
We need to know every factor which determines lifespan.

Lifespan factors often but not always originate from defined genetic elements. They are not just genes, by definition they can be anything for which a Classifications schema can be build for that is related to the regulation of lifespan, such entities may include Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, transcript variants, proteins and their complexes, compounds (i.e. small molecules like metabolites and drugs), etc. A factor should be based on a defined molecular entity or genomic position and been classified. It shall be highly flexible and scalable Concept.

While individual lifespan factors within each species or precise defined molecular entities will be captured within the Lifespan App, Data Entries of the Data App may summarize for instance the relevance of each factor class (e.g. homologous group; chemical derivate of related structure and properties, etc.) as well as draw overall conclusions. o


  • Types: + -
    Gene (2)  
  • symbol name observation species
    TSA1 Thiol-Specific Antioxidant 1 A gain-of-function allele of peroxiredoxin (thioredoxin peroxidase, Tsa1) causes a dominant oxidative stress-resistance and robust premature aging phenotype with reduced mean lifespan. These effect is not provoked by altered Tsa1 levels, nor can it be stimulated by deletion, haploinssufficiency or overexpression of wild-type allele [20729566]. Disruption of TSA1 shortens chronological lifespan [15129730]. Replicative lifespan extension by DR in sir2;fob1 double mutant is reduced by TSA1 deletion mutant. Wild-type cells require TSA1 to fully extend lifespan. Mutation in CDC35 (adenylate cyclase), a genetic mimetic of DR, is dependent on TSA1 to extend lifespan [21884982]. Budding yeast
    LAG1 Ceramide synthase component A gene deletion of LAG1 in haploid cells results in a pronounced increase (approximately 50%) in mean and in maximum replicative lifespan in the YPHDF-1A strain [8195187], but has no significant effect on lifespan in stains W303R or PSY316 (N. Bishop, G.Liszt, and L. Guarente, unpublished]. The LAG1 transcribed is preferentially expressed in young cells. LAG1 null mutant is viable and has no obvious phenotypes but shows delayed ER to Golgi transport when combined with DGT1 mutation [10198056] and is synthetical lethal with LAC1 deletion. Budding yeast
    ATP2 ATP synthase F1 subunit gamma A temperature sensitive allele of ATP2 causes a clonal senescence phenotype resulting from the disruption of the age asymmetry between mother and daughter cells in that that daughter cells are born as old as they mother cells at 36 degree Celsius. This mutation of valine to isoleucine at amino acid 90 does not affect growth on non-fermentable carbon source. This allele is associated with loss of mitochondrial membrane potential as well as failure to segregate functional mitochondria to daughter cells [12242224]. Budding yeast
    ABP1 Actin Binding Protein 1 ABP1 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain and decreases replicative lifespan by 20% in the a strain [18340043]. Deletion of ABP1 increases replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain and decreases replicative lifespan by 20% in the a strain [19030232]. Budding yeast
    ACB1 Acyl-CoA-Binding 1 ACB1 deletion extends chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR. Similar heat-shock resistance and resistance to a very hight concentration of acetic acid (but not resistance to oxidative stress) was enhanced by the deletion of ACB1. Deletion of ACB1 in W303-1A and DBY746 genetic backgrounds on synthetic complete media causes severe growth defects and sightly shorter lifespan and also heat-sensitivity [20657825]. Budding yeast
    ACH1 Acetyl CoA Hydrolase 1 ACH1 deletion cells accumulate a high amount of extracellular acetic acid and display a reduced mean and maximum chronological lifespan. Maximum lifespan is reduced by 32%. Lifespan shortening is completely abrogated by alleviating the acid stress either by a DR regimen that prevents acetic acid production or by transferring chronologically aging mutant cells to water. Deletion of ACH1 is accompanied by reactive oxygen species accumulation, severe mitochondrial damage, and an early insurgence of apoptosis [22754872]. Budding yeast
    HFI1 Histone H2A Functional Interactor 1 ADA1 deletion shortens replicative lifespan by approximately 80%. This is not a premature aging phenotype as ADA1 cells do not become prematurely sterile or shibit other biomarkers of aging. ADA1 mutants are temperature-sensitive and respiratory-deficent. Budding yeast
    ADE4 ADEnine requiring 4 ade4 mutation extends chronological lifespan, but not replicative lifespan, and is non-additive with 0.5% glucose or amino-acid DR on chronological lifespan extension. ADE4 deletion in atg16 mutants results only in a partial extension of the chronological lifespan by 0.5% glucose DR [20421943]. Budding yeast
    AIM4 Altered Inheritance rate of Mi 4 AIM4 (alias SOY1) deletion increases chronological and replication lifespan, which is non-additive with DR. On AL mean and maximum replicative lifespan are extended by 63 and 69%, respectively. DR appears to decrease aim4-induced replication lifespan extension, indicating a negative interaction. aim4 mutation does not change DR-induced chronological lifespan extension [21584246]. Budding yeast
