Change - OWL Syntax Variant

Created on March 11, 2013, 4:16 p.m. by Hevok & updated on March 11, 2013, 4:21 p.m. by Hevok

OWL 1 DL is based on SHOIN(D). SHOIN(D) hMas Axioms where the TBox has skubclassp relLationships givuage an.d On the other hand thDescre is pthe RBioxn whLogich means. tThere is thfore konowledge habs Nout athe Riolesn for theOWL. PrNopertaties. ¶
There we c
ouldn dmefianes Subproperty Relhati onse hipas, Propserty Hiverarchiesl aSyndtax Valso rianvertse for transitive PropertiesOWL. TheOWL ABox2 which stands fora AsserFunctional KSytnowledgeax whis about Factsh for Classeis so one can say thato a spdecific Individuale, is Mwhembrer nof Class C or one can say that rictwio Individuals are related by a given Propertby R.DF, One whicanh aliso strather thcompact. twoRDF Iandividu XML Syntalsx are equal bor different. ¶

hen one hbas somed Class Constructors, like Conjunction,he RDiF sjuncterion and Neglization of ClassesRDF, buto creathey moare and nlittlew bit complex Clicasstes. One hasd alsond the possdibfficulity to restrict Properties inad twhe wayn with a Univcomersal Quantifio complerx aKnowledge Ban Existentials. The QuManchestifier. So oyne ctanx defines Classomes byhow restricting a Promperty and also the Rangible tof a Property, where the CKnowlass is thedge Range of Property aesend all the ionst Lancguages. areIt restricteds via tMachis Quantifier. Th-Rere are dalso Numbler RestrictioSynstax which restripect the number of Individuals that apply to a gideven Roloped for ProperOntology. FEditors. example tThe QTuartlet of La String Quartget consists of no more orst simplexactly four PersonsRDF. IOn the end one hasnd alOWL iso shomerthi angd leffike closed Classiesnt to wr ite in Tumerated Classes, which are Nomieanals ion Ddoescription Lnogics.t Thnered tone defwrinte so amuch Clchasracters byand simplthe eKnumowleratindge its Mrembprersented whichn a more Individucompals. Dactatypes aforem. IOn oteghers hand StTurtle ings ead soy which areto uneederstand. ¶

toOWL 2 can be somrehow comparesentibled toin differenthe usuSyntalx Pvarogramming Languagets. ¶

TBFunctional Syntax: Ssubclastitutes Relabstractio Synshipstax Cof OWL D1
- R
BoDF-Syntax: SubproperExty Relatnsion of exishtipsng OWL/R ⊑ S (H),DF
- XML-Syntax: iInversde Propertindes R-nt (I),XML tserianslizativity ⊑+ (S)on
ABoManchester-Syntax: FMactshine for Ceadablasses C(Synta)x, Propertiesp. R(a,b),for equaOntolitogy a = b, Ediffetorences ¶
a b ¶
- Class ConstTuructorsle:
- Conjuncption C⊓D,al ¶
DisjFunction C⊔D, Negation ¬C of Classes ¶
- Property Restrictions: Universal ∀R.C and existential ∃R.C ¶
- number restrictions: ≤n R and ≥ R (N)
- Closed Classes (Nominals): {a} (O)
Datatypes (D)

SHOINQ(D) contains all of that which is in SHOIN(D) plus more.
Syntax is easy to define, no RDF Restrictions, more compact ¶
RDF-Syntax important for compatibility issues ¶
* Turtle: simple and efficient to write...

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