
Denigma references all information very accurately. A reference is commonly a scientific article.

Specifically Denigma's References is an online reference management system for collaborative efforts which enables organising, searching and co-annotating papers.

It enables to store, organize, and more effectively search annotated data of biomedical literature on aging-related topics.

One of its ultimately aims is to a evolve into a resource which Denigma provides a corpus that aids to generate predictions and discovery implicit relationhips via machine learning and logical inference. o

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  • authors title date pmid
    Bard J, 2012 A new ontology (structured hierarchy) of human developmental anatomy for the first 7 weeks (Carnegie stages 1-20). 2012-09-15 22973865
    Huang T et al., 2012 Deciphering the effects of gene deletion on yeast longevity using network and machine learning approaches. 2012-01-14 22239951
    Soerensen M et al., 2012 Human longevity and variation in GH/IGF-1/insulin signaling, DNA damage signaling and repair and pro/antioxidant pathway genes: cross sectional and longitudinal studies. 2012-03-13 22406557
    Kim S et al., 2012 Telomere maintenance genes SIRT1 and XRCC6 impact age-related decline in telomere length but only SIRT1 is associated with human longevity. 2011-10-06 21972126
    Wuttke D & de Magalhães JP, 2012 Osh6 links yeast vacuolar functions to lifespan extension and TOR. 2012-06-23 22722495
    Edwards DR et al., 2012 Linkage and association of successful aging to the 6q25 region in large Amish kindreds. 2012-07-10 22773346
    Kerber RA et al., 2012 A genome-wide study replicates linkage of 3p22-24 to extreme longevity in humans and identifies possible additional loci. 2012-04-17 22506048
    Pishel I et al., 2012 Accelerated aging versus rejuvenation of the immune system in heterochronic parabiosis. 2012-04-27 22533440
    Johnson AA et al., 2012 The role of DNA methylation in aging, rejuvenation, and age-related disease. 2012-10-27 23098078
    Plank M et al., 2012 A meta-analysis of caloric restriction gene expression profiles to infer common signatures and regulatory mechanisms. 2012-02-14 22327899
    de Magalhães JP et al., 2012 Genome-environment interactions that modulate aging: powerful targets for drug discovery. 2011-11-18 22090473
    Bähr I et al., 2012 Evidence of the receptor-mediated influence of melatonin on pancreatic glucagon secretion via the Gαq protein-coupled and PI3K signaling pathways. 2012-06-08 22672634
    Corbalán-Tutau D et al., 2012 Daily profile in two circadian markers "melatonin and cortisol" and associations with metabolic syndrome components. 2012-06-19 22705307
    Luo W et al., 2012 Old flies have a robust central oscillator but weaker behavioral rhythms that can be improved by genetic and environmental manipulations. 2012-01-25 22268765
    Kondratova AA & Kondratov RV, 2012 The circadian clock and pathology of the ageing brain. 2012-03-08 22395806
    Kuroda H et al., 2012 Meal frequency patterns determine the phase of mouse peripheral circadian clocks. 2012-10-11 23050095
    Sherman H et al., 2012 Timed high-fat diet resets circadian metabolism and prevents obesity. 2012-05-18 22593546
    Hatori M et al., 2012 Time-restricted feeding without reducing caloric intake prevents metabolic diseases in mice fed a high-fat diet. 2012-05-23 22608008
    Zuo B et al., 2012 Influences of lamin A levels on induction of pluripotent stem cells. 2012-12-06 23213392
    Mattison JA et al., 2012 Impact of caloric restriction on health and survival in rhesus monkeys from the NIA study. 2012-08-31 22932268
    Wongchitrat P et al., 2012 The expression of Per1 and Aa-nat genes in the pineal gland of postnatal rats. 2013-03-22 23513468
    Smith-Vikos T & Slack FJ, 2012 MicroRNAs and their roles in aging. 2012-02-02 22294612
    Gavrilova NS et al., 2012 Testing predictions of the programmed and stochastic theories of aging: comparison of variation in age at death, menopause, and sexual maturation. 2012-07-24 22817539
    Othersen OG et al., 2012 Application of information theory to feature selection in protein docking. 2011-07-13 21748327
    Deweerdt S, 2012 Comparative biology: Looking for a master switch. 2012-12-12 23222666
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