    APD1 Actin Patches Distal 1 Although APD1 was identified as a potential long-lived mutant strain in a bar-code screen, deletion of APD1 does not significantly affect chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Budding yeast
    SSN2 Suppressor of SNf1 Although SSN2 was identified as a potential long-lived mutant strain in a bar-code screen, deletion of SSN2 does not significantly affect chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Budding yeast
    ACT ACTin An ACT1 allele which reduces actin dynamics decreases chronological lifespan, while an allele that increases actin dynamics increases chronological lifespan by 32% [15024029]. Budding yeast
    ATG1 AuTophaGy related 11 ATG1 deletion reduces chronological lifespan by 70% [19302372]. Deletion of ATG1 reduces replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Budding yeast
    ATG10 AuTophaGy related 10 ATG10 deletion cancels out replicative lifespan extension by DR [18690010]. Budding yeast
    ATG11 AuTophaGy related 11 ATG11 deletion extends replicative lifespan under AL and abrogates DR-lifespan extension [18690010]. Budding yeast
    ATG17 AuTophaGy related 17 ATG17 deletion decreases replicative lifespan under AL and blocks DR-lifespan extension. ATG17 mutant's replicative lifespan decreases by 70% on DR [18690010]. Budding yeast
    ATG2 AuTophaGy related 2 ATG2 deletion prevents chronological lifespan extension induced by amino-acid DR [20421943]. Budding yeast
    ATG7 Autophagy-related protein and dual specificity member of the E1 family of ubiquitin-activating enzymes; mediates the conjugation of Atg12p with Atg5p and Atg8p with phosphatidylethanolamine, required steps in autophagosome formation ATG7 deletion reduces chronological lifespan by 70% [19302372]. Budding yeast
    UMP1 Short-lived chaperone required for correct maturation of the 20S proteasome; degraded by proteasome upon completion of its assembly; involved in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis; mutant defective in degradation of short-lived proteins Cells expressing elevated levels of Ump1 exhibited an enhanced preservation of proteasome-mediated protein degradation, and enhanced viability during stationary-phase aging [16337885]. Deletion of UMP1 reduces mean (-32%) and maximum (-7%) replicative lifespan [21931558]. Budding yeast
    PNC1 Pyrazinamidase/NiCotinamidase 1 Cells with 5 copies of PNC1 have a 70% longer replicative lifespan which is cancelled out by SIR2 deletion. PNC1 is upregulated under glucose DR [12736687]. Pnc1 reduces cellular nicotinamide levels, a product and noncompetitive inhibitor of Sir2 deacetylation reaction. Overexpression of PNC1 suppresses the effect of exogenously added nicotinamide on Sir2-dependent silencing at HM loci, telomeres and rDNA loci [12736687; 14729974]. Pnc1 catalyses the breakdown of nicotinamide to nicotinate and ammonia [12736687]. Deletion of PNC1 shortens replicative lifespan approximately by 10% [12736687] and largely prevents replicative lifespan extension of 0.5% glucose restriction. 0.5% glucose restriction slightly extends median replicative lifespan (by 10 - 15%) but not maximum replicative lifespan in pnc1Delta [14724176]. PNC1 overexpression suppresses the inhibitory effect of exogenously added NAM on silencing, lifespan, and Hst1-mediated transcriptional repression [14729974]. Increased expression of PNC1 is both necessary and sufficient for replicative lifespan extension by DR and low-intensity stress. Under non-stressing conditions (2% glucose, 30 degree Celsius), a strain with additional copies of PNC1 (5XPNC1) has 70% longer replicative lifespan than the wild-type and some cells live for more than 70 divisions. Neither DR nor heat stress further increase the lifespan of the 5XPNC1 strain [12736687]. PNC1 deletion decreases chronological lifespan [17110466]. Budding yeast
    CHL1 CHromosome Loss 1 CHL1 deletion mutant exhibits a shortened mean and maximum lifespan by 36 and 29%, respectively, as well as hypersensitivity to heat stress. CHL1 may modulate transcriptional silencing in the presence of Sir proteins [16182251]. Budding yeast
    SKN1 Suppressor of Kre Null 1 Chronological lifespan increased by 60% for single skn1 and double ipt1-skn1 deletion [16527275]. Budding yeast
    ATP3 Alpha subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, which is a large, evolutionarily conserved enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis; phosphorylated Chronological lifespan increased up to 50% Budding yeast
    CKA2 CK2 subunit 2 CKA2 deletion approximately doubles mean chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR in BY4741 also increases as well as as heat-shock resistance in SDC medium in the W303-1A and DBY746 genetic backgrounds [20657825]. Budding yeast
    COX4 Cytochrome c OXidase 4 COX4 (subunit of cytochrome oxidase) deletion decreases mitochondrial membrane potential in rho+ cells to a value intermediate between rho+ and rho0 as well as increases mean and maximum replicative lifespan by 24% and 55%, respectively. Deletion of either RTG2 or RTG3 abrogated the replicative lifespan extension by COX4 deletion. ERC levels in cox4Delta rho+ cells was the same or lower than in rho+ cells [22303396]. Budding yeast
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    • 25 of 605 factors
    Factors are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.

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