
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    PHB2 deletion PHB2 deletion leads to a slight reduction in both mean and maximum replicative lifespan, and when both PHB1 and PHB2 genes are deleted, the mean replicative lifespan is reduced by 40% [9259555]. Deletion of PHB2 decreases replicative lifespan by 30% [12882345]. Phenotypic changes characteristic of aging cells (e.g. lengthening of cell cycle and specific morphological changes) suggests that PHB1;PHB2 double mutants undergo premature aging, not simply reduction of viability [9259555]. PHB2 mutants exhibit no reduction in stress resistance or bulk growth rate. PHB1;PHB2 double mutant have a strong defect in mitochondrial potential [9259555]. Prohibitin-dependent mutation pbd1 and pdb2 behave in a different manner and probaly affect different aspects of prohibitin function. pdb1 mutants slightly extended lifespan by 11%, whereas in contrast, the pdb2 mutation results in a shortening in both the mean- and the maximum-lifespan (by 28 and 17%, respectively). pdb1 mutation also reduces chronological lifespan. Reducing the expression of the PHB2 in the pbd mutants retards the rate of growth and affects replicative lifespan [16710639]. Yeast -30
    PNC1 overexpression Cells with 5 copies of PNC1 have a 70% longer replicative lifespan which is cancelled out by SIR2 deletion. Overexpression of PNC1 suppresses the effect of exogenously added nicotinamide on Sir2-dependent silencing at HM loci, telomeres and rDNA loci [12736687; 14729974]. PNC1 overexpression suppresses the inhibitory effect of exogenously added NAM on silencing, lifespan, and Hst1-mediated transcriptional repression [14729974]. Increased expression of PNC1 is both necessary and sufficient for replicative lifespan extension by DR and low-intensity stress. Under non-stressing conditions (2% glucose, 30 degree Celsius), a strain with additional copies of PNC1 (5XPNC1) has 70% longer replicative lifespan than the wild-type and some cells live for more than 70 divisions. Neither DR nor heat stress further increase the lifespan of the 5XPNC1 strain [12736687]. Yeast +70
    PNC1 deletion Deletion of PNC1 shortens replicative lifespan approximately by 10% [12736687] and largely prevents replicative lifespan extension of 0.5% glucose restriction. 0.5% glucose restriction slightly extends median replicative lifespan (by 10 - 15%) but not maximum replicative lifespan in pnc1Delta [14724176]. PNC1 deletion decreases chronological lifespan [17110466]. Yeast -10
    POL1 deletion Mutation of POL1 results in a 20-60% reduction in mean lifespan (in SS111) [12024027] Yeast -20 to -60
    PUF4 deletion Deletion of PUF4 has no effect on replicative lifespan in either uth4-14c (C-terminal truncation) or UTH4 background. However, PUF4 is required for lifespan extension by the semi-dominant Sir4-42 allele in the uth4-14c background [9150138]. PUF4 is required for nucleolar relocalization of Sir3 in a Sir4-42 background [9150138]. puf4;mpt5 double deletion strain has increased telomere silencing reltive to the mpt5 single mutant [9651685]. Yeast
    BNA6 deletion Deletion of BNA6 (alias QPT1) has no effect on replicative lifespan and is not required for lifespan extension by DR, but is lethal with mutation of NPT1 [11000115]. Deletion of BNA6 decreases chronological lifespan [17110466]. Yeast
    RAD1 mutation Deletion of RAD1 has no effect on replicative lifespan [10207108]. Yeast
    RAD26 deletion Deletion of RAD26 has no effect on replicative lifespan in PSY316 [10207108]. Yeast
    RAD27 deletion Deletion of RAD27 results in signs of premature aging and approximately 60% reduction in mean replicative lifespan [12024027]. Yeast -60
    RAD52 deletion Deletion in RAD52 causes a 75% reduction in mean replicative lifespan in PSY316 strain [10207108]. Similiar reduction of lifespan occurs in strains W3031-A and W303R [M. Baeberlein, M. McVey, and L. Guarente, unpublished]. RAD51 is required for formation of extrachromosomal rDNA circles [10207108], but not for replication fork pasuing nor DNA breakage with the rDNA [10693764]. Yeast -75
    RAD7 deletion Deletion of RAD7 has no effect on replicative lifespan in PSY316 [10207108]. Mutation in RAD7 results in decrease repair of the non-transcribed strand in rDNA [8604332]. Yeast
    RAD9 deletion Deletion results in mutants with a 2-fold decrease in mean and maximum chronological lifespan under conditions of nutrient depletion [17710147]. Mutation of RAD9 shortens lifespan by 30% in DBY747 [7806576] and in strain W303 [11290710]. RAD9 mutation has no effect on telomeric silencing or length [10924458]. Yeast -30
