
Denigma references all information very accurately. A reference is commonly a scientific article.

Specifically Denigma's References is an online reference management system for collaborative efforts which enables organising, searching and co-annotating papers.

It enables to store, organize, and more effectively search annotated data of biomedical literature on aging-related topics.

One of its ultimately aims is to a evolve into a resource which Denigma provides a corpus that aids to generate predictions and discovery implicit relationhips via machine learning and logical inference. o

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  • authors title date pmid
    Fuellen G et al., 2013 In-Silico-Approaches and the Role of Ontologies in Aging Research. 2013-11-06 24188080
    Lopez-Otin, Carlos et al., 2013 The hallmarks of aging. 2013-06-06 23746838
    Harry GJ, 2013 Microglia during development and aging. 2013-05-07 23644076
    Demars MP et al., 2013 Soluble amyloid precursor protein-α rescues age-linked decline in neural progenitor cell proliferation. 2013-05-21 23683827
    Schriner SE et al., 2013 Extension of Drosophila Lifespan by Rhodiola rosea through a Mechanism Independent from Dietary Restriction. 2013-05-25 23704949
    Hamilton LK et al., 2013 Aging and neurogenesis in the adult forebrain: what we have learned and where we should go from here. 2013-06-19 23773067
    Nussey DH et al., 2013 Senescence in natural populations of animals: widespread evidence and its implications for bio-gerontology. 2012-08-14 22884974
    Jiang, Jianhua et al., 2013 Rapamycin protects the mitochondria against oxidative stress and apoptosis in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. 2013-02-20 23426728
    Ziv Y et al., 2013 Long-term dynamics of CA1 hippocampal place codes. 2013-02-12 23396101
    Brown K et al., 2013 SIRT3 Reverses Aging-Associated Degeneration. 2013-02-05 23375372
    De Cecco M et al., 2013 Genomes of replicatively senescent cells undergo global epigenetic changes leading to gene silencing and activation of transposable elements. 2013-01-31 23360310
    Zhang Y et al., 2013 Hydrogen Sulfide: Next Potent Preventive and Therapeutic Agent in Aging and Age-associated Diseases. 2013-01-09 23297346
    Mander BA et al., 2013 Prefrontal atrophy, disrupted NREM slow waves and impaired hippocampal-dependent memory in aging. 2013-01-29 23354332
    Shen LR et al., 2013 Curcumin and aging. 2013-01-18 23325575
    Beekman, Marian et al., 2013 Genome-wide linkage analysis for human longevity: Genetics of Healthy Ageing Study. 2013-01-03 23286790
    • 15 references

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