
We need to know every factor which determines lifespan.

Lifespan factors often but not always originate from defined genetic elements. They are not just genes, by definition they can be anything for which a Classifications schema can be build for that is related to the regulation of lifespan, such entities may include Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, transcript variants, proteins and their complexes, compounds (i.e. small molecules like metabolites and drugs), etc. A factor should be based on a defined molecular entity or genomic position and been classified. It shall be highly flexible and scalable Concept.

While individual lifespan factors within each species or precise defined molecular entities will be captured within the Lifespan App, Data Entries of the Data App may summarize for instance the relevance of each factor class (e.g. homologous group; chemical derivate of related structure and properties, etc.) as well as draw overall conclusions. o


  • symbol name observation species
    bam bag of marbles Bam mutants have an extended lifespan due to germ cell loss. Lifespan of females is on average up to 50% higher and that of males on average s up to 27.8% higher [18434551]. Fruit fly
    Aut1 Aut1 depletion form the first day of imaginal stage shortens lifespan by 28% on average in Drosophila and causes morphological behavioural features of premature aging [18219227]. Fruit fly
    Atg2 Autophagy-specific gene 2 Atg2 overexpression increases average female lifespan by 28% [18059160]. Fruit fly
    Akt1 CG4006 gene product from transcript CG4006-RA RNA interference of Akt1 in intestinal stem cells, results in impaired regeneration of the intestinal epithelium and a short lifespan. In males and females on mean lifespan is 11.4% and 7.4% lower [20976250]. Fruit fly
    Nudt1 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 1 hMTH1-Tg mice express high levels of the hMTH1 hydrolase that degrades 8-oxoGTP and 8-oxoGTP and excludess 8-oxoguanine from both DNA and RNA. hMTH1-overexpresing mice have significantly lower steady-state levels of 8-oxoguanine in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of several organs, including the brain. hMTH1 overexpression prevents the age-dependent accumulation of DNA 8-oxoguanine that occurs in the wild-type mice. These lower levels of oxidized guanines are associated with increased longevity and hMTH1-Tg animals live significantly longer than their wild-type littermates [23648059]. House mouse
    Mir489 microRNA 489 Mir489 is maintaining adult stem cells in quiescence phase. Inhibition of miR489 is sufficient to make murine satellite muscle cells exit the quiescence phase and enter the cell cycle through downregulation of the oncogene Dek [22358842]. House mouse
    Jafrac1 thioredoxin peroxidase 1 Neuronal overexpression of Jafrac1 significantly increases both mean and maximum lifespan, while neuronal knockdown as well as loss of function mutation, causes a reduction in lifespan by 30%. The mean lifespan is 26% and 29% higher in females and males, respectively. The maximum lifespan is increased by 22% and 26% in females and males, respectively [19720829]. There is a consistent and significant lifespan extension (15% mean lifespan increase) in both males and females when Jafrac1 is overexpressed in somatic cells. Jafrac1 overexpression using the weaker 5961FS driver moderately but significantly extends lifespan [20976250]. Fruit fly
    EXO1 exonuclease 1 The rs1776180 C allele in the promoter of EXO1 is significantly enriched in female Germans centenarians and this can be replicated in 445 female French centenarians. The C allele leads to the loss of binding site for the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor E47, resulting in higher EXO1 expression [19698732].EXO1 was found to be associated with longevity [19698732]. EXO1 was not found to be associated with longevity [23770741]. Human
    Wrn Mice lacking the helicase domain of the WRN ortholog exhibit many phenotypic features of Werner Syndrom, including a pro-oxidant status and a shorter mean lifespan. Mice with a deletion in the helicase domain [9789047] recapitulates most of the Werner syndrome phenotypes, including an abnormal hyaluronic acid excretion, higher reactive oxygen species levels, dyslipidemia, increased genomic instability, and cancer incidence. Wrn(Dehl/Dehl) mutant mice have a 10 - 15% decrease in their mean lifespan [12707040; 19741171]. House mouse
    wrn-1 human WRN (Werner's syndrome) related RNAi kockdown of wrn-1 shortens the lifespan, increases sensitivity to DNA damage, and accelerates aging phenoypes [15115755]. A nonfunctional wrn-1 DNA helicase decreases the lifespan. The expression of miR-124 in whole wrn-1 mutant worms is significantly reduced. Supplementation with vitamin C normalizes the median lifespan of wnr-1 and mir-124 mutants [23075628]. Nematode
    mir-124 Loss of mir-124 increases reactive oxygen species formation and accumulation of the aging marker lipofuscin, reduces whole body ATP levels and results in reduction in lifespan [23075628]. Supplementation of vitamin C normalizes the reduced median lifespan of mir-124 mutants [23075628]. The expression of the conserved mir-124 in whole wrn-1 mutants (which premature age) is significantly reduced [23075628]. Nematode
    mir-58 mir-58(n4640) mutation decreases the mean lifespan by 20% [22482727]. Nematode
    mir-14 mir-14 stem loop Mutating mir-14 decreases lifespan in both sexes. mir-14 reduces the mean and maximum lifespan of females by 55 and 36%, respectively, while those of males is reduced by 29 and 21%, respectively [12725740]. Fruit fly
    mir-246 Mutating mir-246 decreases mean and maximum lifespan by 12%, while its overexpression increases mean and maximum lifespan by 6 and 5 - 14%, respectively [21129974]. Nematode
    mir-238 Mutating mir-238 decreases mean and maximum lifespan by 18 and 24% [21129974]. mir-238(n4112) mutation decreases mean lifespan by 20% [22482727]. Nematode
