

Denigma cartographies changes from the molecular level to whole physiology which occur in defined contrasts such as aging and dietary as well as genetic lifespan-extending interventions:

  • aging (young vs. old)
  • dietary (DR vs. AL)
  • genetic (mutant vs. wild-type) o
ID name taxid reference pmid tissue comparision start stop gender description
27 Trimethylamine decreases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Mutant Irs1-/- at 16 weeks male
28 Trimethylamine decreases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Mutant Irs1df/df at 16 weeks male
29 Choline decreases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Diet 30% DR for 48h at 16 weeks male
30 Glycerophosphocholine decreases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Diet 30% DR for 48h at 16 weeks male
31 Glycerophosphocholine decreases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Mutant Irs1-/- at 16 weeks male
32 Glycerophosphocholine increases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Mutant Irs1df/df at 16 weeks male
33 Trimethylamine-N-Oxide increases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Diet 30% DR for 48h at 16 weeks male
34 Scyllo-inositol increases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Mutant Irs1-/- at 16 weeks male
36 alpha- and beta-glucose decreases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Diet 30% DR for 48h at 16 weeks male
37 Glycine decreases 10090 Wijeyesekera et al., 2012 22225495 Plasma Diet 30% DR for 48h at 16 weeks male
38 HDL increases 9606 Fontana et al., 2004 15096581 Plasma Diet Chronic DR
41 Mitochondrial dysfunction increases 9606 Petersen et al., 2003 12750520 muscle Age Aging is accompanied by an increase in mitochondrial dysfunction in muscle of humans [12750520].
43 Follicle stimulating hormone increases 9606 Jeff Age 40 year male and emale Follicle stimulating hormone increases dramatically and becomes much more bioactive after the age of 40 in both men and women.
44 Luteneinzing hormone increases 9606 Jeff Age 40 year male and female Luteneizing hormone increases dramatically and becomes much more bioactive after the age 40 in both mena nd women.
45 human chorionic gonadotrophin increases 9606 Jeff Age 40 year male and female human chorionic gonadotrophin hCG increases in both men and women after age 40.
46 DHEA declines 9606 Jeff 70 male
47 Melatonin declines 9606 Age 70/35 year male/female Melatonin peaks at night and peaks keeps dropping throughout your life and can drop by 60% by the time an individual reaches age 50. Increased age is associated with a reduction in noctronal melatonin vlaues. This drop correlates with reduction in the TAS of the blood (From Benot et al (123)).
48 Growth hormone declines 9606 Age 70/35 year male/female
49 Progesterone declines 9606 Age 70/35 year male/female
50 Vitamin D3 declines 9606 As one gets odler te ability for one's skin to create Vitamin D3 declines dramatically.
51 DHEA increases 9606 Willcox et al., 2007 17986602 serum diet Okinawa Okinawa aged 65-plus have relatively high DHEA levels.
55 DHEA deline slows 9544 Lane et al., 199 9215277 serum diet DR males/females DR slows postmaturational decline in serum DHEAS levels form the age of 6.5 to 9.5 [9215277].
62 Fertility declines 6239 20041217 whole body age females Fertility and reproduction sharply decline in early/mide-adulthood, folloed by a long post-reproductuve period, followed by a long-post-reproductive period [6,7 in 20041217].
63 Fertility declines 9606 20041217 whole body age females Female fertility declines in the mid-adulthood and reproduction ceases, followed by a long post-reproductive period [Refs in 20041217].
65 Protein expression variation increases 4932 Levy et al., 2012 age Transcripts tha become over- or under-expressed in old cells tend to result in protein levels that are more variable across cells in exponential growth [Levy et al., 2012].

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