
  • Species: + -
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    ovo mutation The dominant ovoD1 allele extends female lifespan by approximately 50%. It does not synergize or prevent life-extension caused by chico [10617470; 11292874]. ovoD1 mutants are sterile [Mevel-Ninio et al. 1991]. Fly +50
    rho-7 knockout rho-7 knockout flies have severe neurological defects and a much reduced lifespan [16713954]. Fly
    Heterzygous Rpd3 null mutation Males heterozygous for a null mutation of Rpd3 have a lifespan extension of 41 - 47%. Females carrying a null mutation have only modest increase in maximum lifespan (but not median lifespan). Longevity increases to the same extent in wild-type under low-calorie diet and rpd3 mutants fed normal diet. DR fails to further increase lifespan of rpd3 mutants [12459580]. Fly +41 to +47
    sdhC dominant negative overexpression Mutants expressing a dominant negative form of sdhC in the nervous system have a 22% reduced mean lifespan and signs of oxidative stress induction [17854771]. Fly -22
    Bmcp knockout Bmcp knockout flies live longer on low-calorie diets, have a decreased fertility, and gain less weight on high-calorie diets. Bmcp (ucp5) knockout mutants live longer than wild-type on low-calorie diets, but no longer on starvation or high-calorie diets. Ectopic neuronal expression of Bmcp transgene rescues starvation sensitive phenotype of Bmcp knockout mutants [16387864]. Fly
    bwa mutation bwa (alias Dacer) inactivation increases Drosophila pre-adult development time and anti-oxidative stress capacity. Mean lifespan is increased by 16% in females, by 21% in males and by 19% in total. Maximum lifespan of females, males is also extended by 20 and 12%, respectively [20112046]. Fly +16 to +21 +12 to +20
    alpha-Man-I mutation alpha-Man-I mutant fly exhibit enhanced resistance to paraquat and starvation an a 60% increase in mean lifespan for both sexes. After outcrossing, the mutant exhibit, under normal conditions, an increase in mean lifespan of 22% for females and 38% for males. Maximum lifespan is increased by 15% [19302370]. Fly +22 to +60 +15
    Ablation of median neurosecretary cells Flies with an ablation of median neurosecretary cells (which eliminates Ilp2 expression) exhibit a significant increase in mean and maximum lifespan over that of control flies and an increase to oxidative stress and starvation. The mutants also exhibit increased storage of lipid and carbohydrate, reduced fecundity, and reduced tolerance of heat and cold [15708981]. The median and maximum lifespan of females is increased by 33.5% and 40%, respectively. In males the median and maximum lifespan is increased by 10.5% and 27%, respectively [15708981]. Fly +10.5 to +33.5 +27 to +40
    Orco mutation Loss-of-function mutation in Orco (alias Or83b) results in olfactory defects, altered adult metabolism, enhanced stress resistance, and life-extension. Fully fed female homozygous Or83b null mutants exhibit a 56% increase in median lifespan and a 30% increase in maximum lifespan. Males are also significantly longer-lived, though to a smaller degree and maximum lifespan is not extended. Heterozygous mutants of both sexes show an intermediate longevity. Lifespan of homozygous Or83b null mutants is further increased by DR, but the relative increase in median and mean longevity is significantly greater when mutants were maintained in well-fed conditions [17272684]. Fly +56 +30
    esc mutation Males heterozygous for the null esc4 or the dominant negative esc9 mutation that are progeny of an out-cross to a O-R wild-type strain have median lifespan that is, respectively, 47% and 60% longer than the O-R control. When derived from an out-cross to a longer-lived C-S wild-type strain, heterozygous esc9 flies have a median lifespan that is 43% longer than the C-S control [20018689]. Fly +47 to +60 +34
    Heterzygous chico mutation Mutation in chico extends mean, median and maximum lifespan by 44%, 36% and 35% in heterozygotes. chico mutation produces dwarf, long-lived females at normal nutrition [11292874]. Wild-type and chico mutant females have similar peak lifespan under DR, but the food concentration at which these are achieved is shifted to higher amounts. chico mutation induces a state equivalent to submaximal, DR-induced slowing of aging [11951037]. Male chico heterozygous live 13% longer than wild-type [11292874]. chico heterzoygous females have a reduced fecundity. chico heterozygous mutants are resistant to starvation but not oxidative stress or temperature stress [11292874]. Fly +44 +36 +35
