
  • Species: + -
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    p53 mutation Globally lack of p53 decreases lifespan [16303568]. Loss of p53 activity slightly shortens the lifespan. Mutants that lack p53 survive well up to 50 days, but mortality rate increases relative to wild-type at later ages. p53 mutant animals are extremely sensitive to irradiation [12935877]. Fly
    Pi3K92E mutation Heterozyogous mutation in Pi3K92E fails to extend lifespan [11292874] and it is recessive lethal. Fly
    Scgdelta deletion Deletion of Scgdelta has detrimental effects on the flight muscles of adult animals and heart function. Median lifespan is reduced 15-30% [17855453]. Fly -15 to -30
    rut mutation Two rutabaga mutants, rut1 and rut2080, have significantly shortened lifespans [17369827]. Fly
    mld heterozygous mutation Female, but not male, heterozygous mutants display a 42% increase in mean lifespan at 29 degrees Celsius. DTS-3 +/- female adults exhibit a 50% reduced ecdysone titer and reduced fertility [12610309]. Female, but not male, heterozygoutes also exhibit a temperature-dependent increase in starvation resistance. Fly +42
    DLP mutation DLP mutants have a 20% shorter mean lifespan and reduced female fertility [17933869]. Fly -20
    EcR mutation Mutant heterozygotes in EcR live on mean 40%-50% longer than controls [12610309; reviewed in 12610294]. Homozygous mutants in EcR are inviable. The developmental time and weight of EcR+/- mutants is the same as control, but resistance to temperature, oxidative stress, and starvation is increased in heterozygotes [12610309]. Fly +40 to +50
    l(3)DTS3 mutation Female, but not male, heterozygous mutants exhibit a 42% increase in mean lifespan [12610309]. Fly +42
    egm mutation Mutation in egm confers resistance to oxidative stress and extends the lifespan [16434470]. Fly
    GLaz mutation Loss-of-function mutation of GLaz which decreases its expression of GLaz results in shorter lifespan and decreased resistance to oxidative stress in males [16581513]. Fly
    hypomoprhic hep mutation A hypomorphic allele of hep (hep1) laerlgy prevents lifespan extension caused by puc heterozygosity [14602080]. Fly
    Dcr-2 mutation Median lifespan of homozyogous and transheterozyogous Dcr-2 mutants is reduced by 18-36% in males and by 27-36% in females. Dcr-2 loss changes the expression of mostly metabolic genes implicated in stress resistance and aging. Dcr-2 mutants are hypersensitive to oxidative, endoplasmic reticulum, starvation and cold stress as well as abnormal lipid and carbohydrate metabolism [21889502]. Fly -18 to -36
    InRE19/InRp5545 transheterozygous mutation Mutations in InR (InRE19/InRp5545 transheterozygous) result in dwarf females with extended lifespan of up to 85% and dwarf males with reduced late age-specific mortality (although no significant change in lifespan) [11292875]. Fly +85
    InrGC25/InrE19 transheterozygous mutation InrGC25/InrE19 transheterozygous animals are short-lived an exhibit an elevated rate of age-independent mortality [11292874]. Fly
    Ilp2/Ilp3/Ilp5 mutation Ilp5 null mutants have a normal lifespan under AL and a normal DR response. Ilp2 Ilp3 Ilp5 triple null mutants fail to have a normal response to DR. Their response is right shifted, with mutants being shorter-lived compared to wild-type on low but longer-lived on high yeast concentrations [20195512]. Fly
    Ilp2 mutation Ilp2 null mutants are significant longer-lived with a 8-13% longer median lifespan [20195512]. Fly +8 to +13
    Thor mutation Null mutation in Thor (alias d4E-BP) causes a significant decrease in longevity (-25% median lifespan in males). foxo (alias dFOXO) and Thor null mutants are compromised in stress resistant. Stress resistance of foxo null mutants is rescued by Thor overexpression [16055649]. Thor null mutants cancel out DR-induced lifespan extension, because mutants exhibit a diminished change in lifespan when nutrient conditions were varied. Thor null mutants have a wild-type similar reduction in egg production upon DR [19804760]. Fly -25
    foxo mutation foxo null mutants are highly and significantly shorter-lived than wild-type on all food dilutions apart from 0.1 SY and under starvation. foxo null mutants are not more sensitive to starvation than wild-type [18241326]. Fly
    Sir2 mutation A decrease in Sir2 (alias dSir2) blocks the life-extending effect of caloric reduction or rpd3 mutations [15520384]. Sir2 mutation does not reduce lifespan under AL [15520384]. Fly
    Dominant negative Tor Expression of a dominant-negative form of Tor extends lifespan [15186745]. Ubiquitious overexpression of dTOR with the da-GAL4 driver of UAS-dTOR(FRB) which contains the 11kDA FKB12-rapamycin binding domain led to a mean and maximum lifespan increase of 15% (24%) and 29% at 29°C and of 50% (26%) and 13% at 25°C, respectively [15186745]. Overexpression of the dominant-negative form of Tor specifically in the fat and muscle tissues is sufficient to extend the mean and maximum lifespan by 24 and 19%, respectively [15186745]. Overexpression of UAS-dTOR(WT) or UAS-dTOR(TED) prevents eclosion to adulthood [15186745]. Fly +15 to +50 +13 to +29
    Dominant-negative S6k Ubiquitous overexpression of a dominant-negative form of S6k (alias dS6K) increases mean lifespan by 22%. Overexpression of a dominant-negative form of S6k protects mutants from deleterious effects of rich food, as if mimicking the effect of DR [15186745]. Fly +22
    Constitutive active S6k overexpression Overexpression of a constitutively active form of S6k (alias dS6K) decreases mean lifespan by 34% at 29°C [15186745]. Fly -34
    Mnt Mutation A dMnt null allele results in flies with larger cells, increased weight, and decreased lifespan [16055719]. Fly
    mys Mutation mys mutants exhibit ameliorated age-related declines in locomotor activity and an increase in mean lifespan of 20% [14570233]. Fly +20
    Heterozygous hypomorphic Rpd3 mutation Males heterozygous for hypomorphic (partial loss-of-function) mutation of Rpd3 have a lifespan extension of 33%. Females heterozygous for a hypomorphic allele have a 52% increase in lifespan. Longevity increases to the same extent in wild-type under low-calorie diet and rpd3 mutants fed normal diet [12459580]. Fly +33 to 52
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.