Change: Chats

created on Jan. 21, 2013, 4:37 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Jan. 25, 2013, 12:25 p.m. by Hevok

The Denigma project currently focuses on building a living map of Aging Research (people, Projects, Collaborations, Content: how to display it for a better use than PubMed, and dedicated to Aging).

The Continuous Longevity Meeting created a videochat community to facilitate contact of everyone in the International Longevity Alliance (Longevity 24/7).

There is a specific channel for computer Programmers to discuss information technology issues associated with the ILA Projects (Developers).

We have defined a Skype Group for this Development called "Video Chat Application". If you want to contribute and the development and testing of videochats toolkits (for example) please indicate so. If it is the case we will add you to the Skype group.

Another project is dedicated the evolution of the Skype place. Skype is great but it harbors several limitations. 2nd life is known to be great place for conferences and we might be given some room in a few months. Many other software exists all with their on limitations. The goal is to create a collaborative community, where we see faces of each other, it is easy to use Skype (and not a Forum), it is very affordable and ideally free, it is very scalable (videochat with many persons) and connected to Aging Research Projects.

The idea is to have a Skype-like environment but with a better structure for the Goals as it would be structured along distributed Research Projects on Aging.

There are channels to other specific Projects under the name of the ILA. Collaborative Projects associated to the ILA including those relate to information technology are listed here [].

The Continuous Longevity Meeting currently features several active chats:


In a Skype chat you can see all available commands, by typing /help.

In order to obtain an absolute URI (URL) type ``/get uri```.

For allowing other people to join a chat run /set options JOINING_ENABLED (you need to have the right privileges). After this with /get options it is possible to check if setting worked properly. It should output options=JOINING_ENABLED.


Categories: Quest

Comment: Included Skype chat URIs.

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