Change - Quantifiers on Roles

Created on March 9, 2013, 8:39 p.m. by Hevok & updated on March 10, 2013, 7:50 p.m. by Hevok

One distinguishes between a Strict Binding which is expressed with universal Quantification and the Open Binding which is expressed with an Existential Quantification. ¶

The Strict Binding Binds the Range of Role to a specific Class. On the other hand one has the open Binding also to the Range of a Role to a Class. ¶

Strict Binding of the Range of a Role to a Class
- Examination ⊑ ∀hasSupervisor.Professor ¶
An Examination must be supervised by a Professor
- (∀x)(Examination(x) → ∀hasSupervisor(x,y) → Professor(y)))
Open Binding of the Range of a Role to a Class
- Examination ⊑ ∃hasSupervisor.Person ¶
- Every Examination has at least one supervisor (who is a person)
- ``(∀x)(Examination(x) → (∃y)(hasSupervisor(x,y) Λ Person(y)))

Parent: Attributive Language with Complement Attribute Language with Complement

Comment: corrected built list.

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