Longevity Variant Database

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    Populations | Study Types | Variant Types

    polymorphism factor odds ratio pvalue initial number replication number Population age of cases shorter lived allele longer lived allele study type reference
    rs12088486 0.56 1.75e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs10959258 1.36 1.86e-05 763 vs 1085 754 vs 850 German Mean age 99.7 Genome-Wide Association Study 21740922
    rs6769400 1.91 1.99e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs6689491 2e-05 1345 cohort + 1087 offspring American Genome-Wide Association Study 17903295
    rs9595687 0.49 2.09e-05 763 vs 1085 754 vs 850 German Mean age 99.7 Genome-Wide Association Study 21740922
    rs11237644 1.52 2.11e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs4938180 IGSF4 1.91 2.16e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs2147556 0.63 2.18e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs10493515 2.3e-05 1345 cohort + 1087 offspring American Genome-Wide Association Study 17903295
    rs1563301 0.50 2.36e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs6592810 1.54 2.49e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs571391 IMPG2 0.55 2.67e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs7915479 CDH23 1.92 2.81e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs870959 1.51 2.84e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs1556758 SORCS1 0.50 3.47e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs130329 0.50 3.52e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs10489006 3.6e-05 1345 cohort + 1087 offspring American Genome-Wide Association Study 17903295
    rs10493518 3.6e-05 1345 cohort + 1087 offspring American Genome-Wide Association Study 17903295
    rs846427 1.94 3.82e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs10277343 0.64 3.88e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    HRAS1 LASS1 (CCT) APOE 4.1e-05 147 vs 188 Georgian Candidate Region/Gene 20569235
    rs6701445 TAF5L 1.84 4.19e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs888808 RHOBTB3 0.67 4.19e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516
    rs10493517 4.2e-05 1345 cohort + 1087 offspring American Genome-Wide Association Study 17903295
    rs10956502 FAM49B 0.57 4.21e-05 410 vs 553 Italian 90–109 Genome-Wide Association Study 21612516

    The Longevity Variant Database (LVDB) is a collaborative effort to catalogue all published genetic variants relevant to human longevity.

    The project is directed by the Health Extension Research Foundation [http://www.healthextension.co/about/], and the online content is managed by the members of the Global Computing Initiative.

    LVDB is driven by an international collaboration of scientists, programmers, and volunteers, including Joe Betts-LaCroix, Kristen Fortney, Daniel Wuttke, Eric K. Morgen, Nick Schaum, John M. Adams, Jessica Choi, Barry Goldberg, Amir Levine, Maria Litovchenko, Aiste Narkeviciute, Emily Quist, Navneet Ramesh, Justin Rebo, Dmitri Shytikov, and Jimi Vyas. o

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