
Human females have an extraordinary prolonged postrepoductive lifespan, which is unexplainable with non-adaptive evolutionary theories on aging. This phenomena is not restricted to humans only.

Killer whales have the longest reproductive lifespan of all non-human animals. Females stop reproducing in their 30s to 403 but can survive into their 90s [Olesiuk et al., 1990].

Both postreproductive and reproductive females increase their own offspring's survival, particularly older male offsprings [Foster et al., 2012].


Foster et al. 2012: Adaptive Prolonged Postreproductive Life Span in Killer Whales

Olesiuk et al., 1990: P. F. Olesiuk, M. A. Bigg, G. M. Ellis, Rep. Int. Whaling Comm. 12, 209 (1990).

Tags: aging evolution mothers

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