    mth mutation Mutants in mth display approximately 35% and 36% increase in average and maximum lifespan as well as enhanced resistance to various forms of stress (including starvation, high temperature, and dietary paraquat) [9794765]. Fly +35 +36
    Homozygous chico mutation Mutation in chico extends mean, median, and maximum lifespan by 56%, 48%, and 42% in homozygotes. chico mutation produces dwarf, long-lived females at normal nutrition [11292874]. Wild-type and chico mutant females have similar peak lifespan under DR, but the food concentration at which these are achieved is shifted to higher amounts. chico mutation induces a state equivalent to submaximal, DR-induced slowing of aging [11951037]. Male chico homozygous have a shortened lifespan [11292874]. Female chico homozygous recessive mutants are sterile [11292874]. Fly +56 +48 +42
    snz mutation Mutation in snz increases maximum lifespan of both sexes by up to 66%, while the median female lifespan is approximately 85% higher and that of males around 72% [18478054]. Fly +72 to +85 +66
    dnc mutation cAMP phosphodiesterase-deficient dunce mutants have an extended maximum lifespan by about 70% [17369827]. Fly +70
    p53 dominant negative overexpression Expression of dominant-negative versions of p53 in adult neurons extends lifespan by 58% in females and by 32% in males and increases resistance to genotoxic stress and resistance to oxidative stress, but not to starvation or heat stress, while not affecting egg production or physical activity. Dominant negative Dmp53 expression cancels out lifespan extension effect of DR, low calorie-food (5% SY). Muscle or fat body specific expression of a dominant negative form of Dmp53 as well as globally lack of Dmp53 decreases lifespan [16303568]. Expression of dominant-negative (DN) form of p53 in adult neurons, but not in muscle or fat body cells, extends median lifespan by 19% and maximum lifespan by 8%. The lifespan of dietary-restricted flies is not further extended by simultaneously expressing DN-DMp53 in the nervous system, indicating that a decrease in Dmp53 activity may be part of the DR lifespan-extending effect. Selective expression of DN-Dmp53 in only the 14 insulin-producing cell (IPCs) in the brain extends lifespan to the same extent as expression in all neurons and this lifespan extension is not additive with DR [17686972]. Fly +32 to +58 +19 +8
    lt mutation Loss-of-function mutation reduces mean lifespan by 47% and maximum lifespan by 10% [17435236]. Fly -47 -10
    Nlaz mutation Absence of Nlaz, which is homologous to ApoD, results in a reduced lifespan in both sexes. Median lifespan is 30.8% and 22.5% lower in females and males, respectively. Maximum lifespan is reduced by 12% and 30% in females and males [21376794]. Fly -22.5 to -30.8 -12 to -30
    DJ-1alpha RNAi RNA interference of DJ-1alpha shortens maximum lifespan by 13% and results in increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and motor impairments [17651920]. Fly -13
    hk mutation Loss of function mutation in hk decreases mean lifespan by 58 - 60% and maximum lifespan by 15 - 47% [17435236]. Fly -58 to -60 -15 to -47
    SdhB mutation SdhB mutants are hypersensitive to oxygen and displays signs of premature aging, including a 66% decrease in mean lifespan and a 17% decrease in maximum lifespan [17056719]. Fly -66 -17
    Sh mutation Genetic mutation in Sh decrease lifespan by accelerating the aging proces. At 25 degree mean and maximum lifespan is reduced by 16 and 22%, while by 18 degree Celsius the reduction is 32 and 21% [8582611]. Fly -16 to -32 -21 to -22
    rb mutation Loss-of-function mutation reduces mean lifespan by 33 and maximum lifespan by 22% [17435236]. Fly -33 -22
    bchs mutation Loss of function mutation in bchs results in a 40-45% decrease in mean lifespan and is associated with age-related neurodegenerative phenotype with reduced CNS size and altered morphology as well as accumulation of insoluble ubiquinated proteins and amyloid precursor-like proteins along with an increase in neuronal apoptosis. No pronounced developmental defects were observed and young adults have normal behaviours, indicating that the bchs gene is essential for normal adult survival and longevity [12598614]. bchs mutation reduces mean lifespan by 28 - 54% and maximum lifespan by 24 - 46% [17435236]. Fly -28 to -54 -24 to -46
    Trx-2 mutation Trx-2 mutants have a 25% reduction in maximum lifespan and exhibit lower tolerance to oxidative stress while animals carrying multiple copies of Trx-2 exhibit higher tolerance [17567437]. Fly -25
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.