Longevity Variant Database

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    polymorphism factor odds ratio pvalue initial number replication number Population age of cases shorter lived allele longer lived allele study type reference
    rs2251101 IDE 1.88 0.0011 829 vs 1033 Australian, Caucasian Mixed Candidate Region/Gene 18448515
    55 (L/M) PON1 0.94 0.44 308 vs 579 Italian, 296 vs 296 Irish Irish, Italian Italian 100.8 years, Irish 89.8 years Candidate Region/Gene 15050299
    rs1685354 UCP3 0.762 908 vs 708 Danish 93 Candidate Region/Gene 22743239
    rs647126 UCP3 0.447 908 vs 708 Danish 93 Candidate Region/Gene 22743239
    SV-6 CLU 1.0 49 vs 27 vs 20 Greek, Italian 99–107 Candidate Region/Gene 16804001
    rs1800629 TNF 1.0 119 vs 118 Jordanian Mean age 90.2 Candidate Region/Gene 20518833
    rs1043618 HSP70-A1A 1.0 347 vs 238 American, Ashkenazi Jewish Minimum age 100 Candidate Region/Gene 17027907
    rs6457452 HSP70-A1B 1.0 347 vs 238 American, Ashkenazi Jewish Minimum age 100 Candidate Region/Gene 17027907
    rs708272 CETP 1.0 12 vs 190 vs 105 Greek 99-111 Candidate Region/Gene 23389097
    rs5882 CETP 1.0 12 vs 190 vs 105 Greek 99-111 Candidate Region/Gene 23389097
    H63D HFE 1.0 35 vs 106 91-105 Candidate Region/Gene 11857056
    S65C HFE 1.0 35 vs 106 91-105 Candidate Region/Gene 11857056
    rs3758391 SIRT1 1.0 386 vs 640 vs 547 German Mean age 101 Candidate Region/Gene 16257164
    rs1885472 SIRT1 1.0 386 vs 640 vs 547 German Mean age 101 Candidate Region/Gene 16257164
    rs2273773 SIRT1 1.0 386 vs 640 vs 547 German Mean age 101 Candidate Region/Gene 16257164
    rs10997870 SIRT1 1.0 386 vs 640 vs 547 German Mean age 101 Candidate Region/Gene 16257164
    rs2234975 SIRT1 1.0 386 vs 640 vs 547 German Mean age 101 Candidate Region/Gene 16257164
    rs1801274 FCGR2A 1.0 408 vs 446 vs 454 German Centenarians Candidate Region/Gene 16893392
    rs854560 PON1 1.0 579 vs 308 Italian Over 100 Candidate Region/Gene 12082503
    192/55 loci PON1 0.01 579 vs 308 Italian Over 100 R+M+ Candidate Region/Gene 12082503
    CYP2D6*3 CYP2D6 1.0 552 vs 243 French mean 101 Candidate Region/Gene 9654200
    CYP2D6*4 CYP2D6 1.0 523 vs 252 French mean 101 Candidate Region/Gene 9654200
    GSTM1 deletion GSTM1 1.0 565 vs 229 French mean 101 Candidate Region/Gene 9654200
    NAT2*5A (C 481 T), NAT2*6A (G 590 A), NAT2*7A (G 857 A), and NAT2*14A (G 191 A) NAT2 1.0 188 vs 88 French mean 101 Candidate Region/Gene 9654200
    rs189037 ATM 0.004 875 vs 886 Chinese mean 94.6 CT Candidate Region/Gene 20816691
    • Page 1 of 32
    • 25 of 784 variants

    The Longevity Variant Database (LVDB) is a collaborative effort to catalogue all published genetic variants relevant to human longevity.

    The project is directed by the Health Extension Research Foundation [http://www.healthextension.co/about/], and the online content is managed by the members of the Global Computing Initiative.

    LVDB is driven by an international collaboration of scientists, programmers, and volunteers, including Joe Betts-LaCroix, Kristen Fortney, Daniel Wuttke, Eric K. Morgen, Nick Schaum, John M. Adams, Jessica Choi, Barry Goldberg, Amir Levine, Maria Litovchenko, Aiste Narkeviciute, Emily Quist, Navneet Ramesh, Justin Rebo, Dmitri Shytikov, and Jimi Vyas. o

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