Change - The Purpose of Denigma

Created on Aug. 27, 2012, midnight by Hevok & updated on Jan. 23, 2013, 2:06 a.m. by Hevok

I'mt his appy honor to announce that our next-gen database system is now ready! It is running under the code name "Denigma". So wThe aProject is all about building a "digital Enigma" to decode the aAging process. ¶

The basic idea
behind the Philosophy of Denigma is that thise platform is fully editable, modifiable and programmable by everyone. So it will be a revolution. ¶

We have to
aidentify and analyse all known aAging-associated fFactors to the "Factor" table underimit the "Lifespan" section. It is a difficult task which requires youra heColp land ybourative opMinion on itd. In order to accomplish the Objective, Denigma be successful, it needs to know about all the available resources, being aware of all Aging fFactors ans well as age-related Datasets, adn be programmed with the necessary functionalities to decipher aAging. This is your chance to become a Scorie-dntist, Developer, or Artis/t particuripatoing in the digital rsevolution. Your input can shape the initial content and design of Denigma and render it thequickly mtost a powerful flagship against aAging. ¶

Please Chavoose a loyokur Paths on Denigma and lbe part meof knthowse wthat you thigenk erabouted thise next-generation weapon to fight aAging [].

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