
Denigma references all information very accurately. A reference is commonly a scientific article.

Specifically Denigma's References is an online reference management system for collaborative efforts which enables organising, searching and co-annotating papers.

It enables to store, organize, and more effectively search annotated data of biomedical literature on aging-related topics.

One of its ultimately aims is to a evolve into a resource which Denigma provides a corpus that aids to generate predictions and discovery implicit relationhips via machine learning and logical inference. o

  • Year: + -
  • Label: + -
  • authors title date pmid
    Jia K et al., 2002 DAF-9, a cytochrome P450 regulating C. elegans larval development and adult longevity. 2002-01-10 11782415
    Jiang JC et al., 2002 Distinct roles of processes modulated by histone deacetylases Rpd3p, Hda1p, and Sir2p in life extension by caloric restriction in yeast. 2002-09-06 12213553
    Kaeberlein M et al., 2002 High osmolarity extends life span in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a mechanism related to calorie restriction. 2002-10-23 12391171
    Kaeberlein M & Guarente L, 2002 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MPT5 and SSD1 function in parallel pathways to promote cell wall integrity. 2002-01-24 11805047
    Kirby K et al., 2002 RNA interference-mediated silencing of Sod2 in Drosophila leads to early adult-onset mortality and elevated endogenous oxidative stress. 2002-11-29 12456885
    Knauf F et al., 2002 Functional characterization and immunolocalization of the transporter encoded by the life-extending gene Indy. 2002-10-23 12391301
    Lai CY et al., 2002 A mutation in the ATP2 gene abrogates the age asymmetry between mother and daughter cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2002-09-21 12242224
    Larsen PL & Clarke CF, 2002 Extension of life-span in Caenorhabditis elegans by a diet lacking coenzyme Q. 2002-01-05 11778046
    Lin SJ et al., 2002 Calorie restriction extends Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan by increasing respiration. 2002-07-19 12124627
    Lio D et al., 2002 Association between the MHC class I gene HFE polymorphisms and longevity: a study in Sicilian population. 2002-02-22 11857056
    Lio D et al., 2002 Allele frequencies of +874T-->A single nucleotide polymorphism at the first intron of interferon-gamma gene in a group of Italian centenarians. 2002-01-05 11772518
    Lio D et al., 2002 Gender-specific association between -1082 IL-10 promoter polymorphism and longevity. 2002-02-22 11857058
    Lu MH et al., 2002 Dietary restriction alters cell proliferation in rats: an immunohistochemical study by labeling proliferating cell nuclear antigen. 2001-12-18 11744049
    Mankouri HW et al., 2002 SGS1 is a multicopy suppressor of srs2: functional overlap between DNA helicases. 2002-02-28 11861900
    Masferrer A et al., 2002 Overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPS1S) in transgenic Arabidopsis induces a cell death/senescence-like response and reduced cytokinin levels. 2002-05-10 12000449
    Mattson, Mark P et al., 2002 Modification of brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders by genes, diet, and behavior. 2002-07-01 12087131
    Merker RJ & Klein HL, 2002 hpr1Delta affects ribosomal DNA recombination and cell life span in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2002-01-05 11756539
    Mishto M et al., 2002 Age dependent impact of LMP polymorphisms on TNFalpha-induced apoptosis in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. 2002-01-05 11772516
    Mitsui A et al., 2002 Overexpression of human thioredoxin in transgenic mice controls oxidative stress and life span. 2002-09-17 12230882
    Olivieri F et al., 2002 The -174 C/G locus affects in vitro/in vivo IL-6 production during aging. 2002-01-05 11772517
    Partridge L & Gems D, 2002 Mechanisms of ageing: public or private? 2002-04-25 11972154
    Perls T et al., 2002 The genetics of aging. 2002-06-22 12076681
    Pinti M et al., 2002 Genetic polymorphisms of Fas (CD95) and FasL (CD178) in human longevity: studies on centenarians. 2002-04-20 11965496
    Piper PW et al., 2002 The shortened replicative life span of prohibitin mutants of yeast appears to be due to defective mitochondrial segregation in old mother cells. 2003-07-29 12882345
    Rahmutula D et al., 2002 Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene and longevity in the Xin Jiang Uighur autonomous region of China: an association study. 2002-01-05 11773214

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