Change - Representation

Created on Dec. 6, 2012, 11:56 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Jan. 12, 2013, 7:03 p.m. by Hevok

Denigma |d| ¶
=========== ¶
.. image:: &para]
:width: 500 ¶
:height: 250 ¶
:align: center ¶
| ¶
| Daniel Wuttke | Crowed-sourcing support | Data Unification, Integration, Analysis & Exchange ¶
.. Daniel Wuttke: &para]
---- ¶
Enigma |d| ¶
========== ¶
* WW2: Encoding/Decoding information ¶
.. image:: &para]
:width: 325 ¶
:height: 225 ¶
:align: center ¶
* Each submarine equipped with an Enigma ¶
* Enabled exchange of information ¶
.. image:: &para]
:width: 325 ¶
:height: 225 ¶
:align: center ¶
---- ¶
Biological Information |d| ¶
========================== ¶
* Post-genomic era ¶
+ data increases rapidly ¶
+ but not fast enough ¶
+ computational and organizational challenges ¶
* Genomic code ¶
+ everything is encoded in the genome ¶
+ also Aging ¶
**Can it be decoded?** ¶
.. image:: &para]
:width: 275 ¶
:height: 350 ¶
:align: center ¶
---- ¶
Decoding Ageing |d| ¶
=================== ¶
* Objective: Construction of a **Digital Decipher Machine** |e| |s| ¶
* Rationality: Research + Programming + Design ¶
* Implementation: Open Source & Document-Driven Development ¶
* Philosophy: Everything editable, modifiable & programmable ¶
* Modularity: Built by apps and Data Units ¶
.. |e| image:: &para]
:width: 25 ¶
.. |s| image:: &para]
:width: 25 ¶
.. &para]
New Concepts_
|m| ¶
.. image:: &para]
:width: 250 ¶
.. |m| image:: &para]
:width: 250 ¶
.. _concepts: &para]
| "Denigma is as ¶
| strong as diamond, and |diamond| ¶
| as flexible as carbon fibre, but |carbon| ¶
| in its very heart its all in silicon" |silicon| ¶
.. |diamond| image:: &para]
:width: 50 ¶
.. |carbon| image:: &para]
:width: 50 ¶
.. |silicon| image:: &para]
:width: 50 ¶
---- ¶
Unity |d| ¶
========= ¶
* A schema that fits everything -> Data Unit ¶
* reStructuredText |u| ¶
* Data Entries supports: ¶
* ===== =========== ========== ¶
Tags_ Categories_ Hierarchy_ ¶
===== =========== ========== ¶
|t| |c| |h| ¶
===== =========== ========== ¶
.. _tags: &para]
.. _categories: &para]
.. _hierarchy: &para]
* ========= ================== ¶
Relations Graphs_ ¶
========= ================== ¶
|r| |g| ¶
========= ================== ¶
* Next-gen Ontology Construction ¶
* Denigma learns from what you teach it ¶
.. _Graphs: &para]
.. |u| image:: &para]
:width: 250 ¶
.. |t| image:: &para]
:height: 100 ¶
.. |c| image:: &para]
:height: 100 ¶
.. |h| image:: &para]
:height: 100 ¶
.. |r| image:: &para]
:height: 100 ¶
.. |g| image:: ¶
:height: 100 ¶
---- ¶
|d| ¶
========= ¶
* Multiple databases - multi-strategy endeavour ¶
* Information integration (DBs, Literature, Experts) ¶
* Robust data unification protocol |intersection| ¶
* Integrator sector: |integrator| ¶
+ Annotations | Interactions | Expressions | Datasets | Lifespan ¶
* Deciphering algorithms on unified data ¶
* Logical reasoning/inference ¶
---- ¶
Linking Researchers ¶
=================== ¶
* Communication platform for effective collaborations ¶
* Data Units for rapid exchange of information ¶
* Open Distributed Science ¶
.. image:: &para]
:width: 500 ¶
:height: 200 ¶
:align: center ¶
---- ¶
Building A Denigma |d| ¶
====================== ¶
Contact: Hevok at Denigma |sphere| ¶
.. |sphere| image:: &para]
:width: 250 ¶
.. |intersection| image:: &para]
:width: 250 ¶
.. |integrator| image:: &para]
:width: 250 ¶
.. |d| image:: &para]
:width: 25 ¶
.. hevok: ¶

Docutils System Messages

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Undefined substitution referenced: "d".

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Undefined substitution referenced: "d".

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Undefined substitution referenced: "m".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "diamond".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

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System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "silicon".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "diamond".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "carbon".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

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System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "d".

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Undefined substitution referenced: "g".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "d".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "intersection".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "integrator".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "d".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "sphere".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "sphere".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "intersection".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "integrator".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "d".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

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System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "tags".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "categories".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "hierarchy".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "graphs".
Tags: presentation

Comment: Changed relations image.

Comment on This Data Unit