Wings ablation/clipping

Species: Fruit fly (Taxid: 7227)
Manipulation: Loss-of-Function

Flies on DR who could not move or had inhibited fat metabolism in their muscle and do not get an extended lifespan. Flies with ablated wings caused by overexpressing reaper (UAS-rpr) with a wing-sepcific Gal4 enhancer trap (1096-Gal4) exhibit only a 14% extension in lifespan compared to controls which exhibit a 61% extension upon DR. Clipped wing flies exhibit a modest 33% increase, while controls exhibit a 97% lifespan extension upon DR Lifespan reduction upon DR by curtailing movement is specific to control animals as lifespan is not futher reduced with Akh inhibition [22768842].

Control and clipped-wing flies exhibit a similiar level of fat synthesis and breakdown. Muscle specific RNAi of Akh, CG7834, or CG4389 results in a significant reduction in movement of flies upon DR [22768842].

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