
  • Species: + -
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    esc mutation Males heterozygous for the null esc4 or the dominant negative esc9 mutation that are progeny of an out-cross to a O-R wild-type strain have median lifespan that is, respectively, 47% and 60% longer than the O-R control. When derived from an out-cross to a longer-lived C-S wild-type strain, heterozygous esc9 flies have a median lifespan that is 43% longer than the C-S control [20018689]. Fly +47 to +60 +34
    Gr63a mutation Gr63a loss-of-function in female flies leads to 30% extended mean lifespan, increased fat deposition, and enhanced resistance to some (but not all) environmental stresses. Lifespan of males is not extended [20422037]. Fly +30
    aPKC transposition Insertion of a P-based vectors in the structural part of aPKC increase male and female lifespan [22661237]. Fly
    esg transposition Disruption of esg by insertion of the P{GT1} vector 300 bp downstream of its structural part increases male and female lifespan [22661237]. Fly
    CG3776 underexpression Underexpression of CG3776 (alias Jhebp29) reduces the mean lifespan, where the reduction in males is slightly higher. The lifespan of females and male flies underexpressed CG3776 is reduced by 31.6% and 38.8%, respectively when compared with Oregon R flies [18275960].. Fly -31.6 to -38.8
    insc transposition insc disruption through an insertion of the P{EPgy2} vector in ts structural part prolongs female lifespan [22661237]. Fly
    sgg transposition Several insertions of P-based vectors in the structural part of sgg are associated with alterations of male and female lifespan [22661237]. Fly
    Loco mutation Reduced expression of Loco due to hetero-deficient results in a 17-20% longer mean lifespan for both male and females, besides the fact that the homozygous deficiency of loco is lethal. Several of these long-lived mutants are more resistant to stresses such as starvation, oxidation ad heat. Additional mutant have higher Manganese-containing superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity, increased fat content an diminished cAMP levels. Loco RGS domain is required for the regulation of longevity as deletion analysis suggest [21776417]. Fly +17 to +20
    Mlp84B RNAi RNA interference of Mlp84B specifically in the heart results in bradycardia and heart rythm abnormalities as well as a shorter mean lifespan in males but not in females [18083727]. Fly
    bchs mutation Loss of function mutation in bchs results in a 40-45% decrease in mean lifespan and is associated with age-related neurodegenerative phenotype with reduced CNS size and altered morphology as well as accumulation of insoluble ubiquinated proteins and amyloid precursor-like proteins along with an increase in neuronal apoptosis. No pronounced developmental defects were observed and young adults have normal behaviours, indicating that the bchs gene is essential for normal adult survival and longevity [12598614]. bchs mutation reduces mean lifespan by 28 - 54% and maximum lifespan by 24 - 46% [17435236]. Fly -28 to -54 -24 to -46
    pex16 mutation pex16 mutation lead to a reduced mean lifespan of one-third in females and on-fourth in males. The short lifespan can be rescued by the simultaneous overexpression of pex16 in the fat body and differentiated neurons [21826223]. Mutant flies lack normal peroxisomes, have an reduced adult body size (70%-85% smaller than controls) and rozy eyes, show locomotion defects in the development of the nervous system [21826223]. Fly -33 to -75
    Prx5 mutation dprx5(-/-) null mutants are comparatively more susceptible to oxidative stress, have higher incidence of apoptosis, and a shortened mean lifespan, but thee is no significant difference in maximum lifespan (10% survival) [21826223]. Fly
    car mutation Loss-of-function mutation in car results in reduction of mean lifespan by 34 - 63% and maximum lifespan by 28 - 29% [17435236]. Fly -34 to -63 -28 to -29
    SNF4Agamma deletion Deletion of SNF4Agamma from the first day of the imaginal stage shortens mean lifespan by 23% and causes morphological and behavioural features of premature aging [18219227]. Fly -23
    yata mutation yata mutation shortens the maximum lifespan by 68% and results in progressive deterioration of the nervous tissues and aberrant accumulation of Sec23 [19209226]. Fly -68
    Cdk5 mutation Cdk5 loss-of-function mutations result in defective axon guidance, age-dependent behavioral deficits and reduced lifespan by about one third [17368005]. Fly
    miR-277 inhibition Transgenic inhibition of miR-277 with a miRNA sponge construct shortens lifespan [23669073]. Fly
    Hsp22 transposition Animals that do not express Hsp22 (due to a transposition into its transcriptional starting site) have a 40% decrease in lifespan, exhibit a 30% decrease in locomotor activity and are sensitive to mild stress [20036725]. Fly -40
    bwa mutation bwa (alias Dacer) inactivation increases Drosophila pre-adult development time and anti-oxidative stress capacity. Mean lifespan is increased by 16% in females, by 21% in males and by 19% in total. Maximum lifespan of females, males is also extended by 20 and 12%, respectively [20112046]. Fly +16 to +21 +12 to +20
    cert mutation CG7207 mutants exhibit a shortened lifespan accompanied by enhanced oxidative damage to cellular proteins and metabolic compromise, such as increasing glucose levels, reminiscent of premature aging [17592126]. Fly
    Sod1 knockdown Sod1 knockdown by RNAi blunts the lifespan extension by a high sugar-low protein diet, but not a low-calorie diet [22672579]. Fly
    cm mutation Loss-of-function mutation in cm reduces mean lifespan by 43 - 53% and maximum lifespan by 40 - 44% [17435236]. Fly -43 to -53 -40 to -44
    Sod knockout Sod knockout blunts the lifespan extension by a high sugar-low protein diet, but not a low-calorie diet [22672579]. Fly
    Sod2 RNAi RNA interference of Sod2 results in increased oxidative stress and early-onset mortality in young adults [12456885]. Fly
    Ilp3 mutation Ilp3 null mutants have a normal lifespan under AL and a normal DR response. Ilp2 Ilp3 Ilp5 triple null mutants fail to have a normal response to DR. Their response is right shifted, with mutants being shorter-lived compared to wild-type on low but longer-lived on high yeast concentrations [20195512]. Fly
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.