
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    NMD4 deletion Deletion of NMD4 increases replicative lifespan [16293764]. NMD4 deletion results in replicative lifespan increase by 25% in the alpha strain and decrease by 20% in a strain [19030232]. Yeast -20 to +25
    NDI1 deletion Deletion of NDI1 results in chronological lifespan extension [16436509]. Yeast
    MXR2 deletion Deletion of MXR2 (alias MsrB) has no effect on replicative lifespan under normal growth conditions, but simulatonous deletion of MXR2 together with MXR1 dramatically reduces replicative lifespan by 63% [15141092]. Yeast
    MXR1 deletion Deletion of MXR1 (alias MsrA) decreases (by 25%) the replicative lifespan [15141092]. Deletion of MXR1 decreases replicative lifespan [19049972]. MXR1 deletion decreases replicative lifespan on either glucose or lactate as carbon source [20799725]. Although deletion or overexpression of MXR2 (alias MsrB) has no effect under normal growth conditions, the simultaneous deletion of MXR1 and MXR2 reduces the lifespan by 63% [15141092]. Yeast -25
    MRL4 deletion MRS4 deletion decreases mean replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain and 40% in a strain [18340043; 19030232]. Yeast -30 to -40
    MEP3 deletion Deletion of MEP3 extends chronological lifespan [16418483]. Yeast
    MEP2 deletion Deletion of MEP2 extends chronological lifespan [16418483]. Yeast
    MEC1 deletion MEC1 mutants have a 3-fold reduced mean and maximum chronological lifespan under conditions of medium depletion [17710147]. Yeast
    LIN1 deletion Deletion of LIN1 increases replicative lifespan [16293764]. LIN1 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 40% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Yeast +40
    KSS1 deletion Deletion of KSS1 results in increased sensitivity to heat shock and oxidative stress and a 25% reduction in median chronological lifespan [17662940]. Yeast -25
    TEC1 deletion Absence of TEC1 causes a significant shortened chronological lifespan, but does not block chronological lifespan extension by rapamycin [21840851]. Yeast
    SIT4 deletion SIT4 deletion slightly increases chronological lifespan and totally abolishes the lifespan shortening due to ISC1 deletion [21707788]. Yeast
    ISC1 deletion ISC1 deletion decreases chronological lifespan [21707788; 21707788]. CTA1 overexpression partially suppresses the shortened lifespan by ISC1. Deletion of SIT4 totally rescues the short lifespan of ISC1 mutants [21707788]. HOG1 deletion partially suppresses the premature aging phenotype and short lifespan of ISC1 deletion [22445853]. Yeast
    IPT1 deletion IPT1 deletion decreases mean replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Yeast -30
    INP54 deletion INP54 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Deletion of INP54 results in an increase in replicative lifespan by 15% in the alpha strain and a decrease by 15% in the a strain [18340043]. Yeast -15 to +30
    INP51 deletion Deletion of INP51 increases replicative lifespan by 10% in the alpha strain and in a strain [18340043; 19030232]. Yeast +10
    INM1 deletion Deletion of INM1 increases replicative lifespan [16293764]. INM1 deletion results in a replicative lifespan increase by 50% in the alpha strain and a decrease by 10% in a strain [19030232]. Yeast -10 to +50
    IDP3 deletion Deletion of IDP3 results in a replicative lifespan increase by 15% in the alpha strain and decrease by 20% in the a strain [18340043; 19030232]. Yeast -20 to +15
    HAT2 deletion HAT2 deletion mutants have an by 30% extended mean replicative lifespan. A hat2 mutant or a hat1hat2 double mutant, but not a hat1 mutant, have an extended lifespan [16023114]. Yeast +30
    GLN3 deletion Deletion of GLN3 extends chronological lifespan [16418483]. GLN3 deletion decreases replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain [19030232]. GLN3 deletion in the vineyard strain dramatically shortens chronological lifespan, while extends that of the laboratory strain [21901113]. Yeast -20
    GIN4 deletion Deletion of GIN4 decreases replicative lifespan by 35% in the alpha strain [18340043; 19030232]. Yeast -35
    GCN5 deletion Deletion of GCN5 decreases replicative lifespan of extension of rho+ and rho0 cells as well as suppresses lifespan extension by the retrograde response [15547318]. Deletion of GCN5 strongly reduces chronological lifespan [19801973]. Yeast
    GCN2 deletion Deletion of GCN2 decreases replicative lifespan by 10% in a strain [18340043]. GCN2 deletion decreases replicative lifespan by 10-20% in both alpha and a strains [19030232]. Yeast -10 to-20
    FBP1 deletion Deletion of FBP1 increases survival during the first 15 days during chronologocal aging, but does not increase chronological lifespan. FBP1 deletion reduces production of reactive oxygen species [16199065]. Yeast
    CYT2 mutation Mutation of CYT2 decreases replicative lifespan by 25% in the alpha strain [18340043; 19030232]. Yeast -25
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.