
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    RTG2 deletion RTG2 is required for replicative lifespan extension associated with the retrograde response, a pathway that signals the functional status of mitochondria to the nucleus to regulate the expression of several genes [11024000]. RTG2 is not required for replicative lifespan extension by DR [11024000]. RTG2 null mutants are not petite [8422683], but display various nutrient auxotrphies and alterations of carbohydrate metabolism [7727418]. Yeast
    RPS6B deletion RPS6B deletion increases mean replicative lifespan by about 30% [16293764]. Deletion of RPS6B, but not of the RPS6A paralog increases replicative median lifespan robustly by 45% [17174052]. Yeast +30 +45
    RPO41 mutation RPO41 mutants exhibit reduced chronological lifespan accompanied by imbalanced mitochondrial translation, conditional inactivation of respiration, elevated production of reactive oxygen species, and increased oxidative stress [16782871]. Yeast
    RIM15 deletion RIM15 deletion results in 50% reduction of maximal chronological lifespan [11292860] and consistently decreases chronological lifespan under AL [21076178]. Rim15 is required for chronological lifespan extension caused by deficiency in RAS2, TOR1, or SCH9, as well as by 0.5% glucose restriction, but not by water starvation [18225956]. Yeast
    Resveratrol supplementation Resveratrol significantly extends the lifespan [12939617]. Yeast
    Methionine restriction Restriction of the methionine content in the culture extends mean and maximum lifespan by up to 29 and 16% (1/10 methionine content) [15141092]. Yeast +29 +16
    Petite Respiratory deficient petite cells in YPK9 strain have a replicative lifespan that is extended by 39%. This lifespan extension is strain-specific as Petite cells in W303 have lifespan identical to grande cells and petite cels in strains SP1-1 and A364A have a shorter lifespan than grande cells [10224252]. Respiratory defective petite cells display defective mitochondria and are unable to grow on glycerol. Yeast +39
    TMA29 deletion Replicative lifespan of TMA29 mutants increases by 35% in the alpha strain and decreases by 10% in the a strain [18340043]. Yeast -10 to +35
    REI deletion REI1 deletion increases mean replicative lifespan by about 40% [16293764] in the alpha and a strains [19030232]. Yeast +40
    RCR2 deletion RCR2 deletion extends mean replicative lifespan by 18% and cancels out the lifespan extending effect of DR [22912585]. Yeast +18 -4
    RAS2 deletion RAS2 deletion causes a 23% decrease in mean and a 30% decrease in maximum lifespan [8034612]. Deletion of RAS2 leads to a longer chronological lifespan [21076178]. Deletion of the RAS2 gene, which functions upstream of CYR1, doubles the mean chronological lifespan by a mechanism that requires Msn2/4 and Sod2 [12586694]. DR further extends chronological lifespan of ras2Delta [18225956]. Yeast -23 -30
    RAD50 deletion RAD50 mutations result in a 70% reduced replicative lifespan [10207108]. Yeast -70
    PPG1 deletion PPG1 deletion reduces significantly mean chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Yeast
    PKH2 deletion PKH2 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain and by 15% in the a strain [18340043]. Deletion of PKH2 increases chronological lifespan by 29% [22319457] to 34% [21447998] as well as by 19 - 54% (19, 24, 29, 54) in diploid cells [21447998]. PKH2 mutation extends both replicative and chronological lifespan as well as cancels out DR-induced replicative and chronological lifespan extension [21584246]. Mean and maximum replicative lifespan on AL is extended by 38 and 69%, respectively. Yeast +15 to +54 +69
