Longevity Variant Database

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    polymorphism factor odds ratio pvalue initial number replication number Population age of cases shorter lived allele longer lived allele study type reference
    rs10085518 PSCD3 4.59e-05 1364 American, British Age range 50-108; mean age at death 80.2 T C Genome-Wide Association Study 22445811
    rs11767557 EPHA1 0.267 1364 American, British Age range 50-108; mean age at death 80.2 G A Candidate Region/Gene 22445811
    rs4720752 RPA3 1.93e-05 1364 American, British Age range 50-108; mean age at death 80.2 A G Genome-Wide Association Study 22445811
    rs6962026 PSCD3 2.07e-05 1364 American, British Age range 50-108; mean age at death 80.2 T C Genome-Wide Association Study 22445811
    rs7803143 PSCD3 1.57e-05 1364 American, British Age range 50-108; mean age at death 80.2 C T Genome-Wide Association Study 22445811
    rs978739 TAS2R16 0.62 0.001 348 vs 593 Calabrian Mean age 93.82 non-AA AA Candidate Region/Gene 23133589
    192 PON1 1.26 0.007 Italian: 308 vs 579; Northern Irish: 296 vs 296 Irish Italian: Mean age 100.8 +/- 2.1; Northern Irish: Mean age 89.8 +/- 5.7 Q Candidate Region/Gene 15050299
    192 (Q/R) PON1 1.30 0.007 308 vs 579 Italian, 296 vs 296 Irish Irish, Italian Italian 100.8 years, Irish 89.8 years Q Candidate Region/Gene 15050299
    192/55 loci PON1 0.01 579 vs 308 Italian Over 100 R+M+ Candidate Region/Gene 12082503
    55 (L/M) PON1 0.94 0.44 308 vs 579 Italian, 296 vs 296 Irish Irish, Italian Italian 100.8 years, Irish 89.8 years Candidate Region/Gene 15050299
    codon 192 PON1 1.0 192 vs 77 Italian 56 ages 66 to 89, 96 >90 Candidate Region/Gene 16799134
    codon 55 PON1 1.0 192 vs 77 Italian 56 ages 66 to 89, 96 >90 Candidate Region/Gene 16799134
    rs10256972 C7orf50 0.00224 1173 vs 570 American 85-100 A Genome-Wide Association Study 22533364
    rs12155014 OGDH 1.12 0.00080402 801 vs 914 Caucasian Median age 104 G A Genome-Wide Association Study 22279548
    rs1557967 TBXAS1 1.24 0.000791168 801 vs 914 Caucasian Median age 104 G A Genome-Wide Association Study 22279548
    rs1800795 IL-6 0.018 285 Finn 90-95 C G Candidate Region/Gene 15664628
    rs1800795 IL6 0.23 250 vs 400 Finn >90 Candidate Region/Gene 11640949
    rs1800795 IL-6 0.007 323 (cases) vs 377 (initial) Italian median age = 101 G C Candidate Region/Gene 11500818
    rs1800795 + (rs429358, rs7412) IL6 + APOE 1.49 0.45 81 vs 122 Italian Mean age 100.1 Candidate Region/Gene 15236771
    rs2003499 BUD31 1.59 8.07e-05 403 vs 1670 3746 vs 5912 Dutch Mean age 94 G Genome-Wide Association Study 21418511
    rs2069827 IL6 0.064 1,089 vs 736 563 (longtitudinal study) Danish, Dutch 92+ Danish, 85+ Dutch A 22234866
    rs2072454, rs2293347, rs3807362, rs884225 EGFR (for females) 4.11 0.003 137 vs 213 Korean Mean age 90 CGCA Genome-Wide Association Study 19641380
    rs2228078 GHRHR 1.48 0.21 314 vs 603;279 vs 797;383 vs 363 Caucasian 95.3 ± 2.2_x000D_;+M19994.5 ± 2.1_x000D_;mean 97.7, 95– 129 Candidate Region/Gene 19489743
    rs2267723 GHRHR 0.70 0.0001 1089 vs 736 1613 vs 1104 Danish 92-93 years old G A Candidate Region/Gene 22406557
    rs2267723 GHRHR 0.70 0.0001 1089 vs 736 1613 vs 1104 Danish 92.2–93.8 (mean age 93.2) G Candidate Region/Gene 22406557
    • Page 1 of 2
    • 25 of 41 variants

    The Longevity Variant Database (LVDB) is a collaborative effort to catalogue all published genetic variants relevant to human longevity.

    The project is directed by the Health Extension Research Foundation [http://www.healthextension.co/about/], and the online content is managed by the members of the Global Computing Initiative.

    LVDB is driven by an international collaboration of scientists, programmers, and volunteers, including Joe Betts-LaCroix, Kristen Fortney, Daniel Wuttke, Eric K. Morgen, Nick Schaum, John M. Adams, Jessica Choi, Barry Goldberg, Amir Levine, Maria Litovchenko, Aiste Narkeviciute, Emily Quist, Navneet Ramesh, Justin Rebo, Dmitri Shytikov, and Jimi Vyas. o

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