
Denigma references all information very accurately. A reference is commonly a scientific article.

Specifically Denigma's References is an online reference management system for collaborative efforts which enables organising, searching and co-annotating papers.

It enables to store, organize, and more effectively search annotated data of biomedical literature on aging-related topics.

One of its ultimately aims is to a evolve into a resource which Denigma provides a corpus that aids to generate predictions and discovery implicit relationhips via machine learning and logical inference. o

  • Year: + -
  • authors title date pmid
    Gillis J & Pavlidis P, 2012 "Guilt by association" is the exception rather than the rule in gene networks. 2012-04-06 22479173
    Kastman EK et al., 2012 A calorie-restricted diet decreases brain iron accumulation and preserves motor performance in old rhesus monkeys. 2012-10-20 23082321
    Kerber RA et al., 2012 A genome-wide study replicates linkage of 3p22-24 to extreme longevity in humans and identifies possible additional loci. 2012-04-17 22506048
    Plank M et al., 2012 A meta-analysis of caloric restriction gene expression profiles to infer common signatures and regulatory mechanisms. 2012-02-14 22327899
    Butler JA et al., 2012 A metabolic signature for long-life in the c. Elegans mit mutants. 2012-11-24 23173729
    Vertino, Anthony et al., 2012 A narrow quantitative trait locus in C. elegans coordinately affects longevity, thermotolerance, and resistance to paraquat. 2012-02-04 22303358
    Borklu Yucel, Esra & Ulgen, Kutlu O, 2012 A network-based approach on elucidating the multi-faceted nature of chronological aging in S. cerevisiae. 2012-01-05 22216232
    Bard J, 2012 A new ontology (structured hierarchy) of human developmental anatomy for the first 7 weeks (Carnegie stages 1-20). 2012-09-15 22973865
    Wollam J et al., 2012 A novel 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase that regulates reproductive development and longevity. 2012-04-17 22505847
    Wu CY et al., 2012 A persistent level of Cisd2 extends healthy lifespan and delays aging in mice. 2012-06-05 22661501
    Papp D et al., 2012 A role for SKN-1/Nrf in pathogen resistance and immunosenescence in Caenorhabditis elegans. 2012-05-12 22577361
    Shen Y et al., 2012 A steroid receptor-microRNA switch regulates life span in response to signals from the gonad. 2012-12-15 23239738
    Barbieri M et al., 2012 A/ASP/VAL allele combination of IGF1R, IRS2, and UCP2 genes is associated with better metabolic profile, preserved energy expenditure parameters, and low mortality rate in longevity. 2011-02-23 21340542
    López-Andrés N et al., 2012 Absence of Cardiotrophin 1 Is Associated With Decreased Age-Dependent Arterial Stiffness and Increased Longevity in Mice. 2012-11-23 23172930
    Pishel I et al., 2012 Accelerated aging versus rejuvenation of the immune system in heterochronic parabiosis. 2012-04-27 22533440
    Slack C et al., 2012 Activation of AMPK by the Putative Dietary Restriction Mimetic Metformin Is Insufficient to Extend Lifespan in Drosophila. 2012-10-19 23077661
    Barbosa AD et al., 2012 Activation of the Hog1p kinase in Isc1p-deficient yeast cells is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress sensitivity and premature aging. 2012-03-27 22445853
    Fanson BG & Taylor PW, 2012 Additive and interactive effects of nutrient classes on longevity, reproduction, and diet consumption in the Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni). 2011-11-19 22094291
    Olivieri F et al., 2012 Age-related differences in the expression of circulating microRNAs: miR-21 as a new circulating marker of inflammaging. 2012-10-09 23041385
    Horvath S et al., 2012 Aging effects on DNA methylation modules in human brain and blood tissue. 2012-10-05 23034122
    Rando TA & Chang HY, 2012 Aging, rejuvenation, and epigenetic reprogramming: resetting the aging clock. 2012-01-24 22265401
    Zhou X et al., 2012 Altered expression of miR-152 and miR-148a in ovarian cancer is related to cell proliferation. 2011-10-06 21971665
    Santos J et al., 2012 Ammonium is toxic for aging yeast cells, inducing death and shortening of the chronological lifespan. 2012-05-23 22615903
    Hughes AL & Gottschling DE, 2012 An early age increase in vacuolar pH limits mitochondrial function and lifespan in yeast. 2012-11-23 23172144
    Sagi, Dror & Kim, Stuart K, 2012 An engineering approach to extending lifespan in C. elegans. 2012-06-28 22737090
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