Longevity Variant Database

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    Populations | Study Types | Variant Types

    polymorphism factor odds ratio pvalue initial number replication number Population age of cases shorter lived allele longer lived allele study type reference
    152C 0.004 25 vs 25 Turkish 90+ Mitochondrial genome 24792352
    73G 0.0086 25 vs 25 Turkish 90+ Mitochondrial genome 24792352
    rs978739 TAS2R16 0.62 0.001 348 vs 593 Calabrian Mean age 93.82 non-AA AA Candidate Region/Gene 23133589
    rs9282861 SULT1A1 0.017 68 vs 49 American, Caucasian 70-99 GG Candidate Region/Gene 9854023
    rs4420638 APOE 9.6e-08 4445 total (each a part of sibship of 2-5 siblings) Caucasian, European 90 Genome-Wide Association Study 23286790
    rs1801282 PPARG 0.035 222 vs 250 Caucasian 86 to 109; median age 99 G Candidate Region/Gene 15236769
    rs1805097 IRS2 2.07 0.04 144 vs 418 Caucasian 85 to 104, mean age = 96 ± 4 C Candidate Region/Gene 19887537
    rs4952085 XDH 1.25 0.000933537 801 vs 914 Caucasian Median age 104 A G Genome-Wide Association Study 22279548
    rs6669212 LMNA 0.041 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs1468772 LMNA 1.17 0.054 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs12063072 LMNA 0.36 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs4641 LMNA 0.5 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs12117552 LMNA 0.21 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs508641 LMNA 0.014 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs582690 LMNA 0.078 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs547915 LMNA 0.11 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs915179 LMNA 0.014 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs10737170 LMNA 0.11 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs4661146 LMNA 0.12 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs3814314 LMNA 0.017 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs6686943 LMNA 0.51 873 vs 443 (initial) New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) American, Caucasian Mean age 101.5 Candidate Region/Gene 22340368
    rs2075650 APOE 0.53 4.44e-16 2202 vs 2164 Caucasian 100 Meta-Analysis 24244950
    rs1525501 0.72 4.94e-06 2202 vs 2164 Caucasian 100 Meta-Analysis 24244950
    rs3803833 0.77 2.72e-05 2202 vs 2164 Caucasian 100 Meta-Analysis 24244950
    rs1016013 1.21 2.87e-05 2202 vs 2164 Caucasian 100 Meta-Analysis 24244950

    The Longevity Variant Database (LVDB) is a collaborative effort to catalogue all published genetic variants relevant to human longevity.

    The project is directed by the Health Extension Research Foundation [http://www.healthextension.co/about/], and the online content is managed by the members of the Global Computing Initiative.

    LVDB is driven by an international collaboration of scientists, programmers, and volunteers, including Joe Betts-LaCroix, Kristen Fortney, Daniel Wuttke, Eric K. Morgen, Nick Schaum, John M. Adams, Jessica Choi, Barry Goldberg, Amir Levine, Maria Litovchenko, Aiste Narkeviciute, Emily Quist, Navneet Ramesh, Justin Rebo, Dmitri Shytikov, and Jimi Vyas. o

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