

Denigma cartographies changes from the molecular level to whole physiology which occur in defined contrasts such as aging and dietary as well as genetic lifespan-extending interventions:

  • aging (young vs. old)
  • dietary (DR vs. AL)
  • genetic (mutant vs. wild-type) o
ID name taxid reference pmid tissue comparision start stop gender description
22 D-3-hydroxybutyrate increases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Diet 30% DR for 48h at 16 weeks male
23 D-3-hydroxybutyrate increases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Mutant Irs1df/df at 16 weeks male
64 Decrease in WNT gene expression 9606 RoSyBa 2011 adipose-derived stem cells age 40 year 60 year females A dramtic decrease in WNT gene expression occurs in Adipose-dreived stem cells from females at the age of 40-60 years [RoSyBa 2011].
99 Decreased body fat 10090 Diet DR AL Body fat decreases upon DR [6608731].
103 Decreased stem cell activity 20504968 age Advanced age is associated with decreased stem cell activity [20504968].
59 Deteriorarition of circadian rhytms 10090 Farajnia, et al 2012 Suprachiasmatic Nucleus age 2 month 30 month Aged mice have disrupted sleep hevaiour and weakened brain network activity in the SCN. Aged SCN neurons lack day-night rhythms in some membrane properties. There is an age-related reductions of certain potassium currents that are import to the neuron’s rhythmic firing. Behavioral and sleep-wake rhythms exhibit a strong fragmentation, starting at the age of 700 d. Aged mice are deficient in membrane properties and GABAergic postsynaptic current amplitude. Aging mice selectively loss circadian modulation of fast-delayed-rectifer and A-type K+ currents. In aged mice at the tissue level, the phase synchrony of SCN neurons was grossly disturbed, with some subpopulations peaking in anti-phase and a reduction in amplitude of the overall multiunit activity rhythm.
46 DHEA declines 9606 Jeff 70 male
52 DHEA decreases 9606 Hinson and Raven, 1999 10495400 serum age 25 year 85 year males/females DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate) is the most abundant circulating steroid secreted by adrenal glands. Duo to its position int the steroid cascade DHEA act like kind of ”the mother steroid” (Regelson et al., 1994). DHEA reaches its highest levels at age 20-24. Its serum concentration declines with increasing age after 25 years and diminishes about 95% by 85 years. DHEA deficiency syndrome is a new term for old age [10495400].
54 DHEA decreases 9544 Lane et al., 1997 9215277 serum Age 5 year 26 year males/females Males and female rhesus monkeys exhibit a steady, age-related decline in serum DHEAS. The proportional age-related loss of DHEAS in rhesus moneys is over twice the rate of decline observed in humans [9215277].
55 DHEA deline slows 9544 Lane et al., 199 9215277 serum diet DR males/females DR slows postmaturational decline in serum DHEAS levels form the age of 6.5 to 9.5 [9215277].
51 DHEA increases 9606 Willcox et al., 2007 17986602 serum diet Okinawa Okinawa aged 65-plus have relatively high DHEA levels.
53 DHEA increases 9606 Hinson and Raven, 1999 10495400 serum age 10 year 20 year males/females DHEA reaches its highest levels at age 20-24 [10495400].
97 Diminished cognitive skills 9606 age Cognitive skill such as learning and memory diminish with age [].
2 Downregulation of exo-3 6239 Schlotterer et al., 2010 20346071 Whole body Age
126 Elevated long-chain lactosylceramides 9606 21687659 fibroblasts age old young Long-chain lactosylceramides (LacCers) are significantly elevated in human fibroblasts isolated from elderly individuals [21687659].
83 elt-3 expression increases 6239 17608836 age Expression of elt-3 increases during devleopment and aging [17608836].
81 elt-5 expression increases 6239 17608836 17608836 age Expression of elt-5 increases with during devleopment and aging [17608836].
82 elt-6 expression increases 6239 17608836 age Expression of elt-6 increases during devleopment and aging [17608836].
101 Enhanced mitochondrial function 7227 Zid et al. 2009 19804760 diet DR AL Flies upon DR have enhanced mitochondrial function, which is mediated by enhanced mRNA translation of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial mRNAs in a d4E-BP dependent manner [19804760]
105 Eno1 induction 4932 Herbert et al. in press diet DR (0.5% glucose) AL (2% glucose) Moderate DR upregulates Eno1 levels [Herbert et al. in press].
112 Eno1 induction 4932 Herbert et al. in press diet DR (0.5% glucose) AL (2% glucose) High osmolarity upregulates Eno1 levels [Herbert et al. in press].
113 Fba1 induction 4932 Herbert et al. in press diet DR (0.5% glucose) AL (2% glucose) High osmolarity upregulates Fba1 levels [Herbert et al. in press].
114 Fba1 induction 4932 Herbert et al. in press diet DR (0.5% glucose) AL (2% glucose) High osmolarity upregulates Fba1 levels [Herbert et al. in press].
62 Fertility declines 6239 20041217 whole body age females Fertility and reproduction sharply decline in early/mide-adulthood, folloed by a long post-reproductuve period, followed by a long-post-reproductive period [6,7 in 20041217].
63 Fertility declines 9606 20041217 whole body age females Female fertility declines in the mid-adulthood and reproduction ceases, followed by a long post-reproductive period [Refs in 20041217].

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