.5 to +33.5 +27 to +40
    aPKC transposition Insertion of a P-based vectors in the structural part of aPKC increase male and female lifespan [22661237]. Fly
    esg transposition Disruption of esg by insertion of the P{GT1} vector 300 bp downstream of its structural part increases male and female lifespan [22661237]. Fly
    insc transposition insc disruption through an insertion of the P{EPgy2} vector in ts structural part prolongs female lifespan [22661237]. Fly
    Lnk mutation Loss of Lnk function results in increased median (14% in females and 17.5 in males) and maximum lifespan, reduced female fecundity and improves survival under conditions of oxidative stress and starvation. Heterozygousity does not result in any significant differences in lifespan in either males or females. Moreover, lifespan extension in one of the female homozygous mutant is fully rescued by the introduction of a Lnk genomic rescue construct [20333234]. Fly -14 to -17.5
    Nlaz mutation Absence of Nlaz, which is homologous to ApoD, results in a reduced lifespan in both sexes. Median lifespan is 30.8% and 22.5% lower in females and males, respectively. Maximum lifespan is reduced by 12% and 30% in females and males [21376794]. Fly -22.5 to -30.8 -12 to -30
    Prx5 mutation dprx5(-/-) null mutants are comparatively more susceptible to oxidative stress, have higher incidence of apoptosis, and a shortened mean lifespan, but thee is no significant difference in maximum lifespan (10% survival) [21826223]. Fly
    Rbp9 mutation Rbp9 mutation significantly decreases longevity with a 33% reduction in median lifespan of males [20589912]. Fly -33
    snz mutation Mutation in snz increases maximum lifespan of both sexes by up to 66%, while the median female lifespan is approximately 85% higher and that of males around 72% [18478054]. Fly +72 to +85 +66
    yata mutation yata mutation shortens the maximum lifespan by 68% and results in progressive deterioration of the nervous tissues and aberrant accumulation of Sec23 [19209226]. Fly -68
    Cdk5 mutation Cdk5 loss-of-function mutations result in defective axon guidance, age-dependent behavioral deficits and reduced lifespan by about one third [17368005]. Fly
    cert mutation CG7207 mutants exhibit a shortened lifespan accompanied by enhanced oxidative damage to cellular proteins and metabolic compromise, such as increasing glucose levels, reminiscent of premature aging [17592126]. Fly
    Sod knockout Sod knockout blunts the lifespan extension by a high sugar-low protein diet, but not a low-calorie diet [22672579]. Fly
    Ilp3 mutation Ilp3 null mutants have a normal lifespan under AL and a normal DR response. Ilp2 Ilp3 Ilp5 triple null mutants fail to have a normal response to DR. Their response is right shifted, with mutants being shorter-lived compared to wild-type on low but longer-lived on high yeast concentrations [20195512]. Fly
    Ilp5 mutation Abundance of Ilp5 mRNA is reduced under DR. Ilp5 null mutants have a normal lifespan under AL and a normal DR response. Ilp2 Ilp3 Ilp5 triple null mutants fail to have a normal response to DR. Their response is right shifted, with mutants being shorter-lived compared to wild-type on low but longer-lived on high yeast concentrations [20195512]. Fly
    p53 mutation Globally lack of p53 decreases lifespan [16303568]. Loss of p53 activity slightly shortens the lifespan. Mutants that lack p53 survive well up to 50 days, but mortality rate increases relative to wild-type at later ages. p53 mutant animals are extremely sensitive to irradiation [12935877]. Fly
    dnc mutation cAMP phosphodiesterase-deficient dunce mutants have an extended maximum lifespan by about 70% [17369827]. Fly +70
    Pi3K92E mutation Heterozyogous mutation in Pi3K92E fails to extend lifespan [11292874] and it is recessive lethal. Fly
    • Page 1 of 4
    • 25 of 84 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.