
Polymorphism: rs11585393
rs11585393 ( SNPedia | 23andMe )

Variant Type: SNP
Location: 1p34.1

- Symbol: FOXO6
- Name: forkhead box O6
- Entrez ID: 100132074

  • FOXO6 forkhead box O6 ( 100132074 / )

  • Description:

    Our results suggest that in Germans [nor Italians], none of the three genes plays a significant role in the ability to reach old age.

    p-value = 0.531 (allele)

    p-value = 0.466 (genotype)

    odds ratio = 1.04 (0.92–1.18) (95% C.I.)

    Ethnicity: German
    Age of cases: Mean age 98.8
    Finding: Negative

    - Number of cases/controls: 1447 vs 1029 (German) (initial) | 166 vs 216 (Italian) (replication)
    - Odds ratio: 1.04
    - p-value: 0.531 [0.466 (genotype)]

    Study Design
    - Classifications: No Age Effect
    - Study type: Candidate Region/Gene
    - Technology: SNPIex Genotyping System, TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays, Infinium II Assay-HumanHap 317K duo BeadChip system

    21388494: Candidate gene study of FOXO1, FOXO4, and FOXO6 reveals no association with human longevity in Germans.

    Choice: Curate
    Created: July 29, 2013, 10:21 p.m.
    Updated: Aug. 8, 2014, 1:06 p.m.

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