Longevity Variant Database

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    polymorphism factor odds ratio pvalue initial number replication number Population age of cases shorter lived allele longer lived allele study type reference
    rs11188059 CYP2C 0.04 616 centenarians versus control group of 945 younger individuals German Candidate Region/Gene 21798861
    rs1078892 FOXO1 0.96 0.589 1447 vs 1029 (German) 166 vs 216 (Italian) German Candidate Region/Gene 21388494
    rs2721044 FOXO1 0.90 0.097 1447 vs 1029 (German) 166 vs 216 (Italian) German Candidate Region/Gene 21388494
    rs12865518 FOXO1 1.07 0.307 1447 vs 1029 (German) 166 vs 216 (Italian) German Candidate Region/Gene 21388494
    rs17446593 FOXO1 0.93 0.338 1447 vs 1029 (German) 166 vs 216 (Italian) German Candidate Region/Gene 21388494
    rs4073591 DEAF1 0.002618 1600 samples (cases and controls combined) German, Italian Candidate Region/Gene 19367319
    rs4073590 DEAF1 0.004259 1600 samples (cases and controls combined) German, Italian Candidate Region/Gene 19367319
    rs11040489 KRTAP5-6 0.005869 1600 samples (cases and controls combined) German, Italian Candidate Region/Gene 19367319
    rs4930001 DEAF1 0.010851 1600 samples (cases and controls combined) German, Italian Candidate Region/Gene 19367319
    rs800140 TSPAN32 0.0081 1600 samples (cases and controls combined) German, Italian Candidate Region/Gene 19367319
    rs16928120 0.00057 1600 samples (cases and controls combined) German, Italian Candidate Region/Gene 19367319
    length (STR polymorphism) TH 1.0 196 vs 358 471 vs 462 German (in replication) 96-110 years Candidate Region/Gene 21407269
    rs770087 DUSP6 1.53 0.002 386 vs 410 541 vs 469 German 100 to 110, mean age = 101.3 C Candidate Region/Gene 20800603
    rs2301582 NALP1 1.30 0.011 386 vs 410 541 vs 469 German 100 to 110, mean age = 101.3 C Candidate Region/Gene 20800603
    rs648802 PERP 1.29 0.012 386 vs 410 541 vs 469 German 100 to 110, mean age = 101.3 C Candidate Region/Gene 20800603
    rs1801274 FCGR2A 0.05 408 vs 446 vs 454 German 100–110/ mean101.3 (SNP is His/Arg) Candidate Region/Gene 16893392
    rs4998557 SOD1 0.52 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    rs2070424 SOD1 0.77 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    rs1041740 SOD1 0.998 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    rs6917589 SOD2 0.741 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    rs2842980 SOD2 0.689 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    rs7855 SOD2 0.842 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    rs8031 SOD2 0.186 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    rs5746141 SOD2 0.601 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    rs5746136 SOD2 0.354 1612 vs 1104 German 90+ Candidate Region/Gene 24163049
    • Page 1 of 5
    • 25 of 102 variants

    The Longevity Variant Database (LVDB) is a collaborative effort to catalogue all published genetic variants relevant to human longevity.

    The project is directed by the Health Extension Research Foundation [http://www.healthextension.co/about/], and the online content is managed by the members of the Global Computing Initiative.

    LVDB is driven by an international collaboration of scientists, programmers, and volunteers, including Joe Betts-LaCroix, Kristen Fortney, Daniel Wuttke, Eric K. Morgen, Nick Schaum, John M. Adams, Jessica Choi, Barry Goldberg, Amir Levine, Maria Litovchenko, Aiste Narkeviciute, Emily Quist, Navneet Ramesh, Justin Rebo, Dmitri Shytikov, and Jimi Vyas. o

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