
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    Overexpression of Cat and Sod1 Simultaneous overexpression of catalase and Sod1 results in a one-third (i.e. 30%) lifespan extension, a slower rate of mortality acceleration, and a delayed loss in physical performance, but neither has any effect on lifespan alone [8108730]. +30
    FPS1S overexpression Plants overexpressing FPS1S exhibit a cell death/senescence-like phenotype and grw vigorously than wild-type [12000449]. In plants with increased FPS activity, the expression of senescence activated gene SAG12 is prematurely induced.
    SIR2RP1 overexpression Overexpression of SIR2RP1 (alias LmSIR2) results in a significant increase in survival of the vertebrate stage under normla axenic culture conditions, but has no effect on survival of the insect stage of the parasite. SIR2RP1 is mainly localized within the cytoplasm [12383511].
    SGS101 chemical induced overexpression Chemical induced overexpression of SAG101 causes precocious senescence in both attached and detached leaves of transgenic plants [11971136].
    SAG12 overexpression Introduction of a SAG12 via bacterial gene transfer (pSAG12:ipt) increases longevity. The gene results in enhanced production of the hormone Cytokinin which affects growth and development as well as stimulates cell division and thereby extends the lifespan. pSAG::ipt transgenic plants exhibit delayed leaf senescence, increased branching and reduced internodal length. The leaves and flowers of the pSAG12:ipt plants are reduced in size and display a more intense coloration [;; Garcia-Sogo et al. 2012].
    Hsp22 doxycyline-regulated overexpression Doxycyline-regulated overexpression of Hsp22 makes animals more sensitive to heat and oxidative stress as well as reduces the mean lifespan by up to 21%, particularly at higher culture temperature [15491684]. -21
    atf1 overexpression Overexpressing atf1 is not sufficient to promote chronological lifespan extension in cells lacking sty1 [20075862].
    HES1 overexpression Elevation of HES1 levels by an ERG6 promoter reduces mean, median and maximum replicative lifespan by 25, 18 and 29% [Geber et al., unpublished] Yeast -25 -18 -29
    CIT2 overexpression Overexpression of CIT2 has no effect on replicative lifespan [10224252]. Yeast
    HSP104 overexpression Overexpression of HSP104 driven by GAL promoter is insufficient to extend replicative lifespan [9851879]. Overproduction of HSP104 in wild-type cells has no effect on replicative life span, but suppresses the reduced lifespan of Sir2-deficient cells [17908928]. HSP104 overproduction is sufficient to induce thermotolerance [8643570]. Yeast
    LAG2 overexpression When LAG2 is overexpressed in SP1 strain, the mean and maximum replicative lifespan is extended by about 36% and 54%, respectively. Overexpression induced at generation 12 similarly increases replicative lifespan [8760941]. Yeast +36 +54
    MPT5 overexpression Overexpression of MPT5 from the ADH promoter extends replicative lifespan by about 20% in W303R [11805047] and by 25% in PSY142 [9150138]. MPT5 overexpression suppresses the temperature phenotype of POP2 mutant [9504907]. Yeast +20 to +25
    PNC1 overexpression Cells with 5 copies of PNC1 have a 70% longer replicative lifespan which is cancelled out by SIR2 deletion. Overexpression of PNC1 suppresses the effect of exogenously added nicotinamide on Sir2-dependent silencing at HM loci, telomeres and rDNA loci [12736687; 14729974]. PNC1 overexpression suppresses the inhibitory effect of exogenously added NAM on silencing, lifespan, and Hst1-mediated transcriptional repression [14729974]. Increased expression of PNC1 is both necessary and sufficient for replicative lifespan extension by DR and low-intensity stress. Under non-stressing conditions (2% glucose, 30 degree Celsius), a strain with additional copies of PNC1 (5XPNC1) has 70% longer replicative lifespan than the wild-type and some cells live for more than 70 divisions. Neither DR nor heat stress further increase the lifespan of the 5XPNC1 strain [12736687]. Yeast +70