    PHB2 deletion PHB2 deletion leads to a slight reduction in both mean and maximum replicative lifespan, and when both PHB1 and PHB2 genes are deleted, the mean replicative lifespan is reduced by 40% [9259555]. Deletion of PHB2 decreases replicative lifespan by 30% [12882345]. Phenotypic changes characteristic of aging cells (e.g. lengthening of cell cycle and specific morphological changes) suggests that PHB1;PHB2 double mutants undergo premature aging, not simply reduction of viability [9259555]. PHB2 mutants exhibit no reduction in stress resistance or bulk growth rate. PHB1;PHB2 double mutant have a strong defect in mitochondrial potential [9259555]. Prohibitin-dependent mutation pbd1 and pdb2 behave in a different manner and probaly affect different aspects of prohibitin function. pdb1 mutants slightly extended lifespan by 11%, whereas in contrast, the pdb2 mutation results in a shortening in both the mean- and the maximum-lifespan (by 28 and 17%, respectively). pdb1 mutation also reduces chronological lifespan. Reducing the expression of the PHB2 in the pbd mutants retards the rate of growth and affects replicative lifespan [16710639]. Yeast -30
    PCK1 mutation pck-1-K514Q mutation which abrogates enzymatic activity of Pck1, just like SIR2 deletion, extends chronological lifespan in water. Deletion of SIR2 does not alter the lifespan of PCK1 deletion mutant, pck1-K514R, and pck1-K514Q mutants [19303850]. Yeast
    CLN3 overexpression Overexpression shortens chronological lifespan together with age-dependent increases in genome instability and apoptosis. While around 80% of wild-type cells are alive almost non CLN3 overexpressers are alive (under condition that avoids adaptive regrowth) [17710147]. Yeast
    VPH2 overexpression Overexpression of VPH2 increases the levels of assembled V-ATPase at the vacuolar membrane, increases vacuolar acidity and suppresses age-induced mitochondrial dysfunction of aged cells (17 or 18 cell divisions) which requires the V-ATPase activity. VPH2 overexpression significantly increases mean, median and maximum replicative lifespan by 23, 25 and 34%, respectively [23172144]. Yeast +23.1 +25.0 +34.0
    VMA1 overexpression Overexpression of VMA1 increases vacuolar acidity and suppresses age-induced mitochondrial dysfunction of aged cells (17 or 18 cell divisions) which requires the V-ATPase activity. VMA1 overexpression significantly increases mean, median and maximum lifespan by 39 - 45%, 39 - 48% and 50 - 60%, respectively. DR (0.5% glucose restriction) does not further increase the lifespan of VMA1 overexpression strain [23172144]. Yeast +39.3 to +44.8 +39.3 to +48.3 +50.0 to +60.0
    PEP4 overexpression Overexpression of vacuolar aspartyl protease (PEP4) extends chronological lifespan by increasing cytosolic polyamine and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) levels. Deletion of PEP4 results in both apoptotic and necrotic cell death during chronological aging [21593793]. Yeast
    SSD1-V overexpression Overexpression of SSD1 (addition of a SSD1-V allele) increases replicative lifespan by 50%, independently of SIR2 and SIR2 further extends the lifespan, although SIR2 is necessary for SSD1-V cells to attain maximal lifespan [15126388]. SSD1-V also dramatically increases chronological lifespan with lifespan twice as long as ssd1-d cells [19570907]. Addition of SSD1-V allele to an ssd1-d strain suppresses the short lifespan of an MPT5 deletion mutant [11805047] and extend wild-type lifespan [Kaeberlein and Guarente, unpublished]. SSD1-V slightly extends the lifespan of swi4 and ccr4 mutant strains and suppresses the temperature sensitive growth phenotype of mpt5, ccr3, swi4, and swi6 single mutants [11805047]. SSD1-V also suppresses the synthetic lethality caused by deletion of MPT5 in combination with a mutation in SWI4, SWI6, or CCR4 [11805047]. SSD1-V suppresses mutations that affect cell wall stability [1545797; 8386319], RNA polymerase III activity [8510644], RNA splicing [10446233], and PKA activity [1848673; 8200529]. Yeast +50 to +100
    SGS1 overexpression Overexpression of SGS1 extends the maximum lifespan of cells lacking SRS2, but not the mean lifespan [11861900]. Yeast
    SCP1 overexpression Overexpression of SCP1 leads to elevuated ROS levels and reduces chronological lifespan [15024029]. Yeast
    RAS2 overexpression Overexpression of RAS2 causes a 43% increase in mean and 18% increase in maximum lifespan as well as postpones the age-related increase in generation time [8034612]. Yeast +43 +18
    OSH7 overexpression Overexpression of OSH7 extends mean replicative lifespan. PERG6-OSH7 does not extend the maximum lifespan significantly [Xia et al., unpublished]. Yeast
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.