
Denigma references all information very accurately. A reference is commonly a scientific article.

Specifically Denigma's References is an online reference management system for collaborative efforts which enables organising, searching and co-annotating papers.

It enables to store, organize, and more effectively search annotated data of biomedical literature on aging-related topics.

One of its ultimately aims is to a evolve into a resource which Denigma provides a corpus that aids to generate predictions and discovery implicit relationhips via machine learning and logical inference. o

  • Year: + -
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  • authors title date pmid
    Rose, G et al., 2003 Variability of the SIRT3 gene, human silent information regulator Sir2 homologue, and survivorship in the elderly. 2003-10-01 14580859
    Barzilai N et al., 2003 Unique lipoprotein phenotype and genotype associated with exceptional longevity. 2003-10-16 14559957
    Perls T & Terry D, 2003 Understanding the determinants of exceptional longevity. 2003-09-11 12965974
    Garasto S et al., 2003 The study of APOA1, APOC3 and APOA4 variability in healthy ageing people reveals another paradox in the oldest old subjects. 2003-01-31 12556235
    Cavallone L et al., 2003 The role of IL-1 gene cluster in longevity: a study in Italian population. 2003-04-26 12714264
    Longo, Valter D, 2003 The Ras and Sch9 pathways regulate stress resistance and longevity. 2003-07-12 12855292
    Wysocka J & Herr W, 2003 The herpes simplex virus VP16-induced complex: the makings of a regulatory switch. 2003-06-27 12826401
    Tatar M et al., 2003 The endocrine regulation of aging by insulin-like signals. 2003-03-01 12610294
    Xu P et al., 2003 The Drosophila microRNA Mir-14 suppresses cell death and is required for normal fat metabolism. 2003-05-03 12725740
    Altomare K et al., 2003 The allele (A)(-110) in the promoter region of the HSP70-1 gene is unfavorable to longevity in women. 2003-09-23 14501185
    Spencer CC et al., 2003 Testing an 'aging gene' in long-lived drosophila strains: increased longevity depends on sex and genetic background. 2003-07-29 12882325
    Wong KK et al., 2003 Telomere dysfunction and Atm deficiency compromises organ homeostasis and accelerates ageing. 2003-01-24 12540856
    Downs JA et al., 2003 Suppression of homologous recombination by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae linker histone. 2003-06-25 12820979
    Fei YJ et al., 2003 Structural and functional characteristics of two sodium-coupled dicarboxylate transporters (ceNaDC1 and ceNaDC2) from Caenorhabditis elegans and their relevance to life span. 2002-12-14 12480943
    Simon AF et al., 2003 Steroid control of longevity in Drosophila melanogaster. 2003-03-01 12610309
    Fabrizio P et al., 2003 SOD2 functions downstream of Sch9 to extend longevity in yeast. 2003-02-15 12586694
    Howitz KT et al., 2003 Small molecule activators of sirtuins extend Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan. 2003-08-27 12939617
    Ray A et al., 2003 Sir3p phosphorylation by the Slt2p pathway effects redistribution of silencing function and shortened lifespan. 2003-03-18 12640455
    Lin SS et al., 2003 Sip2, an N-myristoylated beta subunit of Snf1 kinase, regulates aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by affecting cellular histone kinase activity, recombination at rDNA loci, and silencing. 2003-02-04 12562756
    Cao L et al., 2003 Senescence, aging, and malignant transformation mediated by p53 in mice lacking the Brca1 full-length isoform. 2003-01-21 12533509
    Yamaya M et al., 2003 Relationship between microsatellite polymorphism in the haem oxygenase-1 gene promoter and longevity of the normal Japanese population. 2003-02-05 12566526
    Hsu AL et al., 2003 Regulation of aging and age-related disease by DAF-16 and heat-shock factor. 2003-05-17 12750521
    Besson A et al., 2003 Reduced longevity in untreated patients with isolated growth hormone deficiency. 2003-08-14 12915652
    Julien E & Herr W, 2003 Proteolytic processing is necessary to separate and ensure proper cell growth and cytokinesis functions of HCF-1. 2003-05-14 12743030
    Bizon JL & Gallagher M, 2003 Production of new cells in the rat dentate gyrus over the lifespan: relation to cognitive decline. 2003-07-16 12859354
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