Complex Class Relation

Created on March 9, 2013, 8:35 p.m. by Hevok & updated by Hevok on May 2, 2013, 5:31 p.m.

Constructors are building Blocks in Attribute Language with Complement (ALC). Together with the Class Inclusion or Class Equivalence on can build complex Classes.

For example a Professor is a Person and also a University Employee or a Person who is not a Student. The same can be expressed in First Order Logic. If X is a Professor it holds for all X, then X is also a Person and a University Employee or a Person and not a Student.


Professor ⊑ (Person ⊓ UniversityEmployee) ⊓ (Person ⊓ ¬Student)


(∀x)(Professor(x) → ((Person Λ UniversityEmployee(x)) V (Person(x) Λ ¬Student(x)))

Tags: logic, constructors, relations
Categories: Concept
Parent: Attribute Language with Complement

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