Authors: Newman AB; Murabito JM

Abstract: The field of the "epidemiology of longevity" has been expanding rapidly in recent years. Several long-term cohort studies have followed older adults long enough to identify the most long-lived and to define many factors that lead to a long life span. Very long-lived people such as centenarians have been examined using case-control study designs. Both cohort and case-control studies have been the subject of genome-wide association studies that have identified genetic variants associated with longevity. With growing recognition of the importance of rare variations, family studies of longevity will be useful. Most recently, exome and whole-genome sequencing, gene expression, and epigenetic studies have been undertaken to better define functional variation and regulation of the genome. In this review, we consider how these studies are leading to a deeper understanding of the underlying biologic pathways to longevity.

Journal: Epidemiologic reviews
Date: Feb. 2, 2013
PMID: 23372024
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Newman AB, Murabito JM (2013) The Epidemiology of Longevity and Exceptional Survival. Epidemiologic reviews.

Longevity Variant Associations (p-value):
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