Change - Open World vs. Closed World

Created on March 9, 2013, 11:01 p.m. by Hevok & updated on March 9, 2013, 11:03 p.m. by Hevok

In the Open World Assumption the existence of further Individuals is possible, if they are not explicitly excluded or forbidden. In the Closed World Assumption it s assumed that the Knowledge Base contains always all Individuals. If there is no Knowledge about an Individual this individual does not exists. ¶
For the Semantic Web we have to consider the Open World Assumption. ¶
* OWA: Open World Assumption ¶
The existence of further Individuals is possible, if they are not explicitly excluded ¶
* CWA: Closed World Assumption ¶
It is assumed that the Knowledge Base contains all Individuals ¶
================= ====================== ===================== ========================== ¶
If we assume that ¶
no idea since when know everything ¶
are all childen we do not know about Hevok then all ¶
of Hevok female? all children of Hevok of his children are female ¶
----------------- ---------------------- --------------------- -------------------------- ¶
child(Hevok,EVA) ? ⊨ ∀child.Man(Hevok)
**DL** answers PROLOG answers yes ¶
Female(EVA) don't know ¶
----------------- ---------------------- --------------------- -------------------------- ¶
now we know everything ¶
≤1 child.T(Hevok) ? ⊨ ∀child.Man(Hevok) yes about Hevok's children ¶
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Comment: Corrected table.

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