Longevity Variant Database

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    Populations | Study Types | Variant Types

    polymorphism factor odds ratio pvalue initial number replication number Population age of cases shorter lived allele longer lived allele study type reference
    rs5882 CETP 3.56 0.001 213 vs 258 Ashkenazi Jewish 98,2 +/- 5,3 non-GG GG Candidate Region/Gene 14559957
    rs1800896 IL10 3.10 0.0003 142 vs 153 Mean age 67 AA GG Candidate Region/Gene 15466015
    rs1776180 EXO1 1.39 0.01 395 vs 411 455 vs 109 French, German Mean age 101.3 G C Candidate Region/Gene 19698732
    rs2476601 PTPN22 0.663 225 vs 278 Italian Mean age 93 Candidate Region/Gene 21113673
    rs1333049 0.64 0.001 80 (cases) vs 258 healthy young Human 100–104 C Candidate Region/Gene 20230275
    rs1801133 MTHFR 0.01 108 (patients with CVD) vs 118 Swiss >65 C Candidate Region/Gene 10583447
    K153R MSTN 3.48 0.001 156 vs 384 79 vs 316 Italian, Spaniard 100–111 K Candidate Region/Gene 23354683
    rs5882 CETP 0.318 175 vs 189 Italian 99.6 Candidate Region/Gene 15888337
    rs2282679 GC 0.6 1038 vs 461 Dutch 59.5 years (offspring of nonagerians) Candidate Region/Gene 23128285
    rs132793 XRCC6 0.74 224 vs 293 170 vs 220 Caucasian, European 90-103, 98+ (replication) Candidate Region/Gene 21972126
    rs1042522 TP53 0.57 0.006 100 very old vs 280 old vs 189 young Italian 91+, 73-91 P Candidate Region/Gene 23125046
    rs4646 CYP19 1.90 0.04 108 vs 85 Italian 90+ T Candidate Region/Gene 20819792
    rs2234693 ESR1 0.08 108 vs 85 Italian 90+ PP (genotype) Candidate Region/Gene 20819792
    rs1800795 IL6 0.006 244 vs 309 138 vs 98 Italian 85+ CC (genotype) Candidate Region/Gene 19377912
    rs1937 TFAM 0.003 107 vs 284 Spaniard 100–111 G CC (genotype) Candidate Region/Gene 23186209
    rs10149689 TSHR 1.56 0.001 232 vs 163 Ashkenazi Jewish Median age 97 A G Candidate Region/Gene 19837933
    rs12050077 TSHR 1.68 0.0001 232 vs 163 Ashkenazi Jewish Median age 97 G A Candidate Region/Gene 19837933
    rs708272 CETP 0.068 523 vs 498 Chinese Mean age 93.4 Candidate Region/Gene 22336474
    rs6457452 HSP70-A1B 1.0 347 vs 238 American, Ashkenazi Jewish Minimum age 100 Candidate Region/Gene 17027907
    rs5882 CETP 0.05 300 vs 320 vs 258 Ashkenazi Jewish Minimum age 95 AA, AG GG Candidate Region/Gene 15621216
    rs1799782 XRCC1 0.658 430 vs 290 British Mean age 70 Candidate Region/Gene 16518718
    rs25487 XRCC1 0.51 430 vs 290 British Mean age 70 Candidate Region/Gene 16518718
    rs861539 XRCC3 0.97 430 vs 290 British Mean age 70 Candidate Region/Gene 16518718
    rs28360135 XRCC4 0.29 430 vs 290 British Mean age 70 Candidate Region/Gene 16518718
    rs1800896 IL10 0.019 174 vs 227 Italian >100 GG Candidate Region/Gene 12676903
    • Page 1 of 15
    • 25 of 375 variants

    The Longevity Variant Database (LVDB) is a collaborative effort to catalogue all published genetic variants relevant to human longevity.

    The project is directed by the Health Extension Research Foundation [http://www.healthextension.co/about/], and the online content is managed by the members of the Global Computing Initiative.

    LVDB is driven by an international collaboration of scientists, programmers, and volunteers, including Joe Betts-LaCroix, Kristen Fortney, Daniel Wuttke, Eric K. Morgen, Nick Schaum, John M. Adams, Jessica Choi, Barry Goldberg, Amir Levine, Maria Litovchenko, Aiste Narkeviciute, Emily Quist, Navneet Ramesh, Justin Rebo, Dmitri Shytikov, and Jimi Vyas. o

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