
We need to know every factor which determines lifespan.

Lifespan factors often but not always originate from defined genetic elements. They are not just genes, by definition they can be anything for which a Classifications schema can be build for that is related to the regulation of lifespan, such entities may include Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, transcript variants, proteins and their complexes, compounds (i.e. small molecules like metabolites and drugs), etc. A factor should be based on a defined molecular entity or genomic position and been classified. It shall be highly flexible and scalable Concept.

While individual lifespan factors within each species or precise defined molecular entities will be captured within the Lifespan App, Data Entries of the Data App may summarize for instance the relevance of each factor class (e.g. homologous group; chemical derivate of related structure and properties, etc.) as well as draw overall conclusions. o


  • Types: + -
    Gene (1)  
  • symbol name observation species
    OSH3 OxySterol binding protein Homolog 3 Mean replicative lifespan of OSH3 deletion mutant is not significant different from wild type. Overexpression of OSH3 with the promoter of VAC8 shortens mean replicative lifespan ad promotes vacuolar fusion [Xia et al. unpublished]. Budding yeast
    LEU3 LEUcine biosynthesis 3 LEU3 deletion dramatically increases chronological lifespan [19302372]. Budding yeast
    CKB2 Casein Kinase Beta' subunit Lack of Ckb2 promotes a modest but significant chronological lifespan extension and marked increase in yeat resistance [20657825]. Budding yeast
    SCP1 S. cerevisiae CalPonin 1 Increasing actin dynamics by deletion of SCP1, encoding an actin bundling protein, increases replicative lifespan by 67% as well as chronological lifespan by 88%, whereas its overexpression leads to elevuated ROS levels and reduces chronological lifespan (in KAY446 strain) [15024029]. SCP1 is related to mammalian SM22/transgelin which is induced during senescence [9570922]. Budding yeast
    HXT17 HeXose Transporter 17 HXT17 mutation extends both replicative and chronological lifespan as well as cancels out DR-induced replicative and chronological lifespan extension. Mean and maximum replicative lifespan are extended by 27 and 49%, respectively [21584246]. Budding yeast
    HHF1 Histone H Four 1 HHF1 deletion extends mean and maximum replicative by 45 and 69%, respectively, as well as chronological lifespan. Chronological lifespan extension by HHF1 deletion and DR is non-synergistic. DR appears to extend replicative lifespan more when combined with hhf1 mutation, whereas DR does not change hhf1-induced replicative lifespan extension, suggesting a positive interaction [21584246]. Budding yeast
    RPL10 Ribosomal Protein of the Large subunit 10 Heterozygosity for RPL10 deletion increases median replicative lifespan by 24% [17174052]. Budding yeast
    HAT2 Histone AcetylTransferase 2 HAT2 deletion mutants have an by 30% extended mean replicative lifespan. A hat2 mutant or a hat1hat2 double mutant, but not a hat1 mutant, have an extended lifespan [16023114]. Budding yeast
    GUP1 Glycerol UPtake 1 GUP1 deletion extends mean and maximum replicative lifespan by 32 and 30%, respectively, as well as chronological lifespan. DR-induced maximal replicative lifespan extension is not further increased by GUP1 deletion, while gup1 mutant displayed longer chronological lifespan under DR [21584246]. Budding yeast
    GAD1 GlutAmate Decarboxylase GAD1 deletion extends replicative lifespan [21371425]. Budding yeast
    FRE6 Ferric REductase 6 FRE6 deletion increases mean replicative lifespan by 14% and cancels out the lifespan extending effect of DR [22912585]. Budding yeast
    SNF1 Sucrose NonFermenting 1 Forced overexpression (high-copy 2 micro expression) of SNF1 shortens replicative lifespan to 75% of wild-type and is accompanied by signs of premature ageing, including progressive sterility, enlargement and fragmentation of the nucleus, redistribution of Sir3 to the nucleus, and more rapid accumulation of extrachromosomal rDNA circles [10921902]. SNF1 overexpression also reduced chronological lifespan [19164565]. Deletion of SNF1 increases replicative lifespan by 50% in the alpha strain [19030232], but decreases chronological lifespan [21076178]. Budding yeast
    LCB2 Long Chain Base 2 Downregulating LCB1 and LCB2, which encode subunits of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), the first rate-limiting enzyme in sphingolipid biosynthesis, increases chronological lifespan. Myriocin, an inhibitor of SPT increases chronological lifespan in a dose-dependent manner. Downregulation of LCB1 or myriocin treatment reduces LCBS and LCBPs [22319457]. Budding yeast
    LCB1 Long Chain Base 1 Downregulating LCB1 and LCB2, which encode subunits of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), the first rate-limiting enzyme in sphingolipid biosynthesis, increases chronological lifespan. Myriocin, an inhibitor of SPT increases chronological in a dose-dependent manner. Downregulation of LCB1 or myriocin treatment reduces LCBS and LCBPs [22319457]. Budding yeast
    GTS1 Glycine Threonine Serine repeat protein 1 Deletion or overexpression of GTS1 shortens replicative lifespan significantly and slightly, respectively (wt:26, Delta:16 and OE:24) [8573138]. Budding yeast
    ZDS1 Zillion Different Screens 1 Deletion of ZDS1 increases replicative lifespan by 37% in a SIR3-dependent manner [10662670]. Null mutation in ZDS1 causes 100-fold decrease in telomeric silencing, a nine-fold increase in rDNA silencing, reduces rDNA recombination, and decreases Sir3 phosphorylation [10662670]. Budding yeast
    YVH1 Yeast vaccinia virus VH1 Homolog 1 Deletion of YVH1 increases replicative lifespan by 50% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Budding yeast
    YSC84 Deletion of YSC84 increases replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain [19030232]. YSC84 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 25% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Budding yeast
    YPT6 Yeast Protein Two 6 Deletion of YPT6 increases replicative lifespan by 20% [19030232]. YPT6 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain and by 10% in the a strain [18340043]. Budding yeast
    YMR010W Deletion of YMR010W increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Budding yeast
    YLR422W Deletion of YLR422W increases replicative lifespan by 25% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Budding yeast
    YER187W Deletion of YER187W increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Budding yeast
    YER186C Deletion of YER186C increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Budding yeast
    YDR307W Deletion of YDR307W increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Budding yeast
    YDR248C Deletion of YDR248C increases replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Budding yeast
    Factors are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.

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