
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    RPL31A deletion Deletion of RPL31A increases mean replicative lifespan by 45% [16293764]. Mean replicative lifespan increases by 35% in the alpha strain and 50% in a strain [19030232; 18423200]. Mean replicative lifespan of the RPL31A deletion mutant increases by 35% in the ORF collection and by 29% in the remade strain [22377630]. RPL31A deletion increases significantly replicative lifespan [17174052]. Deletion of RPL31A extends replicative lifespan and is not further extended by 0.05% glucose restriction [18423200]. Yeast +29 to +50
    FRE6 deletion FRE6 deletion increases mean replicative lifespan by 14% and cancels out the lifespan extending effect of DR [22912585]. Yeast +14 -2
    • 2 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.