
Denigma references all information very accurately. A reference is commonly a scientific article.

Specifically Denigma's References is an online reference management system for collaborative efforts which enables organising, searching and co-annotating papers.

It enables to store, organize, and more effectively search annotated data of biomedical literature on aging-related topics.

One of its ultimately aims is to a evolve into a resource which Denigma provides a corpus that aids to generate predictions and discovery implicit relationhips via machine learning and logical inference. o

  • Year: + -
  • Label: + -
  • authors title date pmid
    Panza F et al., 2003 Angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphism in centenarians: different allele frequencies between the North and South of Europe. 2003-09-05 12954489
    Orr WC et al., 2003 Effects of overexpression of copper-zinc and manganese superoxide dismutases, catalase, and thioredoxin reductase genes on longevity in Drosophila melanogaster. 2003-05-14 12743125
    Ookuma S et al., 2003 Identification of a DAF-16 transcriptional target gene, scl-1, that regulates longevity and stress resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans. 2003-03-07 12620193
    Niemi AK et al., 2003 Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms associated with longevity in a Finnish population. 2002-12-17 12483296
    Murphy CT et al., 2003 Genes that act downstream of DAF-16 to influence the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans. 2003-07-08 12845331
    Mockett, Robin J et al., 2003 Ectopic expression of catalase in Drosophila mitochondria increases stress resistance but not longevity. 2003-01-11 12521602
    Michalkiewicz M et al., 2003 Hypotension and reduced catecholamines in neuropeptide Y transgenic rats. 2003-04-02 12668588
    Meléndez A et al., 2003 Autophagy genes are essential for dauer development and life-span extension in C. elegans. 2003-09-06 12958363
    Marden JH et al., 2003 Conditional tradeoffs between aging and organismal performance of Indy long-lived mutant flies. 2003-03-11 12626742
    Mair, William et al., 2003 Demography of dietary restriction and death in Drosophila. 2003-09-23 14500985
    Lutz PL et al., 2003 Is turtle longevity linked to enhanced mechanisms for surviving brain anoxia and reoxygenation? 2003-07-12 12855290
    Longo, Valter D, 2003 The Ras and Sch9 pathways regulate stress resistance and longevity. 2003-07-12 12855292
    Lio D et al., 2003 Inflammation, genetics, and longevity: further studies on the protective effects in men of IL-10 -1082 promoter SNP and its interaction with TNF-alpha -308 promoter SNP. 2003-04-05 12676903
    Lio D et al., 2003 Association between the HLA-DR alleles and longevity: a study in Sardinian population. 2003-02-13 12581796
    Lin SS et al., 2003 Sip2, an N-myristoylated beta subunit of Snf1 kinase, regulates aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by affecting cellular histone kinase activity, recombination at rDNA loci, and silencing. 2003-02-04 12562756
    Lee, Siu Sylvia et al., 2003 DAF-16 target genes that control C. elegans life-span and metabolism. 2003-04-12 12690206
    Lee SS et al., 2003 A systematic RNAi screen identifies a critical role for mitochondria in C. elegans longevity. 2002-11-26 12447374
    Lee P et al., 2003 Polymorphisms in the human homologue of the drosophila Indy (I'm not dead yet) gene. 2003-09-23 14499494
    Lee JH et al., 2003 In vivo p53 function is indispensable for DNA damage-induced apoptotic signaling in Drosophila. 2003-08-26 12935877
    Lebel M et al., 2003 Genetic cooperation between the Werner syndrome protein and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 in preventing chromatid breaks, complex chromosomal rearrangements, and cancer in mice. 2003-04-23 12707040
    Landis GN et al., 2003 A search for doxycycline-dependent mutations that increase Drosophila melanogaster life span identifies the VhaSFD, Sugar baby, filamin, fwd and Cctl genes. 2003-03-07 12620118
    Krupczak-Hollis K et al., 2003 Growth hormone stimulates proliferation of old-aged regenerating liver through forkhead box m1b. 2003-12-04 14647066
    Koyanagi S et al., 2003 A molecular mechanism regulating circadian expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in tumor cells. 2003-11-13 14612524
    Kammerer S et al., 2003 Amino acid variant in the kinase binding domain of dual-specific A kinase-anchoring protein 2: a disease susceptibility polymorphism. 2003-03-21 12646697
    Kamei H et al., 2003 Association analysis of the SHC1 gene locus with longevity in the Japanese population. 2003-10-08 14530863

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