Change - Rendering

Created on Nov. 13, 2012, 6:03 p.m. by Hevok & updated on June 26, 2013, 10:38 a.m. by Hevok

A data entry can be rendered in various forms, like html and pdf. ¶
Specifically for pdf outputs rst2pdf is used. ¶
This renders a data entry output as a legal size, serif document with code in murphy style:: ¶
$ rst2pdf article.rst -o article.pdf -s serif,murphy,legal ¶
(perldoc looks better though) ¶
In order to leverage the full set of UTF8 characters one should use a font that supports those encodings such as Dejavu:: ¶
$ rst2pdf article.rst -o article.pdf -s serif,dejavu,legal ¶
Code syntax highlighting works via the code-block directive:: ¶
.. code-block:: python ¶
import this ¶
# Test ¶
for something in here: ¶
print something, "more" ¶
.. code-block:: python ¶
import this ¶
# Test ¶
for something in here: ¶
print something, "more" ¶
ReStructuredText can highlight itself:: ¶
.. code-block:: rest ¶
reST Test ¶
========= ¶
.. class:: test ¶
.. code-block:: rest ¶
reST Test ¶
========= ¶
.. class:: test ¶
The linenos option can be used to display line numbers ¶
.. code-block:: python ¶
:linenos: ¶
def func(x,y): ¶
"""Adds up x and y.""" ¶
print(x+y) # Do heavy calculation. ¶
.. code-block:: python ¶
:linenos: ¶
def func(x,y): ¶
"""Adds up x and y.""" ¶
print(x+y) # Do heavy calculation. ¶
Python in console ¶
.. code-block:: pycon ¶
>>> print("Console online") ¶
Console online ¶
Python traceback ¶
.. code-block:: pytb ¶
Code can also be included into a document:: ¶
.. code-block:: python ¶
:include: ¶
:start-at: string ¶
Will start here ¶
Page Counters ¶
------------- ¶
raw pdf can be used to control the page count:: ¶
.. raw:: pdf ¶
SetPageCounter 1 lowerroman ¶
SetPageCounter ¶
By default sets the counter to 0 and the style to arabic numerals ¶
SetPageCounter number style ¶
Used to specifically start a page number with the specific style ¶
Possible styles are: ¶
* loweroman: i, ii, iii ¶
* roman: I, II, III ¶
* arabic: 1, 2, 3 ¶
* loweralpha: a, b, c ¶
* alpha: A, B, C ¶
romans start at 1. Arabic can start at 0, and alphas cannot go beyond 26 (of course). ¶
Page Breaks ¶
----------- ¶
``PageBreak``, EvenPageBreak or OddPageBreak can be used to break a page. Each of these can take an additional arguments which os the name of next page template:: ¶
.. raw:: pdf ¶
PageBreak oneColumn ¶
``TwoColumn`` would create a two columned page in the following. ¶
Math ¶
---- ¶
For formula and equation use the math directive:: ¶
.. math:: ¶
frac{2 pm sqrt{7}}{3} ¶
.. math:: ¶
frac{2 pm sqrt{7}}{3} ¶
For mathematical symbols use the math role or directive:: ¶
π ¶

System Message: WARNING/2 (, line 3); backlink

Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
Tags: rest

Comment: Updated entry

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