    RAS1 deletion Deletion in RAS1 increases mean (23%) and maximum (29%) replicative lifespan (in SP1) [8034612]. RAS1 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 15% in the alpha strain [19030232]. However, deletion of RAS1 slightly shortens chronological lifespan (in SP1) [12586694]. Yeast +15 to +23 +29
    RAS1 overxpression No lifespan extension results from overexpression of RAS1 (in SP1) [8034612]. Yeast
    RAS2 overexpression Overexpression of RAS2 causes a 43% increase in mean and 18% increase in maximum lifespan as well as postpones the age-related increase in generation time [8034612]. Yeast +43 +18
    REI deletion REI1 deletion increases mean replicative lifespan by about 40% [16293764] in the alpha and a strains [19030232]. Yeast +40
    ROM2 deletion Deletion of ROM2 increases mean replicative lifespan of the alpha strain by about 50% [16293764]. ROM deletion mutant replicative lifespan increases by 49% in the alpha strain and 16% in a strain. Deletion of ROM2 increases replicative lifespan by 38% in the alpha strain and by 29.3% in the a strain (34.2% in both) [19030232]. Yeast +16 to +50
    RPD3 deletion Deletion of the histone deacetylase gene RPD3 extends lifespan by 41%, independently of an intact Sir silencing complex (in the short lived YSK661 strain) [10512855]. Deletion of RPD3 extends replicative lifespan and there was no additive effect by neither 0.1% glucose nor amino acid restriction [12213553]. RPD3 deletion increases rDNA silencing in a partially SIR2-dependent manner [10082585]. Its effects on chromatin functional state were evidenced by enhanced silencing at the three known heterochromatic regions in the genome, the silent mating type (HM), subtelomeric, and rDNA loci, which occurred even in the absence of SIR3 [10512855]. Yeast +41
    SIR3 deletion Deletion of SIR3 shortens replicative lifespan by approximately 20% [10521401]. SIR3 mutants exhibit a loss of silencing at the silent mating loci [6098447; 3297920] and telomerease [1913809] and have a slighlty elevuated level of rDNA marker loss [10521401]. The lifespan reduction of SIR3 deletion is suppressed by preventing mating type heterozygosity and is therefore probably due to the simultaneous expression of a and alpha mating-type information, which indirectly causes an increase in rDNA recombination and likely increases the production of extrachromosomal rDNA circles [10521401]. Deletion of SIR3 itself has little effect on lifespan, although it markedly accelerates the increase in cell generation time that occurs during aging [10512855]. Yeast -30
    RPL31A deletion Deletion of RPL31A increases mean replicative lifespan by 45% [16293764]. Mean replicative lifespan increases by 35% in the alpha strain and 50% in a strain [19030232; 18423200]. Mean replicative lifespan of the RPL31A deletion mutant increases by 35% in the ORF collection and by 29% in the remade strain [22377630]. RPL31A deletion increases significantly replicative lifespan [17174052]. Deletion of RPL31A extends replicative lifespan and is not further extended by 0.05% glucose restriction [18423200]. Yeast +29 to +50
    RPL6A deletion Deletion of RPL6A decrease mean replicative lifespan by 25% in the alpha strain [18340043; 18423200], but increases mean replicative lifespan by 40% in the remade strain. Its deletion non-significantly increases mean replicative lifespan in the ORF collection [22377630]. Yeast -25 to +40
    RPL6B deletion Deletion of RPL6B significantly increases replicative lifespan [17174052]. Replicative lifespan increases by 15% in the alpha strain and 30-40% in a strain [19030232;18340043;18423200]. RPL6B deletion increases replicative lifespan by 30% [16293764]. Yeast +15 to +40
    RSR1 deletion Deletion of RSR1 (alias BUD1) shortens replicative lifespan [9789734]. Yeast
    RTG2 deletion RTG2 is required for replicative lifespan extension associated with the retrograde response, a pathway that signals the functional status of mitochondria to the nucleus to regulate the expression of several genes [11024000]. RTG2 is not required for replicative lifespan extension by DR [11024000]. RTG2 null mutants are not petite [8422683], but display various nutrient auxotrphies and alterations of carbohydrate metabolism [7727418]. Yeast
    RTG3 deletion RTG3 deletion mutation causes an increase in mean replicative in lifespan by 55% increase at 2% glucose, suggesting that expression of genes regulated by Rtg1-Rtg3 has a negative effect on longevity in 2% glucose (in YPK9). A null mutant has 123% increased mean lifespan at 0.1% glucose relative to a wild-type strain at 2% glucose, indicating that reduced glucose and an RTG3 mutation have an additive effect on lifespan (in YPK9) [11024000]. RTG3 null mutant cannot grow on acetate medium and requires glutamate or aspartate for growth [9032238]. Yeast +55
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.