
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    PEP4 overexpression Yeast
    TSA1 activating mutation A gain-of-function allele of peroxiredoxin (thioredoxin peroxidase, Tsa1) causes a dominant oxidative stress-resistance and robust premature aging phenotype with reduced mean lifespan. These effect is not provoked by altered Tsa1 levels, nor can it be stimulated by deletion, haploinssufficiency or overexpression of wild-type allele [20729566]. Yeast
    LAG1 deletion A gene deletion of LAG1 in haploid cells results in a pronounced increase (approximately 50%) in mean and in maximum replicative lifespan in the YPHDF-1A strain [8195187], but has no significant effect on lifespan in stains W303R or PSY316 (N. Bishop, G.Liszt, and L. Guarente, unpublished]. The LAG1 transcribed is preferentially expressed in young cells. LAG1 null mutant is viable and has no obvious phenotypes but shows delayed ER to Golgi transport when combined with DGT1 mutation [10198056] and is synthetical lethal with LAC1 deletion. Yeast +50 +50
    ABP1 deletion ABP1 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain and decreases replicative lifespan by 20% in the a strain [18340043]. Deletion of ABP1 increases replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain and decreases replicative lifespan by 20% in the a strain [19030232]. Yeast -20 to +30
    TEC1 deletion Absence of TEC1 causes a significant shortened chronological lifespan, but does not block chronological lifespan extension by rapamycin [21840851]. Yeast
    ACB1 deletion ACB1 deletion extends chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR. Similar heat-shock resistance and resistance to a very hight concentration of acetic acid (but not resistance to oxidative stress) was enhanced by the deletion of ACB1. Deletion of ACB1 in W303-1A and DBY746 genetic backgrounds on synthetic complete media causes severe growth defects and sightly shorter lifespan and also heat-sensitivity [20657825]. Yeast
    ACH1 deletion ACH1 deletion cells accumulate a high amount of extracellular acetic acid and display a reduced mean and maximum chronological lifespan. Maximum lifespan is reduced by 32%. Lifespan shortening is completely abrogated by alleviating the acid stress either by a DR regimen that prevents acetic acid production or by transferring chronologically aging mutant cells to water. Deletion of ACH1 is accompanied by reactive oxygen species accumulation, severe mitochondrial damage, and an early insurgence of apoptosis [22754872]. Yeast -32
    Deletion of mitochondrial DNA Activation of the retrograde response by deletion of mitchondrial DNA (rho0) extends mean and maximum replicative lifespan by 24 - 51% and 15 - 65%, respectively [10224252]. Lifespan extension associated with impaired mitochondria depends on a retrograde intracellular signalling involving at leas three transcription factors, which adjust nuclear gene expression an induce shift of metabolism from Krebs cycle to the glyoxylate cycle [Refs 41,42 i Lee et al., 2002]. Yeast +24 to +51 +15 to +65
    D-glucosamine treatment Addition of 0.5 mg/ml D-glucosamine to the growth media suppresses the short replicative lifespan and temperature sensitive growth of mpt5 mutant, but fails to extend the lifespan of wild-type cells [11805047]. Yeast
    ADE4 deletion ade4 mutation extends chronological lifespan, but not replicative lifespan, and is non-additive with 0.5% glucose or amino-acid DR on chronological lifespan extension. ADE4 deletion in atg16 mutants results only in a partial extension of the chronological lifespan by 0.5% glucose DR [20421943]. Yeast
    AIM4 deletion AIM4 (alias SOY1) deletion increases chronological and replication lifespan, which is non-additive with DR. On AL mean and maximum replicative lifespan are extended by 63 and 69%, respectively. DR appears to decrease aim4-induced replication lifespan extension, indicating a negative interaction. aim4 mutation does not change DR-induced chronological lifespan extension [21584246]. Yeast +63 +69
    APD1 deletion Although APD1 was identified as a potential long-lived mutant strain in a bar-code screen, deletion of APD1 does not significantly affect chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Yeast
    SSN2 deletion Although SSN2 was identified as a potential long-lived mutant strain in a bar-code screen, deletion of SSN2 does not significantly affect chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Yeast
    Ganodermasides A treatment Application of Ganodermasides A extends the replicative lifespan in K6001 strain by regulating UTH1 expression [20093034]. Yeast
    Ganodermasides B treatment Application of Ganodermasides B extends the replicative lifespan in K6001 strain by regulating UTH1 expression [20093034]. Yeast
    Ganodermasides C treatment Application of gonadermasides C significantly increases the replicative lifespan in the K6001 strain by regulating UTH1 [21512225]. Yeast
    Gonadermasides D treatment Application of gonadermasides D significantly increases the replicative lifespan in the K6001 strain by regulating UTH1 [21512225]. Yeast
    ATG1 deletion ATG1 deletion reduces chronological lifespan by 70% [19302372]. Deletion of ATG1 reduces replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Yeast -20 to -70
    ATG10 deletion ATG10 deletion cancels out replicative lifespan extension by DR [18690010]. Yeast
    ATG11 deletion ATG11 deletion extends replicative lifespan under AL and abrogates DR-lifespan extension [18690010]. Yeast
    ATG17 deletion ATG17 deletion decreases replicative lifespan under AL and blocks DR-lifespan extension. ATG17 mutant's replicative lifespan decreases by 70% on DR [18690010]. Yeast
    ATG2 deletion ATG2 deletion prevents chronological lifespan extension induced by amino-acid DR [20421943]. Yeast
    ATG7 deletion ATG7 deletion reduces chronological lifespan by 70% [19302372]. Yeast
    ATP2 Deletion ATP2 deletion decreases replicative lifespan by 50% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Yeast
    Buffering pH to 6.0 Buffering the pH to 6.0 extends chronological lifespan [21076178]. Yeast
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    • 25 of 378 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.