Change - reStructuredText

Created on Oct. 25, 2012, 2:46 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Nov. 23, 2012, 6:35 p.m. by Hevok

.. _rst: ¶
================ ¶
reStructuredText ¶
================ ¶
.. contents:: Contents ¶
Abstract ¶
======== ¶
: reStructuredText (reST, ReST, rst) is the superior lightweight markup language designed to be both (a) processable by machines (Denigma) and (b) easy readable by humans. ¶
In its essence its just plain-text that uses simple and intuitive construct to indicate structure of a document. ¶
Introduction ¶
============ ¶
reStructuredText (reST) provides an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system. There are some simple rules to follow: ¶
* rst is like python, sensitive to indentation ¶
* blank lines are separated by blank lines ¶
Headings:/Sections ¶
============================ ¶
To create titles, headings and sections structure either underline or under and overline it:: ¶
##### ¶
Title ¶
##### ¶
Header ¶
====== ¶
header ¶
------- ¶
The title is unique and is usually defined at the very beginning (that's why it is omitted here):
Header ¶
====== ¶
header ¶
----------------- ¶
|Just follow to simple rules: ¶
The length of an underline must at least be as long as the header itself ¶
* If under and overline are used, their length mus be identical ¶
There is not heading levels assigned to defined characters, the structure is simply defined from succession of headings. Though, it is recommended to stick to a certain convention throughout a project. ¶
Lists: ¶
======= ¶
Lists are very simple an intuitive implemented and they come in different flavours. ¶
Bullet & Enumerate ¶
------------------ ¶
.. sourcecode
:: rest ¶
- A bullet list item ¶
- Second item ¶
- A sub item ¶
- Third item ¶
- A bullet list item ¶
- Second item ¶
- A sub item ¶
- Third item ¶
.. sourcecode
:: rest ¶
1) An enumerated list item ¶
2) Second item ¶
a) Sub item ¶
i) Sub-sub item ¶
3) Third item
which uses ¶
two lines (note indention). ¶
1) An enumerated list item ¶
2) Second item ¶
a) Sub item ¶
i) Sub-sub item ¶
3) Third item
which uses ¶
two lines (note indention). ¶
------------- ¶
.. sourcecode
:: rest ¶
#) Another enumerated list item ¶
#) Second item ¶
#) Another enumerated list item ¶
#) Second item ¶
|Field ¶
----- ¶
A field list allows to simply create some fields with following text being intended: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
:Research: About understanding nature. ¶
:Programming: Enables to automate information technologies. ¶
:Design: Requires creativity and innovation. ¶
:Research: About understanding nature. ¶
:Programming: Enables to automate information technologies. ¶
:Design: Requires creativity and innovation. ¶
Definition ¶
---------- ¶
An alternative is list definition: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
Research ¶
About understanding nature. ¶
Programming ¶
Enables to automate information technologies. ¶
Design ¶
Requires creativity and innovation. ¶
Research ¶
About understanding nature. ¶
Programming ¶
Enables to automate information technologies. ¶
Design ¶
Requires creativity and innovation.
**Images:** ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. image:: &para]
.. image:: &para]
|---- ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. image::
:width: 200px ¶
**N :height: 100px ¶
:align: center ¶
:alt: Alternative text ¶
.. image:: &para]
:width: 200px ¶
:height: 100px ¶
:align: center ¶
:alt: Alternative text ¶
Figures ¶
======= ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. figure:: http://dgallery.s3. ¶
dth: 200px ¶
:height: 100px ¶
:align: center ¶
:alt: Alternative text ¶
:figclass: align-center ¶
Figures are li
ke images but with a caption ¶
and anything else can be added to it ¶
.. sourcecode
:: python ¶
import image ¶
.. figure:: &para]
:width: 200px ¶
:height: 100px ¶
:align: center ¶
:alt: Alternative text ¶
:figclass: align-center ¶
**Figures are like images but with a caption
and anything else can be added to it ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
import image ¶
Comments ¶
======== ¶
Comments are marked with simple two dots: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. comments ¶
Links ¶
======= ¶
There are basically three types of links in rst: ¶
#. `External links`_ (urls) ¶
#. `Implicit links`_ to title/headers ¶
#. `Explicit links`_ to specific-defined elements (e.g. to refer to external titles) ¶
External links ¶
-------------- ¶
To create a link to a website, the synthax is the following: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
`<]`_ ¶
This appears as `<]`_. An optional label can be defined too: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
`Digital enigma < href=''>]`_ ¶
That renders into `Digital enigma <]`_ ¶
Implicit links ¶
-------------- ¶
Every title/header is a hyperlink. A link to a section is just its name with in quotes followed by underscore: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
`Explicit links`_ ¶
Explicit links ¶
-------------- ¶
A link can be explicitly established. For example in this data entry a explicit link rst was generated at the very top which is specified by: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. _rst: ¶
It can be referred to it in two ways: ¶
1. simple: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
rst_ ¶
2. ref as role: ¶
:ref:``rst`` ¶
