Polymorphism: I carriers of ACE

carriers ( SNPedia | 23andMe )


The present study reported that there are differences in the frequency of alleles in the oldest 2 decades (nonagenarians and centenarians) compared to middle-aged patients. The I carriers of ACE I/D gene were fewer in nonagenarians compared to centenarians (37.6% vs 62.5%, P = .016). The I carriers of ACE gene were more frequent in centenarians compared to controls (62% vs 41%, P = .045) ACE I/D = rs1799752?

gene symbol = ACE (get() returned more than one Factor -- it returned 2! Lookup parameters were {'symbol': u'ACE', 'species': })

entrez gene id = (get() returned more than one Factor -- it returned 2! Lookup parameters were {'symbol': u'ACE', 'species': })

Ethnicity: Greek
Age of cases: 99-111

- Number of cases/controls: 12 vs 190 vs 105 (initial)
- p-value: 0.045 [0.045]
- Significant: no

Study Design
- Classifications: No Age Effect
- Study type: Candidate Region/Gene
- Technology:

23389097: The Frequency of 4 Common Gene Polymorphisms in Nonagenarians, Centenarians, and Average Life Span Individuals.

Choice: Curate
Created: July 2, 2013, 2:33 a.m.
Updated: Aug. 26, 2013, 3:53 p.m.

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