
Denigma references all information very accurately. A reference is commonly a scientific article.

Specifically Denigma's References is an online reference management system for collaborative efforts which enables organising, searching and co-annotating papers.

It enables to store, organize, and more effectively search annotated data of biomedical literature on aging-related topics.

One of its ultimately aims is to a evolve into a resource which Denigma provides a corpus that aids to generate predictions and discovery implicit relationhips via machine learning and logical inference. o

  • Year: + -
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  • authors title date pmid
    Loo LW et al., 2005 The transcriptional repressor dMnt is a regulator of growth in Drosophila melanogaster. 2005-08-02 16055719
    Maeda T et al., 2005 Role of the proto-oncogene Pokemon in cellular transformation and ARF repression. 2005-01-22 15662416
    Orr WC et al., 2005 Overexpression of glutamate-cysteine ligase extends life span in Drosophila melanogaster. 2005-09-09 16148000
    Guarente, Leonard, 2005 NO link between calorie restriction and mitochondria. 2005-12-01 16370369
    Thierbach R et al., 2005 Targeted disruption of hepatic frataxin expression causes impaired mitochondrial function, decreased life span and tumor growth in mice. 2005-11-10 16278235
    Cutler RG, 2005 Oxidative stress and aging: catalase is a longevity determinant enzyme. 2005-09-08 16144468
    Masoro, Edward J, 2005 Overview of caloric restriction and ageing. 2005-09-01 15885745
    Poon HF et al., 2005 Proteomic analysis of specific brain proteins in aged SAMP8 mice treated with alpha-lipoic acid: implications for aging and age-related neurodegenerative disorders. 2005-01-04 15627516
    Conboy IM et al., 2005 Rejuvenation of aged progenitor cells by exposure to a young systemic environment. 2005-02-18 15716955
    Chua KF et al., 2005 Mammalian SIRT1 limits replicative life span in response to chronic genotoxic stress. 2005-08-02 16054100
    Saito T et al., 2005 Somatostatin regulates brain amyloid beta peptide Abeta42 through modulation of proteolytic degradation. 2005-03-22 15778722
    Anisimov VN et al., 2005 Metformin decelerates aging and development of mammary tumors in HER-2/neu transgenic mice. 2005-10-15 16224592
    Anisimov VN et al., 2005 Effect of metformin on life span and on the development of spontaneous mammary tumors in HER-2/neu transgenic mice. 2005-08-30 16125352
    Gharbi N et al., 2005 [60]fullerene is a powerful antioxidant in vivo with no acute or subacute toxicity. 2005-12-15 16351219
    Hahn MW & Kern AD, 2005 Comparative genomics of centrality and essentiality in three eukaryotic protein-interaction networks. 2004-12-24 15616139
    Pe'er D, 2005 Bayesian network analysis of signaling networks: a primer. 2005-04-28 15855409
    Janes KA et al., 2005 A systems model of signaling identifies a molecular basis set for cytokine-induced apoptosis. 2005-12-13 16339439
    Tettweiler G et al., 2005 Starvation and oxidative stress resistance in Drosophila are mediated through the eIF4E-binding protein, d4E-BP. 2005-08-02 16055649
    Oh, Seung Wook et al., 2005 JNK regulates lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans by modulating nuclear translocation of forkhead transcription factor/DAF-16. 2005-03-16 15767565
    Das SP & Sinha P, 2005 The budding yeast protein Chl1p has a role in transcriptional silencing, rDNA recombination, and aging. 2005-09-27 16182251
    Liu X et al., 2005 Evolutionary conservation of the clk-1-dependent mechanism of longevity: loss of mclk1 increases cellular fitness and lifespan in mice. 2005-10-01 16195414
    Al-Regaiey KA et al., 2005 Long-lived growth hormone receptor knockout mice: interaction of reduced insulin-like growth factor i/insulin signaling and caloric restriction. 2004-10-23 15498882
    Mair W et al., 2005 Calories do not explain extension of life span by dietary restriction in Drosophila. 2005-07-08 16000018
    Broughton SJ et al., 2005 Longer lifespan, altered metabolism, and stress resistance in Drosophila from ablation of cells making insulin-like ligands. 2005-02-15 15708981
    Bayne AC et al., 2005 Enhanced catabolism of mitochondrial superoxide/hydrogen peroxide and aging in transgenic Drosophila. 2005-06-16 15954861

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