With the former the link appears as rst_, whereas with the latter the first section's name after specifying the link is used and it would appear as :ref:`rst` (reStructuredText in theory). Note the latter works only with Sphinx, but can even establish cross-document links. ¶
Named links ¶
----------- ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest
A sentence with links to denigma_ and the `reStructured Text reference`_. ¶
.. _denigma: &para]
.. _
`reStructured Text reference`: ¶
A sentence with links to
denigma_ and the `reStructured Text reference`_. ¶
.. _denigma: &para]
.. _`reStructured Text reference`: &para]
| ¶
Anonymous links: ¶
Another sentence with an `anonymous link to the Python website`__. ¶
__ http:/ ¶
Note: Named links and anonymous links enclose text in grave accents (`), and not in apostrophes ('). ¶
** ¶
Sourcecode ¶
========== ¶
Code block can be marked with the ``sourcecode`` directive:** ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
print("Ready to decipher") ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
print("Ready to decipher") ¶
Tables ¶
====== ¶
There are three different ways to generate a table: ¶
Table can be create via CSV (comma separated synthax): ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. csv
-table:: Aspects ¶
:header: "Facets", "Pr
ofessions", "Achievment" ¶
:widths: 20, 20, 20 ¶
"Research", "Scientist", "Ran
ks" ¶
"Programming", "Developer", "Grades" ¶
"Design", "Artist", "Titles" ¶
.. csv-table
:: Aspyects ¶
header: "Facets", "Professions", "Achievments" ¶
:widths: 20, 20, 20
"Research", "Scientist", "Ranks" ¶
"Programming", "Developer", "Grades" ¶
ign", "Artist", "Titles" ¶
Substitutions ¶
============= ¶
Internal Links
("Halias `Named links`_) are basically Substitutions. ¶
Another more versatile method is ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. |DNA| replace:: Desoxy Ribonucleic Acid ¶
.. |DNA| replace:: Desoxy Ribonucleic Acid ¶
Then insert ``|DNA|``
where it has to be spelled out (e.g. |DNA| is trlanscripted" into RNA). ¶
Aliases ¶
======= ¶
A directive can be used within aliases:
sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. |logo| image:: &para]
:width: 100pt ¶
:height: 50pt ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
-b-------+----------------------+ ¶
| |
logo| |Spacke for improvements| ¶
+--------+----------------------+ ¶
.. |logo| image
:: ¶
th: 100pt ¶
:height: 50pt ¶
+--------+----------------------+ ¶
| |l
ogo| |Space for improvements| ¶
+--------+----------------------+ ¶
Boxes ¶
===== ¶
directives allow to define boxes for a variety of cases: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. note:: Note this **note
box. ¶
.. warning:: There must be space between the directive and t("Hhe text. ¶
.. note:: Note this note box. ¶
---- ¶
.. warning:: There must be space between the directive and the text. ¶
---- ¶
Such boxes appear more obviously when rendered as pdf. Sphinx nicely colours those and also defines additional boxes, like: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. seealso:: This is a complicated seealso box. ¶
.. todo:: Ch
eck that all boxes are correctly working and include the missing directives. ¶
Footnotes ¶
========= ¶
``[#name]_`` can be used to mark a footnote location referring to a footnote at the bottom of an entry in the
"Footnotes" rubric section. Footnotes can be explicitly numbered ([1]_``) style="background:#e6ffe6;"> or auto-numbered (``[#]_). ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
Everything is possible [#f1]_. ¶
.. rubric:: Footnotes ¶
.. [#f1] If sufficient resources are available. ¶
Everything is possible [#f1]_. ¶
.. rubric:: Footnotes ¶
.. [#f1] If sufficient resources are available. ¶
Citations ¶
========= ¶
Citation references are usually defined at the very bottom of data entry: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
.. [Hevok2013] An citation from the future. ¶
As often used to cite scientific information. ¶
It is cited with the text like this: ¶
.. sourcecode:: rest ¶
[Hevok2013]_ ¶
.. [Hevok2013] An citation from the future. ¶
As often used to cite scientific information.

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3)

Too many autonumbered footnote references: only 0 corresponding footnotes available.

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "external links".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "implicit links".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "explicit links".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "<]".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "<]".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "digital enigma <]".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "explicit links".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "rst".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "rst".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "denigma".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "restructured text reference".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "denigma".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "restructured text reference".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "f1".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "f1".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "hevok2013".

Comment: Major revision.

Comment on This Data Unit