    RAS1 overxpression No lifespan extension results from overexpression of RAS1 (in SP1) [8034612]. Yeast
    SCP1 overexpression Overexpression of SCP1 leads to elevuated ROS levels and reduces chronological lifespan [15024029]. Yeast
    SGS1 overexpression Overexpression of SGS1 extends the maximum lifespan of cells lacking SRS2, but not the mean lifespan [11861900]. Yeast
    SIR2 overexpression Integration of a second copy of SIR2 into the wild-type strain leads to an extension of replicative lifespan by around 35% in W303R strain[10521401]. 0.05% glucose restriction further extends replicative lifespan of SIR2 overexpression mutant [15328540]. Overexpression extends replicative lifespan in several strains, but not in PSY316 Yeast +35
    SNF1 overexpression Overexpression (high-copy 2 micro expression) of SNF1 shortens replicative lifespan to 75% of wild-type and is accompanied by signs of premature ageing, including proegressive sterility, enlargment and fragmentation of the nucleus, redistribution of Sir3 to the nucleus, and more rapid accumulation of extrachromosomal rDNA circles [10921902]. SNF1 overexpression also reduced chronological lifespan [19164565]. Yeast -25
    SOD1 overexpression The overexpression of Sods, mitochondrial Sod2 and cytosolic CuZnSod (Sod1), in combination delays the age-dependent reversible inactivation of mitochondrial aconitase, a superoxide-sensitive enzyme, and extends chronological lifespan by 30% [12586694]. Overexpression of SOD1 with CCS1 levuates the level of Cn, Zn-Sod activity and increased chronological lifespan. However overexpression of SOD1 without high cooper or simultonous overexpression of CCS1 shortened both chronological and replicative lifespan [15659212]. Overexpression of SOD1 has no effect on replicative lifespan [10224252]. Yeast
    SOD2 overexpression Combined overexpression of SOD1 and SOD2 extends chronological lifespan by 30% in EG103 strain [12586694]. Yeast
    SSD1-V overexpression Overexpression of SSD1 (addition of a SSD1-V allele) increases replicative lifespan by 50%, independently of SIR2 and SIR2 further extends the lifespan, although SIR2 is necessary for SSD1-V cells to attain maximal lifespan [15126388]. SSD1-V also dramatically increases chronological lifespan with lifespan twice as long as ssd1-d cells [19570907]. Addition of SSD1-V allele to an ssd1-d strain suppresses the short lifespan of an MPT5 deletion mutant [11805047] and extend wild-type lifespan [Kaeberlein and Guarente, unpublished]. SSD1-V slightly extends the lifespan of swi4 and ccr4 mutant strains and suppresses the temperature sensitive growth phenotype of mpt5, ccr3, swi4, and swi6 single mutants [11805047]. SSD1-V also suppresses the synthetic lethality caused by deletion of MPT5 in combination with a mutation in SWI4, SWI6, or CCR4 [11805047]. SSD1-V suppresses mutations that affect cell wall stability [1545797; 8386319], RNA polymerase III activity [8510644], RNA splicing [10446233], and PKA activity [1848673; 8200529]. Yeast +50 to +100
    IME1 transient overexpression Transient overexpression of IME1 resets the replicative lifespan of old cells back to that of young cells [21700873]. Yeast
    NDT80 transient overexpression Transient overexpression of NDT80 rejuvenates old cells [21700873]. Yeast
    NNT1 overexpression Overexpression of NNT1 by 5-fold extends mean and maximum replicative lifespan by 18 and 23%, which is approximately of the same magnitude as the lifespan extension obtained from DR.DR in NNT1 overexpression mutant fails to significantly affect the lifespan and only results in extended mean lifespan by 12% and reduced maximum lifespan by 11%. NNT1 overxpression increases rDNA silencing [12736687]. Yeast +18 +23
    ERG2 overexpression Overexpression of ERG2 with the promoter of ERG6 (Perg6-ERG2) extends replicative lifespan and this effect was overlapping with moderate DR, because DR can not extend the lifespan of this mutant [Tang et al., unpublished]. Yeast
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    • 25 of 200 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.