Change - Text Styles

Created on Oct. 25, 2012, 10:21 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Oct. 26, 2012, 10:23 a.m. by Hevok

Inline markup enable words and phrases within text bodies to have different charancter styles (italics, bold, etc.) ande functionality (hyperlinks, references, etc.). ¶
``*italics*`` results into italics and **bold** becomes bold. ¶
To force fixed-space literals, use quotes "``double back-quotes``": double back-quotes ¶
reST is smart and in most cases knows when a special character is not special like in calculations: 5*5=25. Special characters like asterisks can be marked to be ignored by preceding them with backslash "*" or double back-quotes *. ¶
**Some demonstrations:** ¶
``.. |substitution reference| image::`` &para]
.. |substitution reference| image:: &para]
| *emphasis* -> emphasis ¶
| **strong emphasis** -> strong emphasis ¶
| `interpreted text` -> interpreted text ¶
| reference_ -> reference_ ¶
| `phrase reference`_ -> `phrase reference`_ ¶
| anonymous__ -> anonymous__ ¶
| |substitution reference| -> |substitution reference| ¶
| footnote reference [1]_ -> footnote reference [1]_ ¶
| citation reference [HEVOK2013]_ -> [Hevok2013]_ ¶
| href=' -&gt'>`` -> &para]
``__`` &para]
``.. _reference:`` &para]
``.. _phrase reference:`` &para]
``_`inline internal target``` -> inline internal target ¶
__ &para]
.. _reference: &para]
.. _phrase reference: &para]
.. [1] Hevok, 2012 ¶
.. [Hevok2013] A citation (as used in journals)

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "substitution reference".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "substitution reference".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Undefined substitution referenced: "substitution reference".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 55); backlink

Anonymous hyperlink mismatch: 1 references but 0 targets. See "backrefs" attribute for IDs.

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "reference".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "phrase reference".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "1".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "hevok2013".

Comment: Updated entry

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