
  • Species: + -
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    yata mutation yata mutation shortens the maximum lifespan by 68% and results in progressive deterioration of the nervous tissues and aberrant accumulation of Sec23 [19209226]. Fly -68
    Trx-2 mutation Trx-2 mutants have a 25% reduction in maximum lifespan and exhibit lower tolerance to oxidative stress while animals carrying multiple copies of Trx-2 exhibit higher tolerance [17567437]. Fly -25
    Thor mutation Null mutation in Thor (alias d4E-BP) causes a significant decrease in longevity (-25% median lifespan in males). foxo (alias dFOXO) and Thor null mutants are compromised in stress resistant. Stress resistance of foxo null mutants is rescued by Thor overexpression [16055649]. Thor null mutants cancel out DR-induced lifespan extension, because mutants exhibit a diminished change in lifespan when nutrient conditions were varied. Thor null mutants have a wild-type similar reduction in egg production upon DR [19804760]. Fly -25
    sun mutation sun mutations increases lifespan and resistance to oxidative stress [15133470] Fly
    Sod mutation Sod mutant flies display infertility and a reduction in lifespan [2539600]. Fly
    Sod knockout Sod knockout blunts the lifespan extension by a high sugar-low protein diet, but not a low-calorie diet [22672579]. Fly
    snz mutation Mutation in snz increases maximum lifespan of both sexes by up to 66%, while the median female lifespan is approximately 85% higher and that of males around 72% [18478054]. Fly +72 to +85 +66
    SNF4Agamma deletion Deletion of SNF4Agamma from the first day of the imaginal stage shortens mean lifespan by 23% and causes morphological and behavioural features of premature aging [18219227]. Fly -23
    Sir2 mutation A decrease in Sir2 (alias dSir2) blocks the life-extending effect of caloric reduction or rpd3 mutations [15520384]. Sir2 mutation does not reduce lifespan under AL [15520384]. Fly
    Sh mutation Genetic mutation in Sh decrease lifespan by accelerating the aging proces. At 25 degree mean and maximum lifespan is reduced by 16 and 22%, while by 18 degree Celsius the reduction is 32 and 21% [8582611]. Fly -16 to -32 -21 to -22
    sdhC dominant negative overexpression Mutants expressing a dominant negative form of sdhC in the nervous system have a 22% reduced mean lifespan and signs of oxidative stress induction [17854771]. Fly -22
    SdhB mutation SdhB mutants are hypersensitive to oxygen and displays signs of premature aging, including a 66% decrease in mean lifespan and a 17% decrease in maximum lifespan [17056719]. Fly -66 -17
    Scgdelta deletion Deletion of Scgdelta has detrimental effects on the flight muscles of adult animals and heart function. Median lifespan is reduced 15-30% [17855453]. Fly -15 to -30
    ry mutation Loss-of-function mutation of ry reduces mean lifespan by 45% and maximum lifespan by 35% [17435236]. Fly -45 -35
    rut mutation Two rutabaga mutants, rut1 and rut2080, have significantly shortened lifespans [17369827]. Fly
    rho-7 knockout rho-7 knockout flies have severe neurological defects and a much reduced lifespan [16713954]. Fly
    Rbp9 mutation Rbp9 mutation significantly decreases longevity with a 33% reduction in median lifespan of males [20589912]. Fly -33
    rb mutation Loss-of-function mutation reduces mean lifespan by 33 and maximum lifespan by 22% [17435236]. Fly -33 -22
    puc mutation Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in puc (either pucA241.1 or pucE69) significantly extend median and maximum lifespan and increase resistance to oxidative stress. Heterzyogosity for puc only modestly extends lifespan in animals carrying a hypomorphic allele of the JNK kinase hep [14602080]. puc heterzyogotes do not differ signficantly from wild-type for body size, reproductive activity or developmental timing, but exhibit increased resistance to oxidative stress and starvation [14602080]. Fly
    Prx5 mutation dprx5(-/-) null mutants are comparatively more susceptible to oxidative stress, have higher incidence of apoptosis, and a shortened mean lifespan, but thee is no significant difference in maximum lifespan (10% survival) [21826223]. Fly
    Pi3K92E mutation Heterozyogous mutation in Pi3K92E fails to extend lifespan [11292874] and it is recessive lethal. Fly
    pex16 mutation pex16 mutation lead to a reduced mean lifespan of one-third in females and on-fourth in males. The short lifespan can be rescued by the simultaneous overexpression of pex16 in the fat body and differentiated neurons [21826223]. Mutant flies lack normal peroxisomes, have an reduced adult body size (70%-85% smaller than controls) and rozy eyes, show locomotion defects in the development of the nervous system [21826223]. Fly -33 to -75
    p53 mutation Globally lack of p53 decreases lifespan [16303568]. Loss of p53 activity slightly shortens the lifespan. Mutants that lack p53 survive well up to 50 days, but mortality rate increases relative to wild-type at later ages. p53 mutant animals are extremely sensitive to irradiation [12935877]. Fly
    p53 dominant negative overexpression Expression of dominant-negative versions of p53 in adult neurons extends lifespan by 58% in females and by 32% in males and increases resistance to genotoxic stress and resistance to oxidative stress, but not to starvation or heat stress, while not affecting egg production or physical activity. Dominant negative Dmp53 expression cancels out lifespan extension effect of DR, low calorie-food (5% SY). Muscle or fat body specific expression of a dominant negative form of Dmp53 as well as globally lack of Dmp53 decreases lifespan [16303568]. Expression of dominant-negative (DN) form of p53 in adult neurons, but not in muscle or fat body cells, extends median lifespan by 19% and maximum lifespan by 8%. The lifespan of dietary-restricted flies is not further extended by simultaneously expressing DN-DMp53 in the nervous system, indicating that a decrease in Dmp53 activity may be part of the DR lifespan-extending effect. Selective expression of DN-Dmp53 in only the 14 insulin-producing cell (IPCs) in the brain extends lifespan to the same extent as expression in all neurons and this lifespan extension is not additive with DR [17686972]. Fly +32 to +58 +19 +8
    ovo mutation The dominant ovoD1 allele extends female lifespan by approximately 50%. It does not synergize or prevent life-extension caused by chico [10617470; 11292874]. ovoD1 mutants are sterile [Mevel-Ninio et al. 1991]. Fly +50
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    • 25 of 85 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.