
Collaboration is working together in an intellectual endeavor to achieve a common goal. o


  • project Organizations members People Description
    Denigma 5 9 Fuellen; Magalhaes; Debonneuil; Kulaga; Wuttke; Adams; Borisoglebsky; Fortney; Hall Denigma is the digital Enigma destined to decipher biological phenomena. All information of an organism is encoded in its genome and can be decrypted via the combined effort of humans and machines. For this, Denigma was build for. Specifically, Deni...
    Graph Visualization 3 7 Stambler; Kulaga; Wuttke; Nishry; Mind; Atraylen; Horusavatar **Data on Aging** need to be **visualized** with an ``interactive`` and ``intuitive interface`` that enables ``collaborative reverse-engineering`` of the Aging process. It shall be a popular and interactive way of to convey a basic understanding of t...
    Global Computing Initiative 1 5 Kulaga; Wuttke; Borisoglebsky; Brown; Bartko | **Global** GCI | **Computing** | **Initiative** The Global Computing Initiative (GCI) are Developers dedicated in the development of computational technologies that facilitate the advancement of human collective knowledge and support anti-Agin...
    Semantic Web Against Aging 1 7 Kulaga; Medvedev; Wuttke; Repnikov; Borisoglebsky; Orlovs; Zimin .. contents:: **Contents** Authors : Daniel Wutske (Hevok), Anton Kulaga (antonkulaga), Dmitry Borisoglebsky Preface ======= Let us start from the original description of Denigma Project and then move forward. “By integrating all...
    Denigma 5 9 Fuellen; Magalhaes; Debonneuil; Kulaga; Wuttke; Adams; Borisoglebsky; Fortney; Hall Denigma is the digital Enigma destined to decipher biological phenomena. All information of an organism is encoded in its genome and can be decrypted via the combined effort of humans and machines. For this, Denigma was build for. Specifically, Deni...
    Denigma 5 9 Fuellen; Magalhaes; Debonneuil; Kulaga; Wuttke; Adams; Borisoglebsky; Fortney; Hall Denigma is the digital Enigma destined to decipher biological phenomena. All information of an organism is encoded in its genome and can be decrypted via the combined effort of humans and machines. For this, Denigma was build for. Specifically, Deni...
    Educational Platform 1 4 Stambler; Kulaga; Katiyar; Xu ``Eduction`` should be **free to anyone**. The International Longevity Alliance promotes eduction of people about longevity. Classic Universities shall offer **Anti-Aging related courses**. Further, something along the line of **Longevity Unive...
    Graph Visualization 3 7 Stambler; Kulaga; Wuttke; Nishry; Mind; Atraylen; Horusavatar **Data on Aging** need to be **visualized** with an ``interactive`` and ``intuitive interface`` that enables ``collaborative reverse-engineering`` of the Aging process. It shall be a popular and interactive way of to convey a basic understanding of t...
    • 8 collaborations


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