
  • Species: + -
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    yata mutation yata mutation shortens the maximum lifespan by 68% and results in progressive deterioration of the nervous tissues and aberrant accumulation of Sec23 [19209226]. Fly -68
    Dominant-negative S6k Ubiquitous overexpression of a dominant-negative form of S6k (alias dS6K) increases mean lifespan by 22%. Overexpression of a dominant-negative form of S6k protects mutants from deleterious effects of rich food, as if mimicking the effect of DR [15186745]. Fly +22
    rut mutation Two rutabaga mutants, rut1 and rut2080, have significantly shortened lifespans [17369827]. Fly
    Trx-2 mutation Trx-2 mutants have a 25% reduction in maximum lifespan and exhibit lower tolerance to oxidative stress while animals carrying multiple copies of Trx-2 exhibit higher tolerance [17567437]. Fly -25
    Edem1 mutation The mean lifespan of Edem1 mutants of both male and female is increased by more than 30% [19302370]. Fly +30
    ovo mutation The dominant ovoD1 allele extends female lifespan by approximately 50%. It does not synergize or prevent life-extension caused by chico [10617470; 11292874]. ovoD1 mutants are sterile [Mevel-Ninio et al. 1991]. Fly +50
    sun mutation sun mutations increases lifespan and resistance to oxidative stress [15133470] Fly
    Sod mutation Sod mutant flies display infertility and a reduction in lifespan [2539600]. Fly
    Sod knockout Sod knockout blunts the lifespan extension by a high sugar-low protein diet, but not a low-calorie diet [22672579]. Fly
    SdhB mutation SdhB mutants are hypersensitive to oxygen and displays signs of premature aging, including a 66% decrease in mean lifespan and a 17% decrease in maximum lifespan [17056719]. Fly -66 -17
    DJ-1alpha RNAi RNA interference of DJ-1alpha shortens maximum lifespan by 13% and results in increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and motor impairments [17651920]. Fly -13
    rho-7 knockout rho-7 knockout flies have severe neurological defects and a much reduced lifespan [16713954]. Fly
    Loco mutation Reduced expression of Loco due to hetero-deficient results in a 17-20% longer mean lifespan for both male and females, besides the fact that the homozygous deficiency of loco is lethal. Several of these long-lived mutants are more resistant to stresses such as starvation, oxidation ad heat. Additional mutant have higher Manganese-containing superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity, increased fat content an diminished cAMP levels. Loco RGS domain is required for the regulation of longevity as deletion analysis suggest [21776417]. Fly +17 to +20
    Rbp9 mutation Rbp9 mutation significantly decreases longevity with a 33% reduction in median lifespan of males [20589912]. Fly -33
    pex16 mutation pex16 mutation lead to a reduced mean lifespan of one-third in females and on-fourth in males. The short lifespan can be rescued by the simultaneous overexpression of pex16 in the fat body and differentiated neurons [21826223]. Mutant flies lack normal peroxisomes, have an reduced adult body size (70%-85% smaller than controls) and rozy eyes, show locomotion defects in the development of the nervous system [21826223]. Fly -33 to -75
    Constitutive active S6k overexpression Overexpression of a constitutively active form of S6k (alias dS6K) decreases mean lifespan by 34% at 29°C [15186745]. Fly -34
    Thor mutation Null mutation in Thor (alias d4E-BP) causes a significant decrease in longevity (-25% median lifespan in males). foxo (alias dFOXO) and Thor null mutants are compromised in stress resistant. Stress resistance of foxo null mutants is rescued by Thor overexpression [16055649]. Thor null mutants cancel out DR-induced lifespan extension, because mutants exhibit a diminished change in lifespan when nutrient conditions were varied. Thor null mutants have a wild-type similar reduction in egg production upon DR [19804760]. Fly -25
    mys Mutation mys mutants exhibit ameliorated age-related declines in locomotor activity and an increase in mean lifespan of 20% [14570233]. Fly +20
    InRE19/InRp5545 transheterozygous mutation Mutations in InR (InRE19/InRp5545 transheterozygous) result in dwarf females with extended lifespan of up to 85% and dwarf males with reduced late age-specific mortality (although no significant change in lifespan) [11292875]. Fly +85
    Atg8a mutation Mutations in Atg8a results in reduced lifespan and increased sensitivity to oxidative stress [18059160]. Atg8a mutation reduces the maximum lifespan by 25% under starvation conditions [17617737]. Loss-of-function mutation in atg8a reduces mean lifespan by 11 - 25% and maximum lifespan by 3 - 22% [17435236]. Fly -11 to -25 -3 to -25
    snz mutation Mutation in snz increases maximum lifespan of both sexes by up to 66%, while the median female lifespan is approximately 85% higher and that of males around 72% [18478054]. Fly +72 to +85 +66
    egm mutation Mutation in egm confers resistance to oxidative stress and extends the lifespan [16434470]. Fly
    Homozygous chico mutation Mutation in chico extends mean, median, and maximum lifespan by 56%, 48%, and 42% in homozygotes. chico mutation produces dwarf, long-lived females at normal nutrition [11292874]. Wild-type and chico mutant females have similar peak lifespan under DR, but the food concentration at which these are achieved is shifted to higher amounts. chico mutation induces a state equivalent to submaximal, DR-induced slowing of aging [11951037]. Male chico homozygous have a shortened lifespan [11292874]. Female chico homozygous recessive mutants are sterile [11292874]. Fly +56 +48 +42
    Heterzygous chico mutation Mutation in chico extends mean, median and maximum lifespan by 44%, 36% and 35% in heterozygotes. chico mutation produces dwarf, long-lived females at normal nutrition [11292874]. Wild-type and chico mutant females have similar peak lifespan under DR, but the food concentration at which these are achieved is shifted to higher amounts. chico mutation induces a state equivalent to submaximal, DR-induced slowing of aging [11951037]. Male chico heterozygous live 13% longer than wild-type [11292874]. chico heterzoygous females have a reduced fecundity. chico heterozygous mutants are resistant to starvation but not oxidative stress or temperature stress [11292874]. Fly +44 +36 +35
    mth mutation Mutants in mth display approximately 35% and 36% increase in average and maximum lifespan as well as enhanced resistance to various forms of stress (including starvation, high temperature, and dietary paraquat) [9794765]. Fly +35 +36
    • Page 1 of 4
    • 25 of 85 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.