
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    SIM1 deletion Disruption of SIM1 shortens mean (87.5%), but not maximum, lifespan without causing any other gross changes in cell cycle parameter or growth characteristics [8810036]. Cells bearing deletions in CLB1-4 are unable to undergo mitosis and normally arrest in G2. SIM1 disruption in clb1-4 mutant backgrounds will allow a second round of DNA synthesis without mitosis [8574583]. sim1delta;uth1delta double mutants exhibit various defects, including binucleated cells, benomyl sensitivity, heat shock sensitivity, inability to store glycogen, sensitivity to starvation and failure of spores to germinate [10612745]. Yeast
    SRX1 deletion Extra copy of SRX1 counteracts age-related hyperoxidation of Tsa1 and extends replicative lifespan by 15 - 20% in a TSA1-dependent manner. Replicative lifespan extension in sir2;fob1 double mutant by DR is reduced by SRX1 deletion. Wild-type cells require SRX1 to fully extend lifespan. DR fails to further extend replicative lifespan of cells carrying an extra copy of SRX1. Mutation in CDC35 (adenylate cyclase), a genetic mimetic of DR, is dependent on SRX1 to extend replicative lifespan [21884982]. Yeast +15 to +20
    CCR4 deletion Deletion of CCR4 increases mean chronological lifespan by 20 - 41% (20, 33, 41) in diploid cells [21447998]. In W303R CCR4 deletion shortens replicative lifespan by approximately 80% and results in temperature sensitivity that is suppressed by SSD1-V. SSD1-V partially suppresses the short-lifespan of ccr4 mutant. CCR4 mutation is synthetically lethal in combination with deletion of MPT5 in the absence of SSD1-V [11805047]. Yeast -80 to +20
    TCO89 deletion TCO89 deletion increases chronological lifespan, increases mitochondrial oxygen consumption, but decreases mitochondrial and cellular ROS in early stationary phase [21641548]. Deletion of TCO89 cancels out replicative lifespan extension by moderate DR [18690010]. Yeast
    SIP1 deletion Deletion of SIP1 decreases replicative lifespan by 80%, without accompying aging biomarkers in S288C strain [10921902]. Yeast -80
    TSA1 deletion Disruption of TSA1 shortens chronological lifespan [15129730]. Replicative lifespan extension by DR in sir2;fob1 double mutant is reduced by TSA1 deletion mutant. Wild-type cells require TSA1 to fully extend lifespan. Mutation in CDC35 (adenylate cyclase), a genetic mimetic of DR, is dependent on TSA1 to extend lifespan [21884982]. Yeast
    CDC6 mutation The CDC6-1 conditional allele results in an approximately 20% increase in mean replicative life span. This allele is defective for replicative initiation form the rDNA ARS at 27 degree Celsius, resulting in a reduced rate of extrachromosomal rDNA circle accumulation [9428525]. The cdc6-1 allele results in genomic instability at the permissive temperature [8552037]. Yeast +20
    ABP1 deletion ABP1 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain and decreases replicative lifespan by 20% in the a strain [18340043]. Deletion of ABP1 increases replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain and decreases replicative lifespan by 20% in the a strain [19030232]. Yeast -20 to +30
    YPT7 deletion YPT7 deletion decreases replicative lifespan by 15% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Deletion of YPT7 cancels out replicative lifespan extension of 0.5% glucose restriction and results under DR also into a shorter replicative lifespan than under AL [18690010]. Yeast -15
    HPR1 deletion Deletion of HPR1 decreases replicative lifespan [11756539] Yeast
    SIR2 mutation Deletion of SIR2 shortens replicative lifespan by approximately 30%. Deletion of SIR2 causes genomic instability at rDNA array [2647300] and shortens replicative lifespan by 50% [11000115]. 0.5% glucose restriction fails to increase the short lifespan of sir2Delta [11000115] probably duo to hyperaccumulations of extrachromosomal rDNA circles (ERCs) [16311627]. 0.1% glucose restriction extends replicative lifespan of sir2 mutants [12213553]. 0.5, 0.1 and 0.05% glucose restriction are able to increase lifespan of sir2;fob1 double mutant to a greater extent than in wild-type [15328540]. Sir2 blocks extreme chronological lifespan extension as the lack of Sir2 along with DR and/or mutations in the yeast AKT homolog, Sch9, or Ras pathways causes a dramatic chronological lifespan extension (6-fold) [16286010]. Sir2 inhibits formation of ERCs and acts on histones as well metabolic enzymes among others [15684413]. Chronological lifespan of sir2 deletion mutant is significantly extended compared with wild-type in water (extreme DR) but not in saturated cultures containing 2% glucose (ad libitum). SIR2 mutants are defective for telomere [1913809] and HM silencing [6098447; 3297920]. have increased rDNA recombination [2647300] and a loss of rDNA silencing [9009207; 9009206]. Yeast -30
