
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    Lamp2a expression restoration Maintaining the amount of the Lamp2a (in a double transgenic mice) specifically in the liver at levels found in young adults prevents age-dependent decrease in receptor abundance at the cellular and organ levels. In this mice CMA activity is maintained until advanced ages which results in preservation of the autophagic activity and is associated with lower intracellular accumulation of damaged proteins, better ability to handle protein damage and improved organ function [19115216; 18690243]. Lamp2a expression restored not only CMA but also macrophagy and proteasomal degradation to the level observed in young liver as well as youthful mitochondrial function and cellular ATP abundance and overall youthful liver functions [18776878]. Mouse
    Ubiquitinous SOD1 overexpression Ubiquitous overexpression of SOD1 does not extend lifespan in mice. Homozygous transgenic mice with two- to five-fold overexpression of SOD1 in various tissues exhibit a light reduction in lifespan. Hemizygous transgenic mice, with 1.5- to 3-fold overexpression of SOD1 display no difference in lifespan compared with nontransgenic litermate controls [10719757]. Transgenic mice with a mutant SOD1 transgene develop neuronal cytoskeletal lesions resembling the human amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) phenotype [8610185]. Transgenic mice overexpressing SOD1 (and having 3.1-fold higher cellular Cu,Zn SOD activity in the brain) have reduced infarct size following experimental cerebral ischemia [1763030]. Mouse
    Bub1b overexpression Sustained high-level expression of BubR1 preserves genomic integrity and reduces tumorgenesis (even in the presence of genetic alterations that strongly promote aneuplodization and cancer, such as oncogenic Ras) and extends the lifespan and delays age-related deterioriation and aneuploidy in several tissues [23242215]. BubR1 overabundance exerts its protective effect by correcting mitotic checkpoints defects [23242215]. BubB1 overexpression extends maximum lifespan by 20 - 41% compared to GFP-carrying control transgenic mice [23242215]. Mouse +20 to +41.3
    Foxm1 overexpression Increased hepatocyte expression in 12-month-old (aged) transgenic mice of Foxm1b alone is sufficient to restore hepatocyte proliferation to levels found in 2-month-old (young) regenerating liver [14647066]. Mouse
    Nudt1 Overexpression hMTH1-Tg mice express high levels of the hMTH1 hydrolase that degrades 8-oxoGTP and 8-oxoGTP and excludess 8-oxoguanine from both DNA and RNA. hMTH1-overexpresing mice have significantly lower steady-state levels of 8-oxoguanine in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of several organs, including the brain. hMTH1 overexpression prevents the age-dependent accumulation of DNA 8-oxoguanine that occurs in the wild-type mice. These lower levels of oxidized guanines are associated with increased longevity and hMTH1-Tg animals live significantly longer than their wild-type littermates [23648059]. Mouse
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    • 5 of 30 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.