    mir-71 Loss and gain-of-function of mir-71 decreases and increases lifespan, respectively [21129974]. mir-71 mutants have a reduced lifespan with 40% decrease in mean lifespan, while extra copies of mir-71 extend the lifespan with an increase in lifespan by 15 - 25% [22482727], Loss of mir-71 function suppresses the long lifespan of glp-1(e2141) mutants [22482727], During adulthood mir-71 is strongly expressed in the intestine, body wall muscles and neurons. mir-71 is upregulated in aging adults [22482727], Nematode
    Dcr-2 Dicer-2 Median lifespan of homozyogous and transheterozyogous Dcr-2 mutants is reduced by 18-36% in males and by 27-36% in females. Dcr-2 loss changes the expression of mostly metabolic genes implicated in stress resistance and aging. Dcr-2 mutants are hypersensitive to oxidative, endoplasmic reticulum, starvation and cold stress as well as abnormal lipid and carbohydrate metabolism [21889502]. Fruit fly
    alg-1 Argonaute (plant)-Like Gene Adult-specific knockdown of the C. elegans argonaute-like gene 1 alg-1 results in shortened lifespan with a reduction in the mean and maximum lifespan by 9 - 16% and 14%, respectively [21810936]. Nematode
    VPH2 Vacuolar pH 2 Overexpression of VPH2 increases the levels of assembled V-ATPase at the vacuolar membrane, increases vacuolar acidity and suppresses age-induced mitochondrial dysfunction of aged cells (17 or 18 cell divisions) which requires the V-ATPase activity. VPH2 overexpression significantly increases mean, median and maximum replicative lifespan by 23, 25 and 34%, respectively [23172144]. Budding yeast
    AVT1 Amino acid Vacuolar Transport 1 Overexpressing or deleting AVT1 is sufficient to extend or shorten replicative lifespan, respectively [23172144]. Overexpression of AVT1 prevents mitochondrial dysfunction, prevents alterations in mitochondrial structure and ΔΨ of aged cells even through the vacuolar acidity is reduced in these cells. AVT1 overexpression extends the mean, median and maximum replicative lifespan by 28, 28, and 22%, respectively [23172144]. Deletion of AVT1 accelerates the development of age-induced mitochondrial dysfunction without effecting the kinetics of vacuolar acidity decline and prevents the suppression of mitochondrial dysfunction by VMA1 and VPH2 overexpression without affecting vacuolar acidity. AVT1 deletion decreases mean, median and maximum replicative lifespan by 21, 22, and 12%, respectively [23172144]. Budding yeast
    VMA1 Vacuolar Membrane Atpase 1 Overexpression of VMA1 increases vacuolar acidity and suppresses age-induced mitochondrial dysfunction of aged cells (17 or 18 cell divisions) which requires the V-ATPase activity. VMA1 overexpression significantly increases mean, median and maximum lifespan by 39 - 45%, 39 - 48% and 50 - 60%, respectively. DR (0.5% glucose restriction) does not further increase the lifespan of VMA1 overexpression strain [23172144]. Budding yeast
    pash-1 PArtner of DroSHa (DRSH-1 interactor) Inactivation of DGCR8/pash-1 in nematode reduces lifespan apparently due to accelerated aging. This intervention abrogates (lin-14 mutation and jnk-1(OE)) and suppresses (eat-2 and glp-1 mutants) several lifespan extending interventions, but not that conferred insulin-like signalling inhibition (daf-2 mutant) [23097426]. pash-1 mutants have a decreased lifespan and display phenotypic and molecular signs of advantaged age earlier. pash-1(mj100) temperature sensitive loss-of-function mutation decreases (at the permissive temperature) mean and maximum lifespan by 31 and 71%, respectively. At the restrictive temperature pash-1 mutants are slightly short-lived with a mean and maximum lifespan reduction by 13 and 54%. Lifespan of pash-1 mutants is reduced by a 24h upshift to 25 degree Celsius at the young adult stage with (36 and 78% reduction mean and maximum lifespan, respectively) [23097426]. The rescue of pash-1 expression all tissues restored almost normal lifespan. Rescue specifically in hypodermis, pharynx muscle, gut had no effect on lifespan. Rescue in body wall muscle marginal extended the lifespan, while rescue specifically in the neurons significantly restored mean but not maximum lifespan. Lifespan was also restored by combined rescue in hypodermis and muscle [23097426]. Nematode
    CG13890 Overexpression of CG13890 (DCI) throughout the whole body increases mean and median lifespan by 35 and 31%, but decreases maximum lifespan by 6%, increases stress resistant (to paraquat and starvation), consistently reduces the mortality rate across adult ages and reduces the lifespan extension of DR by 15% [22997544]. CG6783 overexpression increases the dFOXO nuclear localization in the fat-body. mRNA levels of dFOXO target genes l(2)efl and 4E-BP in the adult whole bodies increases in response to overexpression of CG6783 [22997544]. Fruit fly
    fabp fatty acid bindin protein Overexpression of fabp (CG6783) throughout the whole body increases mean, median and maximum lifespan by 77, 81 and 13%, increases stress resistant (to paraquat but not starvation), consistently reduces mortality rate across adult ages and reduces the lifespan extension of DR by 12% [22997544]. fabp overexpression increases the dFOXO nuclear localization in the fat-body. mRNA levels of dFOXO target genes l(2)efl and 4E-BP in the adult whole bodies increases in response to overexpression of fabp [22997544]. Females of the genotype Act-GS-Gal4 > UAS-CG6783 exhibit an increase in median lifespan compared to uninduced control in response to feeding with RU486-containing food from day 3 of adulthood (P < 0.0001). Mean lifespan is extended by 10, while maximum lifespan is decreased by 11% [22997544]. Fruit fly
    OSH2 OxySterol binding protein Homolog 2 Deletion of OSH2 decreases mean chronological lifespan [20657825]. Budding yeast
    Factors are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.

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