    VAM7 deletion VAM7 deletion decreases replicative lifespan under AL and blocked DR-mediated lifespan extension. Replicative lifespan decreases by 70% on DR in VAM7 deletion mutant [18690010]. Yeast
    Transient CDC7 inactivation Transient inactivation of CDC7 results in a shortened replicative lifespan [2698814]. Yeast
    SIR4 deletion Deletion of SIR4 results in 20-25% reduction of lifespan [10521401]. SIR4 deletion mutants exhibit loss of silencing at the silent mating type loci [3297920] and telomeres [1913809] and have slightly elevated level of rDNA marker loss [10521401]. The short lifespan of a SIR4 mutant is probably due to the simultaneous expression of a and alpha mating-type information, which indirectly causes an increase in rDNA recombination and likely increases the production of extrachromosomal rDNA circles. Lifespan reduction by SIR4 deletion is suppressed by preventing mating type heterozygosity (co-expression of MATa and MATalpha). Yeast -20 to -25
    NYV1 deletion Deletion of NYV1 cancels out replicative lifespan extension of 0.5% glucose restriction and results under DR also into a shorter replicative lifespan than under AL [18690010; 22622083]. Thus, NYV1 deletion blocks DR-lifespan prolongation [18690010]. Yeast
    SLT2 deletion Deletion of SLT2 has no effect on replicative lifespan in W303 strain [12640455]. SLT2 deletion increases rDNA silencing and rDNA recombination and decreases silencing at the telomeres and HM loci [Ray et al., 2003] as well as results in decreased phosphorylation of Sir3 [12640455]. Yeast
    LAT1 deletion Deleting LAT1 abolishes replicative lifespan extension induced by 0.5% and 0.05% glucose restriction [17200108]. Yeast
    SNF4 deletion Deleting SNF4 extends replicative lifespan by 10-20% in S288C strain [10921902]. Yeast +10 t +20
    CIT2 deletion Deletion of CIT2 has no effect on replicative lifespan [10224252]. Yeast
    GIS1 deletion Deletion of GIS1 increases replicative lifespan by 25% in the alpha strain [19030232] and causes major although not complete reversion of chronological lifespan extension by 0.5% glucose restriction [18225956]. Yeast
    ERG6 deletion Deletion of ERG6 cancels out replicative lifespan extension of 0.5% glucose DR and results under DR also into a shorter replicative lifespan than under AL [18690010]. Yeast
    SOD1 deletion Deletion of SOD1 decreases replicative lifespan by 40% [17460215]. Cells with a deletion of SOD1 exhibit a profound defect in entry into and survival during stationary phase (i.e. chronological lifespan) in the W303-B strain [8647826; 10222047], which is suppressed by expression of human Bcl-2 [9199172]. Deletion of SOD1 shortens replicative lifespan by approximately 40%. The magnitude of the decrease in lifespan does not appear to dependent on oxygen concentration in the atmosphere [12020810]. Deletion of SOD1 shortens replicative lifespan [10547026] Deletion of SOD1 shortens replicative as well as chronological lifespan [10222047]. Hypersensitivity to oxygene and significantly decreased replicative lifespan of SOD1 deletion can be ameliorated by exogenous ascorbate. If acorbate's negative effects of auto-oxidation are prevented by exchange of medium, ascorbate prolongs mean and maximum replicative lifespan in the atmosphere of air and pure oxygene [15621721]. SOD1 deletion causes sensitivity to hyperoxia as well as methionine and lysine auxotrohies [9199172]. Yeast -40
    ERG5 deletion Deletion of ERG5 decreases replicative lifespan by 35% in the a strain [18340043], but increases mean chronological lifespan by 26 - 116% (26, 40, 43, 62, 116) in diploid cells [21447998]. Deletion of ERG5 cancels out the replicative lifespan extension of 0.5% glucose restriction [18690010]. Yeast -35 to +116
    CYR1 mutation The CDC35-1 allele of the adenylate cyclase CYR1 confers a 75% extension of replicative lifespan at 25 degree Celsius [11000115]. cyr1-1 mutation extends median chronological lifespan by 28-47% and is non-addative with lifespan extension conferred by overxpression of human MAPK1 [17662940]. Yeast +75 +28 to 47
    COQ3 deletion Deletion of COQ3 decreases chronological lifespan and renders cells respiratory deficient and sensitive to hydrogen peroxide [12586694]. Yeast
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.