
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    sptf-3 Overexpression Overexpression of sptf-3 extends lifespan [18059442]. Worm
    super-Trp53 super-p53 mice generate by integrating a transgenic copy of a large genomic segment containing an intact and complete copy of p53 have an ehanced response to DNA damage, are significantly protected from cancer and had no indication of accelerated aging [12426394]. Mouse
    super-Ink4a/Arf super-Ink4a/Arf mice carrying a transgenic copy of a large genomic segment containing an intact and complete copy of the Cdkn2a (a.k.a. Ink4a/Arf) gene are significantly protected from cancer and had no indication of accelerated aging. Cells derived from super-Ink4a/Arf mice have increased resistance to in vitro immortalization and oncogenic transformation [15520276]. Mouse
    super-Ink4a/Arf/p53 super-Ink4a/Arf/p53 mice have a synergic protection against cancer and delayed aging [Workshop RoSyBa 2011]. Mouse
    Tert overexpression Mice genetically modified to express telomerase lived 40% longer and do not develop cancer. Overexpression of Tert in mice engineered to be cancer-resistant by means of ehanced expression of p53, p16 and p19ARF (Sp53/Sp16/SARF/TgTERT) decreased telomere shortening with age, delayed aging and increases mean and median longevity by 40% [19013273]. Mouse +40 +40
    K5-Tert overxpression Overexpression of telomerase results in a high cancer incidence but also a modest mean (10%) and maximum lifespan extension accompanied by a lower incidence of some age-related degenerative diseases, in particular those related to kidney function and germline integrity [15688016]. Mouse +10
    Pink1 overexpression Overexpression of Pink1 and overexpression of Pink1 with alpha-synclein results in an increase in lifespan which is accompanied by an increase in healthspan (as measured by mobility) when driven by a dopaminergic cells targeting TH-Gla4 transgene [22653599]. Fly
    cup-4 overexpression cup-4 overexpession reduces oxidative stress resistance and shortens lifespan of wild-type under AL [19783783]. Worm
    nlp-7 overexpression nlp-7 overexpression reduces oxidative stress resistance and shortens lifespan of wild-type under AL [19783783]. Worm
    Cisd2 overexpression A persistent level of Cisd2 achieved by transgenic expression extends mean, median and maximum lifespan without any apparent deleterious side effects [22661501]. Mouse
    Overexpression of Cat and Sod1 Simultaneous overexpression of catalase and Sod1 results in a one-third (i.e. 30%) lifespan extension, a slower rate of mortality acceleration, and a delayed loss in physical performance, but neither has any effect on lifespan alone [8108730]. +30
    CIT2 overexpression Overexpression of CIT2 has no effect on replicative lifespan [10224252]. Yeast
    clk-1 overexpression Overexpression of clk-1 shortens lifespan and is associated with increased mitochondrial activity [10202142]. Worm
    daf-18 overexpression Overexpression increases adult lifespan in individual tissues [16153634]. Worm
    Down syndrom Individuals with Down syndrome develop the neuropathological lesions of Alzheimer disease significantly earlier than those without [3158266] and have a shorter lifespan. Down syndrome is cuased by duplication of small regions of chromosome 21 [8197171]. The major features of Down syndrome are mental retardation, characteristic facial features, congenital malformations of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, thyroid disease, and an increased incidence of leukaemia [Epstein, 1989]. Neurons cultured in vivo form individuals with Down syndrome degenerate and exhibit apoptosis [8524410]. Down syndrome neurons also display increased generation of reactive oxygen species and treatment with antioxidants can prevent degeneration. Human
    Ef1alpha48D overexpression Overexpression of Ef1alpha48D (transformed with a P-element vector and under control of hsp70 regulatory sequences) results in lifespan extension by 18-41% [2508089]. Fly +18 to +41
    Mt2 overexpression Overexpression of Mt2 extends mean and maximum lifespan [15533947]. Fly
    FPS1S overexpression Plants overexpressing FPS1S exhibit a cell death/senescence-like phenotype and grw vigorously than wild-type [12000449]. In plants with increased FPS activity, the expression of senescence activated gene SAG12 is prematurely induced.
    GLaz overexpression Overexpression of GLaz results in increased resistance to hyperoxia (100% O2) and a 29% extension of mean lifespan under normoxia. Lifespan was also extended 30-60% under starvation [16581512]. Fly +29
    HSP104 overexpression Overexpression of HSP104 driven by GAL promoter is insufficient to extend replicative lifespan [9851879]. Overproduction of HSP104 in wild-type cells has no effect on replicative life span, but suppresses the reduced lifespan of Sir2-deficient cells [17908928]. HSP104 overproduction is sufficient to induce thermotolerance [8643570]. Yeast
    Hsp26 overexpression Overexpression of Hsp26 (by the UAS/GAL4 system) increases stress resistance and extends the mean lifespan by 30% [15308776]. Fly +30
    Hsp27 overexpression Overexpression of Hsp27 (by the UAS/GAL4 system) increases stress resistance and extends the mean lifespan by 30% [15308776]. Fly +30
    MAPT overexpression Expression of wild-type human MAPT (tau) moderately shortened lifespan. Expression of a mutant form of human MAPT (Arg406 Trp), associated with an early onset familial form of demetia, results in a several shortened lifespan. MAPT is implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzeimer's disease and related disorders in humans. Transgenic flies exhibit key features of the human disorders: adult onset, progressive neurodegeneration, early death, enhanced toxicity of mutant tau, accumulation of abnormal tau, and relative anatomic selectivity. However, neurodegeneration occurred without the neurofibrillary formation that is observed in humans disease and some rodent taupathy models [11408621]. Fly
    INS overexpression Expression of human insulin under an inducible heat shock promoter increases nematode lifespan by 25% and is also able to enhance the lifespan of daf-2 mutants [11274053]. Worm +25
    ins-1 overexpression Increased dosage of ins-1 under its own promoter as well as a heat shock promoter increases lifespan by 25% and is also able to increase the lifespan of daf-2 mutants. Overexpression of ins-1 also causes an increase in dauer formation and can enhance the dauer formation of daf-2 mutants [11274053]. Worm +25
    • Page 1 of 8
    • 25 of 200 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.